
Terms for subject Securities containing 借出 | all forms | in specified order only
借人和借出证券borrowing and lending of stocks
借出债款taking out a loan
借出协议lending agreement
借出make a loan
借出的股票lending stock
借出的证券loaned shares/stocks
借出股份lend stock
借出证券security lending
借出证券lending security
借出贷款机构lending institution
借第三方账户售出selling through third-party accounts
债券借出bond lender
卖出借人股票sell borrowed shares
借出的股份lending pool
可出借股票的名单证券公司可借给投资者融券的股票名单easy-to-borrow list
备存证券借出记录stock lending record keeping
溢价借出股票lend at a premium
第三方借出third party lender
股票借出stock lending
股票借出人留存记录record keeping by stock lender
股票借出账户stock lending account
股票借人和借出stock borrowing and lending
股票出借业务stock lending business
股票出借参与者中央结算系统参与者stock lender participant
借出股票loaned shares/stocks
证券借出securities lending
银行同业拆放/拆借/拆出interbank offer