
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
节融合术triple arthrodesis
三尖瓣闭不全卡尔庞捷修复术Carpentier repair of tricuspid incompetence
节突superior articular process
节面superior articular surface
节突inferior articular process
节面inferior articular surface
节面inferior articular facet
中距节面middle talar articular surface
中跟节面middle calcanean articular surface
主动脉瓣闭不aortic incompetence
二尖瓣闭不全mitral valve insufficiency
二尖瓣闭不全卡尔庞捷修复术Carpentier repair of mitral incompetence
人工joint prosthesis
人工artificial joint
人工节置换prosthetic replacement
佐剂性节炎adjuvant arthritis
先天性节挛缩congenital arthrogryposis
先天性指节融合congenital symphalangia
先天性膝节脱位congenital dislocation of knee
先天性髋节脱位congenital hip joint dislocation
先天性髋节脱位congenital dislocation of hip joint
全髋节置换术replacement of total hip
节凹articular fovea
节半月板articular meniscus
节周围截骨术pericapsular osteotomy
节周围截骨术Pemberton osteotomy
节囊内骨挡手术intracapsular bone block
节囊切除术articular capsulectomy
节坚实强直sound ankylosis
节扭伤joint sprain
节烧伤burn of joint
节真菌性感染fungal infection joint
节融合术joint fusion
节血管环articular vascular circle
节血管网articular vascular rete
节软骨钙沉着症chondro-calcinosis articularis
节运动范围过大hypermobility of joint
节钙化articular calcification
节面骨折articular surface fracture
节鼠joint bodies
内踝节面articular facet of medial malleolus
节面anterior articular facet
前距节面anterior talar articular surface
前跟节面anterior calcanean articular surface
功能性三尖瓣闭不全functional tricuspid insufficiency
化脓性节炎suppurative arthritis
节移植术hemi-joint transplantation
后距节面posterior talar articular surface
后跟节面posterior calcanean articular surface
复发性肩节后脱位recurrent posterior dislocation of shoulder
复发性肩节脱位recurrent dislocation of shoulder
复合compound joint
外踝节面articular facet of lateral malleolus
多发性节挛缩multiple arthrogryposis
多发性节挛缩症arthrogryposis multiplex
寰枢外侧lateral atlantoaxial joint
寰枢正中median atlantoaxial joint
尿黑酸尿性节炎alkaptonuric arthritis
屈戌hinge joint
带血管蒂跖趾vascular pedicle metatarso-phalangeal joint
急性暂时性髋节滑膜炎acute transient synovitis of hip
joints of hand
拇指腕掌carpometacarpal joint of thumb
节屈曲畸形flexion deformity of interdigital joint
掌指节交锁locking metacarpophalangeal joint
掌指节半脱位subluxation of metacarpophalangeal joint
掌指节背屈畸形extension contracture of metacarpophalangeal joint
掌骨间intermetacarpal joints
杵臼踝ball and socket ankle joint
松毛虫性骨节病dendrolimus osteoarthrosis
松毛虫性骨节病caterpillar osteoarthritis
桡尺近侧proximal radioulnar joint
桡尺远侧distal radioulnar joint
桡腕wrist joint
桡腕radiocarpal joint
沙尔科Charcot joint
浆液性节炎serous arthritis
浆液纤维性节炎serofibrinous arthritis
焦磷酸盐节病pyrophosphate arthropathy
牙槽纤维peg-and-socket joint
牛皮癣节炎psoriatic arthritis
环甲节囊capsule of cricothyroid joint
球窝spheroid joint
甲状节面thyroid articular surface
瘫痪性髋节脱位paralytic dislocation of hip
相对性三尖瓣闭不全relative tricuspid insufficiency
相对性二尖瓣闭不全relative mitral insufficiency
神经病性节炎neuropathic arthritis
神经病性节炎neurogenic arthrosis
类固醇性节病steroid arthropathy
类风湿节炎rheumatic arthritis
类风湿节炎atrophic arthritis
粘连性节囊炎adhesive synovitis
老年性肥大性髋节病malum coxae senilis
肋头joint of costal head
肋头节内韧带intraarticular ligament of costal head
肋头节面articular facet of costal head
肋椎costovertebral joints
肋横突costotransverse joint
肋结节节面articular facet of costal tubercle
肌腱-节-皮瓣tendon-joint flap
节强直elbow ankylosis
节网cubital articular rete
节肌articularis cubiti
节铰链elbow hinge
节骨性连接synostosis of elbow
肠相淋巴样组织gut-associated lymphoid tissue
肥大性节炎hypertrophic arthritis
节脱位dislocation of shoulder
节融合术shoulder arthrodesis
肩峰节面articular facet of acromion
肩峰节面acromial articular facet
肩锁acromioclavicular joint
肺动脉瓣闭不全pulmonary valvular incompetence
肺源性肥大性骨节病pulmonary hypertrophic osteo-arthropathy
胫骨假tibial pseudoarthrosis
胸肋节内韧节intraarticular sternocostal ligament
胸骨节面sternal articular facet
脊柱小节综合征facet syndrome
脊椎骨性节病spinal osteoarthrosis
脓性节炎purulent arthritis
节面fibular articular facet
腓骨头节面articular surface of fibular head
节面carpal articular surface
腕中mediocarpal joint
腕骨间intercarpal joints
腰荐lumbosacral joint
节交锁locking of knee
节后疝posterior hernia of knee
节的球心型假体spherocentral prosthesis of knee
节的表面型假体surfacing prosthesis of knee
节结核tuberculosis of knee joint
节网genicular articular rete
节肌articularis genus
节脱位dislocation of knee
节过伸试验hyperextension test of knee
节过屈试验overflexion test of knee
节铰链型假体hinged prosthesis of knee
血友病性节病hemophilic arthropathy
豌豆骨joint of pisiform bone
足三节融合术triple arthrodesis of foot
跖趾metatarsophalangeal joints
跖骨间intermetatarsal joints
跗横transverse tarsal joint
跗骨间intertarsal joints
距下talocalcaneal joint
距下节关节外融合术subtalar external arthrodesis
距小腿talocrural joint
距小腿ankle joint
距跟talocalcaneal joint
距跟subtalar joint
跟骰calcaneocuboid joint
节扭伤sprain of ankle
远端桡尺节半脱位Madelung deformity
远端桡尺节半脱位subluxation of distal radio-ulnar joint
远端桡尺节半脱位distal radioulnar joint subluxation
连枷状flail joint
锁骨假clavicular pseudoarthrosis
颞下颌节强直temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis
颞下颌节成形术temporo-mandibular arthroplasty
颞下颌节脱位dislocation of temporomandibular joint
风湿性主动脉瓣闭不全rheumatic aortic insufficiency (incompetence)
风湿性二尖瓣闭不全rheumatic mitral insufficiency (incompetence)
骨营养不良性节病osteodystrophic arthropathy
节面cuboid articular surface
节内陷otto pelvis
节脱位hip joint dislocation
髌股节骨关节病patello-femoral osteoarthrogryposis
黏膜相淋巴样组织mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue