
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一切有的国家机关、社会团体和公民all organs of State, public organizations and citizens concerned
一部系经济社会发展全局的重要法律an important law that affects overall economic and social development
上一级机higher authority next to
上一级行政机administrative organ at the next-higher level
《上海合作组织成员国于地区反恐怖机构的协定》Agreement of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Establishing AntiTerrorist Regional Office
上级机the department at the higher level
上级监察机supervisory organ at the higher level
不受其他行政机、社会团体和个人的干涉subject to no interference by any other administrative organ or any public organization or individual
与不正当竞争行为有related to acts of unfair competition
与争议事项有relevant to the matter under dispute
与产业发展相related to industrial development
与其发生救助involved in a salvage operation therewith
与利害系人有关related to the interested party
与取得收入有in relation to the income earned
与国家机构有的法律laws related to state organs
与土地契约有的一切权利all rights in relation to the lease of land
与…有关系be affiliated to
与本案有的材料information pertaining to the current case
与本案有利害have an interest in the case
与案件无irrelevant to the case
与案件有的所有材料all the materials pertaining to the case
与犯罪有的场所site relevant to a crime
与现行法律的有规定基本一致be basically in conformity with the relevant provisions of the current laws
与知识产权相relate to the intellectual property rights
与经营活动无irrelevant to business activities
与被调査事件有的事项matters relating to a case under investigation
与证券交易有relate to securities trading
与贸易有的投资措施协定Agreements on Trade-Related Investment Measures
严把源头attack the roots of the problem
严把立法质量strictly control legislation quality
严格控制行政机新建、扩建办公大楼strictly control building and expansion of office buildings of administrative organs
中央国家机工作委员会State Organs Work Committee of the CPC
中央有部门people from the central departments concerned
中央直属机工作委员会Work Committee for Offices Directly under the CCCPC
主张发展两岸advocate development of cross-straits relations
主张国际系民主化advocate democracy in international affairs
予以close down
人民群众切身利益的重要法律草案bills that have a bearing on the vital interests of the people
全局的战略性重大课题major projects of strategic importance to the overall situation
全局的问题problems affecting the overall interests of the country
国计民生和国家安全crucial to the economy, the people's wellbeing and national security
经济社会发展全局的一批重要立法项目work on important legislation bearing on overall economic and social development
交由受质询机refer the proposal to the organ addressed
亲属kindred relationship
人事机personnel organ
人大是国家权力机people's congresses are organs of state power
人民代表大会的执行机executive organ of the local people's congress
人民行使国家权力的机the organs through which the people exercise state power
从属subordinate relationship
伙伴co-operative partnership
依据宪法和有法律in line with the Constitution and other relevant laws
依法予以have sth. closed down in accordance with the law
依法就系国家全局的重大问题作出决定make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
依法被be held in custody according to law
依照宪法的有规定in accordance with the relevant provision of the Constitution
侦査机investigation organ
借贷loan relationship
债权债务rights and obligations relationship
《儿童权利公约》于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
充实伙伴系内涵flesh out the concept of partnership
先交有的专门委员会first refer the bill to relevant special committees
党政机Party and government organs
《全国人大常委会于加强中央预算审查监督的决定》Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Improving Examination and Oversight of the Central Budget
《全国人大机贯彻实施监督法若干意见》Certain Opinions Concerning Implementation of the Law on Oversight by Organs of the NPC
《全国人民代表大会于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》Decision of the National Peopled Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
全国人民代表大会常务委员会于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
全国人民代表大会常务委员会于县级以下人民代表大会代表直接选举的若干规定Provisions of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress for the Direct Election of Deputies to Pople's Congresses at or below the County Level
2008 《全国人民代表大会常务委员会于香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题的决定》Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year 2007 and for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year
全国人民代表大会机全国人大机关Organs of the National People's Congress NPC
全国地方各级国家行政机local organs of State administration at various levels throughout the country
全面加强机建设intensify all aspects of their self-improvement efforts
公司登记机company registration authority
公安机和武警部队public security organs and armed police
公认的国际系准则universally acknowledged norms governing international relations
公证机notary office
共同心的国际和地区问题international and regional issues of mutual concern
共同心的问题question of common concern
共同心的问题questions of common interest
共同赔偿义务机organ jointly responsible for compensation
共有财产joint property relationship
于... 的范围with respect to the scope of
于从国外调取民事或商事证据的公约Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
于会议的准备事项matters concerning preparations for the session
于修改中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法的若干规定的决议》the Resolution on the Revision of Certain Provisions in the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses of the Peopled Republic of China
于修改人民法院组织法的决定The Decision on Revision of the Organic Law of the Peopled Courts
