
Terms containing 全装 | all forms | in specified order only
textile万全女装sure suit
textile万全时装sure fashion
auto.人体上身斜拉安全带固定装置torso-belt anchorage
gen.不需要什么技术〔运动神经系统迟钝的人〕也能安全驾驶〔操纵〕的装置folly proof drive
tech.专用安全装exclusive safety device
econ.业已采取恰当的安全措施以保护装运Proper safety measures have been taken to protect the shipment
tech.个人安全保护装置personal protection equipment
auto.主动安全装active safety system
auto.主动安全装置预碰撞约定认证是否会碰撞precrash engagement of active safety devices
auto.主安全约束装置尤指安全带primary safety restraint
shipb.主机报警和安全装置试验alarm and safety device testing of main engine
shipb.主柴油发电机报警和安全装置试验alarm and safety device test for main diesel generator
shipb.主空气压缩机充气试验、安全阀和自动装置调整charging test, safety valve and automatic device adjusting for main compressor
shipb.主空气压缩机安全阀和自动装置调整safety valve and automatic device adjusting for main air compressor
shipb.主空气压缩机的充气试验、安全阀和自动装置调整charging test, safety valve and automatic device adjusting for main compressor
auto.二次安全约束装置secondary safety restraint
commer.他们完全可能接受远期装运货物There is every probability of their accepting forward shipment
shipb.以货物安全到达装运港为准subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
nautic., tech.传送装置的安全工作载荷safe working load of a loose gear
tech.使离合器分离的安全装declutching safety device
auto.侧向安全气囊装置side supplemental inflatable restraint device
interntl.trade.侧壁全开式集装箱open side container
interntl.trade.侧壁全开集装箱open side container
econ.侧壁全开集装箱open-side container
econ.侧壁全开集装箱openside container
UN, tech.修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备将被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
auto.儿童安全门锁装置child-proof lock
auto.儿童安全门锁装置childproof safety catch
auto.儿童安全门锁装置child-proof door lock system
auto.先进的预安全装能识别即将发生的碰撞事故advanced PRE-SAFE
tech.光电式安全装photoelectrical safety device
tech.光电式安全装photoelectric safety device
baseb.裁判在赛前问全体队员装备都符合规定吗?A through?
auto.全侧开式集装箱open-side container
busin.全分解零件组装方式completely knocked down
tech.全区划式集装箱船fully cellularized container ship
tech.全周倒车杆装置all-round reversing gear
sport.美国 全国前装膛步枪协会National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association
auto.全国改装式高速车协会National Hot Rod Association
tech.全国装饰品协会National Decorating Products Association
gen.全国软包装材料业协会National Flexible Packaging Association
gen.全国金属装饰业协会National Metal Decorators' Association
textile全天侯服装all weather garment
avia.全天候训练装置all weather training unit
telecom.全天候集装箱式交换机weather-proof containerized exchange
tech.全套工具装备complete tool equipment
agric.全套挤奶杯喷洗装置cluster jetter
textile全套服装integral garments
auto.全套汽车时髦改装包括降低上车身,喷涂彩面漆等chop, channel, and enamel
compr.全套组装式压缩机completely packaged compressor
tech.全套装置whole set
tech.全套装置complete unit
econ.全套装货单据full set of shipping documents
busin.全套装货单据full set of shipping document
busin.全套装运单据full set of shipping documents
UN, tech.全套采石装备quarry equipment, complete
tech.全安装full install
tech.全家用处理装置whole-house treatment unit
tech.全家用装置whole-house unit
navig.全尺寸海底装置full-scale subsea unit
polygr.全布面装订whole binding
polygr.全布装full binding
polygr.全布面装订full binding ; full bound ; full cloth ; whole binding ; whole bound
journ.全布面装订full binding
polygr.全布面装订本full bound
polygr.全布面装订本all cloth
tech.全息存储装置holographical memory device
tech.全息存储装置holographic memory device
tech.全息摄影记录装置holographical recording device
tech.全息摄影记录装置holographic recording device
