
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一般公服务general public services
东非同体East African Community
东非和南部非洲同市场Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
中美洲同市场Central American Common Market
中非国家经济同体Economic Community of Central African States
中非经济与货币同体Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
中非经济与货币同体Central African Economic and Monetary Community
人类有资源global commons
债券同基金bond mutual fund
事业public service corporation
事业public utility
事务处Public Affairs Division
产品public good
产品social good
产品collective good
企业public corporation
企业state-owned corporation
企业government corporation
企业government enterprise
企业state-owned enterprise
企业state enterprise
企业public enterprise
信息通告Public Information Notice
信息通告Press Information Notice
债务public debt Debt Guide, 1993, SNA93
债务可持续性public debt sustainability
公司government enterprise
公司government corporation
公司state-owned corporation
公司state-owned enterprise
公司state enterprise
公司public corporation
公司public enterprise
关系官员Public Affairs Officer
利益public interest
当局public authorities
投资public investment
投资规划public investment program
投资规划public sector investment program
支出管理public expenditure management
《公支出管理准则》Guidelines for Public Expenditure Management
政策public policy
服务government service
服务public service corporation
服务public utility
服务public service
服务企业public service corporation
服务企业public utility
秩序和安全public order and safety
财政public finance
财政管理public financial management
财政管理一处、二处Public Financial Management Division, I, II
货物social good
货物public good
货物collective good
资本形成public capital formation
选择public choice
部门或由公共部门担保的债务PPG debt
部门或由公共部门担保的债务government or government-guaranteed debt
部门或由公共部门担保的债务public or publicly guaranteed debt
部门消费public consumption
部门的借款需求public sector borrowing requirement s
金融机构public financial institution
非货币企业public nonmonetary enterprise
公司型公企业incorporated public corporation s
同价格法common price method
同农业政策common agricultural policy
同基金open-end investment company
同基金open-end investment trust
同基金open-end investment fund
同基金mutual fund
同基金unit trust
同基金open-end mutual fund
同干预concerted intervention
同干预joint intervention
同干预coordinated intramarginal intervention
同干预intra-marginal intervention
同货币区Common Monetary Area
同货币区currency zone
同货币区common currency area
同货币区currency area
同货币区common currency zone
同货币安排common arrangement
同货币安排common monetary arrangement
同货币安排cooperative arrangement
同货币安排cooperative monetary arrangement monetary policy
加勒比同体Caribbean Common Market
加勒比同体Caribbean Community
加勒比同市场Caribbean Common Market
加勒比同市场Caribbean Community
半公企业mixed enterprise
半公企业parapublic enterprise
半公企业semipublic enterprise
南美同市场Southern Common Market
太平洋金融同体Pacific Financial Community
对非金融公企业的债权claims on nonfinancial public enterprises
市场筹资国公债务可持续性分析指导说明Guidance Note on Public Debt Sustainability Analysis for Market Access Countries
开放型同基金unit trust
开放型同基金open-end investment trust
开放型同基金open-end investment fund
开放型同基金open-end investment company
开放型同基金mutual fund
开放型同基金open-end mutual fund
体委员会European Commission
体委员会Commission of the European Communities
欧洲同体委员会European Commission
欧洲同体委员会Commission of the European Communities
欧洲同体统计处Statistical Office of the European Communities
欧洲煤钢同体European Coal and Steel Community
监管的公利益理论public interest theory of regulation
监管的公选择理论public-choice theory of regulation
私人和公部门合作伙伴public-private partnership
经济数据享系统Economic Data Sharing System
西非国家经济同体Economic Community of West African States
西非经Economic Community of West African States
西非经济同体West African Economic Community
货币市场同基金的份额MMMF shares
货币市场同基金的份额money market mutual fund shares
阿拉伯同市场Arab Common Market
非公事业nonpublic utilities
非公部门nonpublic sector
非洲同市场African Common Market
非洲金融同体African Financial Community
非金融公部门nonfinancial public sector
高级公关系官员Senior Public Affairs Officer