于修改国际民用航空公约第九十三条的议定书-关于国际民用航空公约一项修正案的议定书Protocol Relating to An Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Article 93 Bis)
于修改国际民用航空公约第五十一条第一款的议定书1971.3.12 Protocol relating to the Amendment to Article 51 1 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
于修改国际民用航空公约第五十六条的议定书Protocol Relating to the Amendment to Article 56 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
于修改国际民用航空公约第五十条第一款的议定书1974.10.16 Protocol Relating to the Amendment to Article 50 1 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
于修改国际民用航空公约第五十条第一款的议定书Protocol Relating to the Amendment to Article 50 1 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
于修改国际民用航空公约第四十五条的议定书Protocol relating to the Amendment to Article 45 of the Convention of International Civil Aviation
于修改国际民用航空公约第四十八条第一款的议定书Protocol Relating to the Amendment to Article 48 1 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
于修改基本法的议案proposals for amending the basic laws
于修改民用国际航空公约第48条第 1 款,第49条第5款,第61条的议定书Protocol relating to the Amendment to Article 48 1, 49 5, 61 of the Convention of International Civil Aviation
于制止非法劫持航空器的公约Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
于制止非法危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation
于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的公约》及其《议定书》The Hague Convention for the Protection of Culture Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and its protocol
于各国探索和利用包括月球和其它天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约Treaty on Principles Concerning the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies
于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks
于国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况的报告the report on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development
于国民经济和社会发展计划的报告the report on the plan for national economic and social development
于国际民用航空公约1944年,芝加哥六种语言正式文本的议定书Protocol on the Authentic Six-Language Text of the on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944)
于国际清算银行豁免的议定书Protocol Regarding the Immunities of the Bank for International Settlement
于国际纺织品贸易安排arrangement regarding international trade in textile
于在航空器内的犯罪和犯有某些其他行为公约Convention on offences and Certain other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft
于实施 1994 年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协定反倾销协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第7条的协定海关估价协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制定全球性技术法规的协定Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles
于建立国际疫苗研究所的协定Agreement on The Establishment of The International Vaccine Institute
于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
于援救航天员、送回航天员及送回射入外空之物体之协定Agreement on the Rescue of astronauts the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space
于法律草案审议结果的报告a report on the results of the deliberation of the draft law
于法律草案的意见comments on the draft law (from)
于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书修正案哥本哈根修正案Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer
于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书修正案伦敦修正案Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
于特定问题的调查委员会a committee of inquiry into a specific issue
于特定问题的调查委员会investigation committee on specific question
于特定问题的调查委员会the committees for the investigation of specific questions
于特定问题的调查委员会a committee of inquiry into a specific question
于环境保护的南极条约议定书Protocol on Environment Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
于登记射入外层空间物体的公约Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space
于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约Convention on the Prevention of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
于禁用毒气或类似毒品及细菌方法作战议定书Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating Poisonous or other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
于第十届全国人民代表大会代表名额和选举问题的决定the decision on the number and election of deputies to the Tenth NPC
于简化和协调海关业务制度的国际公约International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures
于规范财政转移支付情况的报告a report on standardizing government transfer payments
于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约Convention on the Settlement of investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of other States
于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
于防止和惩处侵害受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents
于难民地位的议定书Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
于预算和预算执行情况的决议草案the draft resolution on the new budgets and on the implementation of the old central budget
于预防煤矿生产安全事故的特别规定》the Special Regulations for Preventing Coalmine Accidents
于香港问题的联合声明Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong
心和支持残疾人事业show concern for and support programs for physically and mentally challenged persons
注"三农"工作concern about work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
税配额管理control through tariff-rate quota
系国家全局的重大问题major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
系国民经济命脉bear on the lifeline of the national economy
系密切closely connected
系广大人民群众的切身利益have a bearing on the immediate interests of the people
系改革发展稳定全局be of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability
系改革发展稳定全局have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability
系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题the major issues that have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability, elicit widespread concern in society, or affect social harmony, issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony
系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony
联交易affiliated transaction
联关系connection relationship
联方affiliated party
键信息基础设施key information infrastructure
键信息基础设施critical information infrastructure
键技术应用application of key technologies
键环节crucial links
闭网站shut down the website
兵役机military service organ
其他other relations
其他有法律other relevant law
其他有的专门委员会other appropriate special committees
具体执行机the organ that puts those decisions into effect
军事司法机military judicial organ
军事机military organ
军事设施管理机authority in charge of military installations
由主席团决定交各代表团审议,或者并交有的专门委员会审议the Presidium decide whether to refer the bills or proposals to the various delegations or to the delegations and relevant special committees for deliberation
决定和批准任免一批国家机工作人员make decisions on and approve the appointment and removal of a number of employees in Chinese state organs
分别jail separately
分开separate custody
利害material interests
利害系人person who shares interests with
利益relation of interests
利益系人parties interested
利益系人parties that have an interest
制定机enactment organ
制定相配套法规规章formulate related supporting rules and regulations
办结海手续clear the Customs
动植物检疫机animal and plant quarantine department
劳务labor relationship
劳动labor relationship
劳动系存续期间during the existence of the labor relation
劳动合同labor contract relationship
劳动改造机organ in charge of reform through labor
十届全国人大四次会议的有决定、决议relevant decisions and resolutions passed at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
协助国家安全机assist a state security organ
协调劳动系三方机制tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations
单独税区separate custom territory
押监狱prison that originally held the prisoner in custody
原处理机organ which handled the case
原租赁previously established leasing relation
参加起草审议有法律草案participate in the drafting and deliberation of relevant bills
参照本法有各条的规定办理be handled with reference to the provisions of the relevant articles of this Law
友城twin-city relationship
友好合作friendly and cooperative relations
双边bilateral relations
发展与世界各国的平等互利、和平友好develop relations with foreign countries based on equality, mutual benefit, peace and friendship
发展两岸promote stronger cross-Straits relations
发展两岸promote cross-Straits relations
发展两岸advocate development of cross-straits relations
发展两岸stronger cross-Straits relations
发展两岸develop relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits
发展同各国的外交develop diplomatic relations with other countries
发展和加强同发达国家立法机构议会cultivate and strengen contacts with legislatures in developed countries
发生性have sexual intercourse with
合法的借贷legitimate loan relationship
同一机one and same organ
同一机制定enacted by the same agency
同一法律same nexus of legal relationship
同时建立劳动concurrently establish a labor relationship
同本委员会有relate to the special committee
系人发放贷款grant loans to his or her connection
听取于议案的说明hear testimony on bills
听取提案人于法律案的说明listen to an explanation of the bill by its sponsor
和本案有利害have an interest in the case
商事commercial relations
商标国际注册马德里协定有议定书Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning International Registration of Marks
土地承包relationship of land contract
在宪法及宪法相法方面concerning the Constitution and Constitution-related laws
在有的专门委员会会议上at a meeting of interested special committees
地方各级审计机local auditing bodies at various levels
地方国家权力机local organs of state power
地方国家权力机the local organ of the state power
处理好人大与"一府两院"的properly handle the relationship between people's congresses on the one hand and the people's governments, the people's courts and the people's procuratorates on the other
处理相邻govern neighboring relations
复议机reviewing department
外交diplomatic relations
外交diplomatic tie
外交代表机diplomatic mission
外汇管理机foreign exchange control agency
大国relations between big powers
大国relations between "large nations"
大国relations between major countries
夫妻husband and wife relationship
妥善处理法律的稳定性和变动性的strike a balance between stability of the law and the need to adapt to changes
婚姻系存续期间during the period in which the parties are under contract of marriage
审判机judicial organ
审批机examining and approval authority
审查批准机examination and approval authority
审计机auditing body
审计机an auditing body
审议有议案和报告examine relevant bills and report
宪法相Constitution-related laws
家庭family relation
密切两岸经济系互利互惠bring about closer economic ties between the two sides of the Straits to their mutual benefit
将有法律发回return the law in question
就双边系和共同关心的国际和地区问题交换意见exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual concern
就有领域的问题提出建议offer suggestions on questions related to the fields
就有领域的问题提出建议make suggestions on questions related to the fields
岀入境边防检查机exit and entry border inspection authorities
市行政机the municipal corporation
常委会机Organs of the Standing Committee
常设机permanent organ
常设机a permanent body (organ)
平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
1994 年税与贸易总协定General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade 1994
1972 年集装箱务公约Customs Convention on Containers
并附有证据with relevant evidence attached thereto
广告审查机advertising examination organization
广告监督管理机advertising supervision and management organization
广大群众心的问题an issue of common concern
开发节能共性和键技术develop general and key energy-saving technology
当时有规定relevant provision then
戒严实施机martial -la w-executing organ
战略协作伙伴Strategic Partnership of Cooperation
扣押相证据seize relevant evidence
执行拘留的机the organ executing the detention
执行机executing organs
执行机executive body
扶养in maintenance relationship
承包contracting relationship
承包contracted relationship
承包contract relations
承包relationship of a contract
把好市场准入rigorously control market access for
业务engage in declaration at the custom
individual engaged in customs declaration
从业资格qualification for custom
企业custom broker
数据custom clearance data
纳税declaration of and payment of duties
验放手续procedures of declaration
报送有报告submit the relevant report
担任国家行政机的职务hold office in an administrative organ of the State
按照监督法的有规定in accordance with related provisions of the Oversight Law
授权机an authorizing organ
推动周边国家间睦邻友好合作系的发展promote the development of friendly, good-neighborly cooperative relations with neighboring countries
推动对外系全面发展promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries
提议案机的负责人leaders of the sponsors of the bills
撤销有业务许可revoke the relevant business license
撤销相业务许可relevant business license revoked
擅自变更有事项alter the relevant items
支持审计机依法开展审计工作support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law
收养adoptive relationship
收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有资料collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information
改革发展的键时期in a critical period for reform and development
政府有部门relevant government department
旁系血亲collateral relative relationship by blood
最为show most concern about
最高国家权力机supreme organ of state power
最高国家权力机highest organ of state power
最高国家权力机the supreme organ of state power
最高国家权力机the highest organ of state power
最高国家权力机的执行机关the executive body of the highest organ of the State power
最高国家行政机highest organ of state administration
最高国家行政机the supreme organ of State administration
最高审判机highest judicial organ
最高检察机highest procuratorial organ
专门委员会关于代表议案审议结果的报告reports submitted by relevant special committees on the results of their deliberation of deputies's bills
主管部门competent department concerned
事项matters concerning
人员relevant persons
人士persons concerned
促进产业发展的法律laws to promote industrial development
保护和合理开发自然资源的法律laws for protecting and rationally developing natural resources
具体问题的法律询问legal inquiries regarding specific questions
刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律basic laws governing criminal offences, civil affairs, the State organs and other matters
刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律basic laws pertaining to criminal offences, civil affairs, state organs and other matters
利益方relevant interested party
动植物检疫的concerning animal and plant quarantine
劳动关系和劳动保障的法律laws concerning laber relations and safeguarding workers
医学证明relevant medical certificate
各方面responsible departments
各方面all quarters concerned
各方面意见比较一致all quarters concerned generally agree
国家行政管理的法律laws concerning state administration
国际和地区议会组织the international and regional Parliamentary Organizations
基础资料relevant basic information
宏观经济调控的法律laws concerning macroeconomic regulation
当事方party concerned
当事方relevant party
当事方interested party
当事方related party
当事方affected party
必要性、可行性等重大问题important matters such as the necessary or feasibility
情况relevant circumstances
情况relevant particulars
扩大对外开放的法律laws for opening wider to the outside world
批准文件relevant documents of approval
政策relevant policy
方面relevant quarter
方面party concerned
机关relevant authority
机关、团体的负责人responsible officers of state organs and public organizations
权利related right
民族区域自治制度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度的法律laws pertaining to systems for regional ethnic autonomy, special administrative regions and primary-level mass self-governance
法律relevant law
法律问题的决定legal decisions concerning legal issues
特殊社会群体保障的法律laws for protecting special groups in society
生活救济的规定relevant regulations on living rescue
的专门委员会the appropriate special committee
监督行政管理活动的法律laws related to oversight of administrative activities
社会平等主体间商事关系的法律laws concerning commercial relations between individuals with equal standing in society
社会平等主体间财产关系和人身关系的法律laws concerning property and personal relations between individuals with equal standing in society
税收的协定agreement on taxation
精神病relevant mental disease
经济活动规范化的法律laws for standardizing economic activities
行业主管部门department in charge of the specific industry
规定relevant provision
议案relevant bill and draft resolution
证据材料relevant evidential materials
证照relevant certificate or license
负责人relevant persons-in-charge
负责人员a relevant leading member
有其他have some other kind of relationship
有直接债权债务have a direct creditor-debtor relationship
未经主管机批准without approval by the competent authority
本国工人与外国工人于事故赔偿的同等待遇公约Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
本案有材料materials relating to the case
government agencies
事业单位government departments and public service institutions
事业单位government bodies and institutions
事务管理局the Administrative Bureau of the Departmental Affairs