tech.全息照相装置holographical device
tech.全息照相装置holographic device
textile全成型服装fully fashioned garment
textile全成形服装fully fashioned garment
textile全成形服装fashioned garment
telecom.全散件[小散件]组装方式completely knocked-down assembly
telecom.全散件[小散件]组装方式CKD assembly
avia.〔客〕全数字空气发生装置控制器full digital AGU controller
consult.全方位安装all-direction installation
nautic., tech.全方位推进装置omnibearing propelling plant
nautic., tech.全方位推进装置omni-directional propulsion device
nautic., tech.全方位推进装置azimuth propulsion arrangement
tech.全旋转式装料机full revolving loader
tech.全旋转式装料机full circle revolving loader
auto.全晶体管式无触点点火装置full transistor ignition module
auto.全晶体管点火装置的增幅回路full-transistance amplifier
textile全机反转装置integral reversing device
avia.全权数字式电子控制装置full authority digital electronic control (燃气涡轮发动机中的一种数字电子燃油控制装置,控制发动机整个工作范围的燃油供应。此系统可以显著地减少飞行员的工作量,同时提供最高的发动机可用效率与性能,并可以辅助监控发动机的完好性和关键工作参数)
tech.全格舱式集装箱船fully cellular container vessel
tech.全浸式水翼装置fully submerged hydrofoil system
tech.全液压装载机all-hydraulic loader
tech.全液压驱动装置fully hydraulic drive
tech.全燃气轮机推进装置all gas turbine propulsion
nautic., tech.全燃联合装置combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine propulsion plant
tech.全玻璃顶棚装配all-glass light fitting
avia.〔客〕全球卫星导航系统导航和着陆装置GNSS navigation and landing unit
avia.全球定位系统传感器处理器装置GPS sensor processor unit
avia.全球定位系统传感器装置global positioning system sensor unit
avia.全球定位系统监控装置global positioning system monitoring unit
avia.全球定位系统着陆和导航装置global position system GPS landing and navigation unit
avia.全球定位系统着陆和导航装置GPS landing and navigation unit
avia.全球定位系统着陆和导航装置GPS global positioning system landing and navigation unit
avia.全球定位系统着陆装置global position system GPS landing unit
avia.全球定位系统着陆装置GPS global positioning system landing unit
avia.全球导航传感器系统装置global navigation sensor system unit
avia.全球导航卫星系统导航仪装置GNSS navigator unit
avia.全球导航卫星系统着陆装置GNSS landing unit
anim.husb.标签上文字可以通用的全球性包装global package
tech.全电信号装置all-electrical signalling
tech.全电信号装置all-electric signalling
polygr.全皮装full binding
polygr.全皮面装订full leather binding
journ.全皮面装订full binding
polygr.全皮面装订本full bound
avia.全直径机械门装置full diameter motorized door assembly
avia.全直径电动门装置full diameter motorized door assembly
tech.全糟格式集装箱船full cellularized container ship
busin.全组装价completely knocked down
tech.全绝缘铠装电线all-insulated sheathed wiring
tech.全绝缘铠装电缆all-insulated sheathed cable
tech.全自动升降装卸车full free lift
chem.全自动双锭子换筒装置fully automatic dual-spindle transfer
cook.全自动型枕式包装机automatic pillow type packing machine
tech.全自动接合装置fully automatic bonding system
tech.全自动接合装置full auto-bonding system
tech.全自动焊接装置full auto-bonding system
tech.全自动的滑动门装置fully automatic sliding door installation
anim.husb.全自动装奶和加盖机filling and capping machine
anim.husb.全自动装奶和加盖机fully-automatic filler and capper
tech.全自动装置complete automatic device
tech.全自动装配线fully automated assembly line
sport.全自动计时装置必须从发令员鸣枪时起自动开始计时The timing mechanism shall be started automatically by the Starter's gun
tech.全自动配料装置perfect automatic batcher plant
auto.全自动阻风门装置full auto choke system
tech.全范围调谐装置full-range tuner
tech.全补偿链形悬挂装置all autotensioned catenary equipment
auto.全装附件发动机此发动机装有其应完成本身功能所必需的全部附件full equipped engine
auto.全装备发动机此发动机装有其应完成本身功能所必需的全部附件equipped engine
auto.全装备后自重curb weight
auto.全装备汽车all-equipped vehicle
auto.乘用车全装备的loaded with extras
auto.全装备的fully equipped
auto.全装备的乘用车loaded car
tech.全装备车all-equipped car
tech.全装备重量fully equipped weight
auto.全装备高度指汽车注满燃料而不载人时,规定位置到地面的高度curb height
met.全装废钢的氧气顶吹转炉all-scrap-charged BOF
avia.全装弹重complete round weight
avia.全装总重all-up weight equipped
tech.全装料的full charge
avia.全装药当量equivalent full charge
avia.全装药炮弹full service round
tech.全装载的最大限度full load maximum
econ.全装载负荷full reach and burden
econ.全装载量full reach and burden
met.全装配式建筑total-prefabricated construction
tech.全装配式结构total-prefabricated structure
avia.全装重量all-up weight, equipped
auto.全负荷停止限载装置full-load stopper
nucl.phys.全超导托克马克实验装置experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak
tech.全逆转装置all-round reversing gear
tech.全部包装full packed
tech.全部安装玻璃的fully glazed
auto.全部拆卸开的散装件completely knocked-down
tech.全部电气联锁装置all-electrical interlocking
tech.全部电气联锁装置all-electric interlocking
avia.全部装配好的飞机full up air craft (区别于买散件后自己装配的飞机)
interntl.trade.全量货柜装载full container load
chem.全阶式反应器装置all-cascade reactor system
econ.全集装箱full container
busin.全集装箱fully cellular
nautic., tech.全集装箱船full container vessel
shipb.全集装箱船full-container carrier
interntl.trade.全集装箱船all containership
tech.全集装箱船all container ship
nautic., transp.全集装箱船full container-carrier
nautic., transp.全集装箱船full container ship
commer.全集装箱船舶full container ship
busin.全集装箱货船all containership
construct.全面扫掠〔四周搜索〕装置all-round looking scanner
polygr.全革装订full binding; full bound; full cloth; leather binding; leather bound
polygr.全革装订本limp leather
avia.关于包装安全的分析报告safety analysis report for packaging
China, polit.关于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制定全球性技术法规的协定Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles
agric.具有脱钩安全装置的犁breakaway plow
chem.内装式安全阀inner safety-valve
shipb.冷凝器安全装condenser safety device
railw.列车尾部安全防护装置end-of-train EOT safety set
agric., tech.利用单片微机技术,我们设计了功能齐全的电机保护装置With the technology of single-chip microcomputers, we have designed an electromotor protective device with all function
textile包装不全bad packing
tech.包装结构全面优化设计软件total optimization packaging software
auto.车窗升降窗 SASL德语左A柱上随动安全装宝马车用语,是指由中央安全模块控制的各种安全气囊和安全带等【英语】 A-pillar satellite, leftsash window
tech.单向安全装non-return finger
tech.压力安全装pressure-relief device
tech.压力安全装pressure limiting device
tech.反冲安全装anti-kickback attachment
auto.后座椅处安全随动装置rear seat satellite
tech.后边有安全装置的梯子caged ladder
auto.吸气式安全气囊装置aspirator type airbag system
interntl.trade.国际安全运输集装箱公约1972年12月2 日International Convention for Safe Transport Container
tech.国际安全集装箱公约International Convention for Safe Container
China, polit.国际集装箱安全公约International Convention fra* Safe Containers
interntl.trade.国际集装箱安全公约International Convention for Safe Transport Container
tech.国际集装箱安全公约International Convention for Safe Container
tech.在安装安全阀时in setting safety valves
dril.备用安全装back-up safety
gen.复活节的庆祝方式在全世界的基督教中不尽相同,包括晨拜、复活节问候、教堂仪式,以及装扮象征着空坟墓的彩蛋Easter customs vary across the Christian world, and include sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb
auto.外部安全装external safety
gen.套装陶制餐具可以安全地存放食物。这种材料无毒无味,且抗热The earthenware dinner sets are safe for food. The materials are non-toxic, odorless and heat-resistant
tech.逃生口exit device
nautic., tech.全装卸货物手册safe loading and unloading of cargos manual
CNC全装safety piece
CNC全装protective device
avia.全装safety assembly
auto.全装设备emergency apparatus
auto.全装系统safety related system
tech.全装fail-safe system
busin.全装safety harness
chem.全装safety stop
archit.全装设备safety installation
archit.全装safety mechanism
manag.全装safety apparatus
manag.全装built in stabilizer
mil., air.def.全装safety appliance
agric.全装overload release
interntl.trade.全装security device
wind.全装fail safe
wind.全装safety device
met.全装safety gear
met.全装relief mechanism
wind.全装safety feature
wind.全装fail safe facility
commer.全装foolproof device
tech.全装taboo facility
tech.电梯的全装safety device
tech.全装relief device
tech.全装emergency apparatus
expl.全装药量safety load capacity
tech.全装药量safe quantity of explosives
busin.全装载所需袋装货bag for safe stowage
manag.全装载量safety carrying capacity
econ.全装载量the safety carrying capacity
busin.全装载需要的袋包装bag for safe stowage
tech.全装safety fitting
auto.安全有脱钩防止器的牵引装置safety hitch
avia.安全余压供氧装备safety pressure oxygen equipment
nautic., tech.安全保护装置safety protective device
archit.安全保险装置cutout device
tech.安全保险装置cut-out device
tech.安全保障装置fail-safe device
expl.安全信号装置为保证矿山安全生产而设置的各种联系信号、指示信号和警告信号装置safety signal device
manag.安全停止装置safety stop
tech.安全光气装置safety shutoff device
tech.安全关气装置safety shutoff device
wind.安全分离装置breakaway device
tech.安全切断装置safety cutoff device
tech.安全制动装置emergency brake gear
ecol.安全制动装置safety catch
tech.安全包装protective packing
tech.安全原木起运装置safety log hoist
avia.安全和装药safety and arming
avia.安全和解除保险装置safe and arming device
nucl.phys.安全壳研究装置containment research installation
auto.安全带安装belt installation
auto.安全带安装固定点safety-belt anchorage
auto.安全带提醒装置safety-belt reminder
auto.客厢安全带装置seat belt installation
auto.安全带调节装置belt adjusting device
auto.安全带连锁装置不扣上安全带就发不动车seat belt interlock
agric.安全开关点火装置safety-switch ignition
wind.安全报警装置safety alarm device
tech.安全报警装置safety-alarm device
auto.汽车安全控制装置safety grip package
tech.安全控制装置safety control device
auto.安全提示装置防偷盗或防开快车等装置anti joy ride device
expl.安全放炮装置permissible blasting device
agric.安全松脱式连接装置safety release hitch
tech.安全泄压装置safety relief device
met.安全点火装置safety ignition device
met.安全点火装置safety igniter mechanism
tech.安全照明装置safety lighting fitting
tech.安全爆破装置permissible blasting device
tech.安全爬升装置safety climbing device
interntl.trade.安全积载所需的袋装货bag for safe stowage
tech.安全积载所需的袋装货bags for safe stowage
busin.安全积载袋装货bag for safe stowage
tech.安全联锁装置safety interlock device
tech.安全联锁装置safety interlocking device
chem.安全联锁装置safety interlock (device)
tech.安全联锁装置safety interlock
tech.安全脱开装置safety trip device
tech.安全脱断装置safety trip
wind.安全脱钩装置breakaway device
auto.安全自锁装置fool proof
tech.安全自锁装置foolproof apparatus
tech.安全起爆装置permissible blasting unit
tech.安全起爆装置permissible blasting device
nautic., tech.安全释放装置relief device
auto.安全锁止装置safety interlock
tech.安全门推开装置panic devices on doors
tech.安全防护装置safety device
tech.安全防护装置safety protection installation
tech.安全防护装置safeguarding device
met.安全防爆装置safety explosion device
interntl.trade.安全集装箱safe container
econ.安全集载所需的袋装货the bag for safe stowage
environ.安装安全security of installations Measures, techniques or designs implemented to protect from harm or restrict access to any apparatus, machinery or construction put in place or connected for use (在保护任何仪器、机械或建筑的放置或使用以免其受到损坏的过程中所使用的方法、技术或设计。)
tech.安装车厢地板下安全反光镜underfloor safety vision screen
auto.全装配好部件completely built unit
tech.完全处理装置complete treatment plant
agric.完全安装full install
tech.完全燃烧装置smoke consumer
mil., air.def.导弹全面测试装置missile overall test set
avia.导弹安全装missile safety set
comp., net.IP 封装安全载荷IP encapsulating security payload
comp., net.封装安全载荷encapsulating security payload
gen.带安全装置的两用恒温器double thermostat with safety device
gen.带安全自锁装置的fool proof
auto.带快速反应紧急锁紧装置的三点式2 型安全带总成type 2 seat belt assembly with vehicle sensitive type retractor
gen.带防止错误操作全装置的fool proof
telecom.2003 年起,我公司开始投资手机部件生产和组装业务。到今年上半年,此项业务已占到公司全部收入的37%We started investing in cell phone parts production and assembly in 2003, with this business accounting for 37 % of the revenue in the first half of this year
tech.应急安全装emergency release
shipb.应急柴油发电机的安全装置试验safety device test of emergency diesel generator
tech.弹簧安全联结装置spring safety hitch
tech.弹簧式安全装spring-loaded safety system
UN, tech.徒步巡逻安全网或其他主要非车辆装载网dismounted patrol and security net or other primary non-vehicle mounted net
tech.拨开式安全装sweep guard
expl.振动安全装药量从安全角度出发,一次爆破允许的安全装药量称为振动安全装药量safety charge quantity far blasting vibration
tech.挺杆推出式安全装tappet pull-out guard
UN, tech.损失和损坏是指装备和用品由于以下原因全部或部分报废loss or damage means a total or partial elimination of equipment and/or supplies resulting from
tech.推出安全装pull-out guard (冲床用)
construct.冲床用推出式安全装sweep guard
tech.推出式安全装sweep guard
tech.撞击安全装crash safety
agric.收获全套装备harvesting outfit
textile收针器安全装safety stop for narrowing
dril.故障保护的安全装fail safe device
wind.故障安全防护装置fail safe
auto.整车全装备质量complete vehicle mass fully equipped (complete vehicle kerb mass)
auto.旋装全流式机油滤清器full flow spin-on type filter
auto.智能型气囊安全装intelligent airbag system
tech.有安全装置的fool proof
textile服装卫生安全性能clothing hygiene and safety property
textile服装辅料大全full collection of garment auxiliaries
gen.未装备好全套设备的飞机aircraft not fully equipped
gen.本手册目的是为了让用户熟悉电热水器的安装、操作和保养维护,并提供有关的重要安全信息This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the installation, operation, and maintenance of your electric water heater and to provide important safety information in these areas
nucl.phys.核爆装置安全警戒规程nuclear explosive device safety and security procedure
nucl.phys.核爆装置安全计划nuclear explosive device safety programme
gen.冲床用梃杆推出式安全装pullout guard
tech.楔形安全装wedge grip gear
commer.横贯全欧集装箱专用快车Trans-Europe Railroad Express
avia.武装和安全arm and safe
tech.氧气限量安全装oxygen limiter
tech.氧气限量安全装oxygen limitation safety device
tech.水封式安全装water closing type safety device
auto.沙特阿拉伯标准化协会 SASR德语右A柱上随动安全装参阅 SASLSaudi Arabian Standards Organization
avia.没有完全装备好的作战飞机operational aircraft not fully equipped
auto.涡轮增压器废气旁通电磁阀 SBSR德语左B柱上随动安全装参阅 SASLsupercharger bypass solenoid
tech.液压安全装fluid pressure warning device
expl.混装车安全bulk truck safety
tech.熄火安全装flame safeguard
tech.熄火安全装flame failure device
tech.燃气炉安送气pilot-safety device
tech.燃烧安全装flame safeguard
tech.爬梯安全装ladder guard
auto.车辆牵引安全保护装置措施tow protection
tech.牵手式安全装pull-out guard
tech.电梯安全装elevator car safety
tech.电梯安全装counterweight safety
tech.皮带轮安全装pulley guard
tech.真空和压力安全装vacuum and pressure relief assembly
textile着装安全感costume security
tech.破损安全装fail-safe equipment
auto.BMW 开发的碰撞传感器激活全装crash sensor safety
agric.离合器分离安全装declutch safety device
nucl.phys.程序动撞安全装programmed action safety assembly
avia.空中交通控制/全信标防撞统装置air traffic control/full beacon collision avoidance set
railw.空气制动安全警惕装置dead man device
railw.空气制动安全警惕装置air brake safety control
tech.简单立式拨出式安全装single vertical sweep guard
tech.紧急停堆安全装emergency shutdown assembly
chem.细纱全自动集体落纱装置fully automatic doffing device
dril.绞车安全装drawworks safety device
tech.美国全国卷材涂装工作者协会National Coil Coaters Association
agric.拖拉机翻车安全装roll-over guard
org.name., UN《联合国集装箱运输安全公约》International Convention for the Safe Transport of Containers
agric.销接摩擦联合安全装combined pin-friction safety device
tech.自动安全装automatic safety device
shipb.舵机、锚机和绞缆机的液压系统安全装置调整adjusting safety device of hydraulic system for steering gear, windlass and mooring winch
nautic., tech."船上天然气燃料发动机装置安全暂行指南"interim guidelines on safety natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ship
nautic., tech.船员安全通道的可接受的装置acceptable arrangements of means for safe passage of crew
busin.船舶装卸全过程时间turn round time
tech.舾装不全的out of rig
commer.节省工时全额计装工资制one hundred percent time-premium system
railw.行车安全装train running safety device
auto.车身装全景玻璃panoramic glazing
manag.装卸安全safety in handling
tech.装卸工作全盘机械化full mechanization of cargo-handling
avia.装备不全的飞机aircraft not fully equipped
tech.装备齐全的full rigged
avia.装挂齐全的dressed (指飞机上所有设备和系统管路都完整)
tech.装有再点火器的火焰安全灯relighter flame safety lamp
auto.装有安全气囊的可裂开式仪表板air bag collapsible dash
auto.装有安全气囊的可裂开式仪表板airbag collapsible dash
commer.装货作业中节省的全部工作时间all working time saved in loading operation
tech.装轴承用的全套工具bearing driver set
econ.装运前,公司应将所有的设备装配完全All equipment is to be assembled in their entirety by the company before shipment
commer.装运单据必须与有关信用证的规定完全一致The shipping documents shall exactly coincide with the stipulations in the covering L/C
org.name.装运港船上交货附录 7 全球主要班轮船公司Free On Board
shipb.调整主空气压缩机安全阀和自动装置safety valve and automatic device adjusting for main air compressor
shipb.调整舵机、锚机和绞缆机的液压系统安全装adjusting safety device of hydraulic system for steering gear, windlass and mooring winch
tech.货物全部卸完前装载重或压舱物许可证stiffening order
econ.货物安全抵达装运港才有效subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
auto.货运的安全防护装置shipping insert
tech.超负荷安全装overload protector
tech.超负荷安全装overload protection device
tech.踏板安全装pedal guard
auto.车辆装备安全委员会Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission
tech.轿厢安全装car safety
shipb.辅助空气压缩机充气试验、安全阀和自动装置的调整charging test and safety valve and automatic device adjusting for auxiliary compressor
shipb.辅助空气压缩机的充气试验、安全阀和自动装置的调整charging test and safety valve and automatic device adjusting for auxiliary compressor
tech.过载安全装safety device
tech.过载安全装overload safety device
energ.ind.这几部分集中了装置的全部参数node representation
nautic., tech.透气系统的安全装safety device in venting systems
tech.道口安全装level crossing safety installation
textile道路安全服装如反光背心road safety gannents
textile道路安全服装如:反光背心road safety garments
textile道路安全服装road safety garment
tech.门式安全装gate guard
tech.门式安全装gate closure type safety device
tech.闸栅式安全保护装置gate guard
tech.防反向安全装anti-kickback attachment
auto.防发动机倒转的安全装safety device against reverse operation of the engine
gen.防开不安全高速车装置anti-joy ride device
tech.防护环式安全装ring guard
tech.防止不完全燃烧装置oxygen depletion safety shut off device
tech.防止冲出跑道的安全拦阻装置overrun safety arrestment
auto.限力安全装force limited insurance
shipb.集装箱安全装container securing device
UN, police集装箱安全举措Container Security Initiative
tech.集装箱安全公约International Convention for Safe Container
tech.非反向安全装non-return finger device
China, law领导全国武装力量direct the armed forces of the country
tech.驾驶员安全装driver's safety device
tech.驾驶员安全装deadman's handle
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