事务管理局the Office of Administrative Affairs
事务管理局the Administrative Bureau of Departmental Affairs
党委the Party Committee of the Organizations
工会.theTrade Union of the Organizations
干部government staff members
服务中心the Service Center of the Organizations
纪委the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Organizations
权利义务relationship of rights and obligations
核心机key organs
检察机procuratorial organ
检察机procuratorial organs
检查机inspecting organ
正式外交formal diplomatic relations
正确处理加强人大监督工作和坚持党的领导的correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party
正确处理加强人大监督工作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law
毁灭国家机的公文destroy the official document
民事civil relations
民事法律civil legal relationships
派出机organ of
主要负责人leading member of the customs
事务担保customs bond
代征税收tax collected by the customs
关长Commissioner of Customs and Excise
加施的封志seal affixed by the customs
处理的案件cases handled by the customs
总署General Customs Administration
特准specially approved by the customs
特殊监管区域special customs surveillance zone
监管区customs surveillance zone
监管货物goods under customs control
海峡两岸cross-Strait relations
涉及政府机及其工作人员的大案要案major cases involving government offices and their employees
涉外民事civil relations with foreigners
父母子女relationship between parents and children
现场有人员relevant persons at the spot
理顺分配rationalize distribution relations
由于上级机的原因on account of a higher authority
由公安机执行enforced by a public security organ
由公安机收缴take over by public security organ
由其它机处理deal with by other organs
由行政机设立咨询组织的制度system of establishing advisory body by the executive authority
监察机supervisory organ
督促有方面搞好……urge concerned departments to do (smth)
督促有方面搞好urge concerned departments to do (smth)
督促有方面搞好call on all concerned departments to do (smth)
睦邻友好合作friendly, good-neighborly cooperative relations with
确认劳动confirmation of labor relations
社会主义民族socialist ethnic relations
社会普遍draw wide public attention
社会普遍elicit widespread concern in society
社会普遍be a general concern of the society
《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所附的“于激光致盲武器的议定书”第四号议定书Protocol on blinding Laser Weapons Protocol IV Annexed to The Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
立即扭送公安机seize outright and deliver to a public security organ
签发机issuing authority
签证机visa-issuing authority
组织于特定问题的调查委员会appoint committees for the investigation of specific issues
组织于特定问题的调查委员会appoint committees of inquiry into specific questions
进-步细化有规定further detail relevant provisions
经司法机判罪convicted by the judicial organ
经所在国公证机证明notarized by a notarial office in the country of domicile
经济economic ties
美中系全国委员会National Committee on US-China Relations
考察机observing organ
联合国于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防止荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and /or Desertification, Particularly in Africa
联合国人员和有人员安全公约Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
聚众冲击国家机gather people to assault a state organ
股东的联人person related to the shareholder
船舶登记机ship registration authority
血亲blood relations
血亲relationship by blood
行政执法机administrative law-enforcement organ
行政执法机移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定Regulations on the Transfer of Cases Involving Crimes by Administrative Organizations
行政机government bodies
行政机办公大楼government office buildings
行政机及其工作人员administrative organs and the functionary
行政机委托的组织organization entrusted by an administrative organ
行政机最终裁决final ruling by an administrative organ
行政机的主要官员principal officials of the executive authority
行政领导机leading administrative organ
被公安机通缉的be wanted by the public security organ
被授权机authorization organ
被授权机the authorized organ
被授权机the authorization organ
被授权机an authorization organ
被授权机an authorized organ
规范分配standardize the way profits are distributed (between)
法律规范现实生活中迫切需要规范的、群众最为注的问题laws standardize practical routine matters urgently in need of standardization and issues of the greatest concern to the public
规范财产regulate property relationships
认真听取有部门、基层群众和专家学者的意见carefully listen to the comments of concerned departments, members of the general public, experts and scholars
机场customs airport
设定机establishment organ
设立若干派出机establish certain agencies
调整收入分配adjust the distribution of incomes
调整有政策adjust relevant policies
调整民事adjust civil relationships
调整海上运输regulate the relation arising from maritime transport
调阅有资料gather relevant material
财产property relationship
财产系和人身关系property and personal relations
财政税务机financial and tax authority
购销合作cooperative relationship of purchase and sale
贸易trade ties
赔偿义务机organs liable for compensation
身份personal relationship
适用本章的有规定be governed by the relevant provisions in this Chapter
逃避海监管evade customs supervision and control
证明clearance certificate
证明document for customs clearance
遵守有法律abide by the relevant laws
邀请有人士invite other persons concerned
重点领域和键环节key areas and crucial links
附件 1C:与贸易有的知识产权协定Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
附件 2:于争端解决规则与程序的谅解Annex 2: Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
隶属subordinate relation
隶属海customs office subordinate
驻外机agency located abroad
驻外签证机visa-issuing authorities stationed abroad
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