
Terms for subject Aviation containing 修正 | all forms | in specified order only
上升流的修正upwash correction
位差修正correction angle due to parallax
侧偏修正correction angle due to windage jump
侧向修正lateral revise
修正作用corrective action
修正set back
修正儒略日modified Julian date
修正儒略日modified Julian day
修正动作corrective action
修正压力高度flight-level pressure altitude
修正后仪表空calibrated air speed
修正后温度corrected temperature
修正因数表correction factor table
修正字母revision letter
修正惯性系数modified inertia parameter
修正措施要求corrective action request
修正提前量adjust for lead (前置量)
修正机构转弯误差erection turn error
修正枪炮的射向adjust a gun
修正trimming strip
修正fixed trimmer
修正update rate
修正的 N₂ 转速corrected N₂ speed
修正的切片理论modified strip theory
修正的噪声级corrected noise level
修正的外部大气温度corrected outside air temperature
修正的方位corrected deflection
修正的方向corrected deflection
修正的核心发动机转速corrected core speed
修正的风扇转速corrected fan speed
修正后的仪表空速包括仪表及空气动力的修正值rectified air speed
修正空速rectified air speed
修正空速knots calibrated air speed
修正空速calibrated airspeed
修正级别说明页modification level description sheet
修正行动报告系统corrective action reporting system
修正行动报告系统一一承包商corrective action reporting system-contractor
修正行动报告系统一政府corrective action reporting system-government
修正表速rectified air speed (因仪表与安装“压力/位置”误差而被修正的指示空速。在国际标准大气 (ISA )下,且在平均海平面上,修正表速等于真空速,又称校正空速 (CAS))
修正表速revise air speed
修正基本表速basic airspeed
修正订单order corrected
修正记录revision record
修正转弯以对准跑道演习decrab maneuver
陀螺仪的修正转矩erection torque
修正过程correction process
修正选择板revision select panel
修正选择板reversion select panel
修正高度corrected atitude
修理校正配套件overhaul alignment kit
俯仰修正切断pitch erection cut off
偏流修正drift correction
偏航修正drift correction angle
先行改型修正通知advance modification revision notice
初速修正系数correct coefficient of muzzle velocity
制动-修正联合推进系统combined bracking/correction propulsion system
制造修正需求manufacturing revision request
包络线修正envelope modulation
升降舵修正elevator trimmer
压力修正公式pressure correction formula
压力修正技术pressure correction technique
压缩性修正compressibility correction
启动修正转弯以对准跑道decrab initiation
地球自转速率修正Earth-rate correction
场面气压修正allowance for elevation
垂直修正vertical revise
修正线圈external trim coil
多普勒修正Doppler correction
定单修正要求purchase order revision request
实验修正experiment correction method
对流层折射修正tropospheric refraction correction
射击修正correction of fire
射击修正adjust fire
峰值压力修正系数corrected coefficient of peak pressure
导航系统的差分修正differential correction
修正的 N1corrected N1
修正的 N2corrected N2
修正结果corrected result
平均修正温度corrected mean temperature
延迟性修正lag correction
建议修正的通知notice of proposed amendment
建议修正通知notice of proposed amendment
引信修正系数fuze factor
引信因数修正fuze factor correction
引信定时修正time correction
弹道修正机动trajectory correction maneuver
弹道修正系统trajectory correction system
弹道弯曲修正curvature correction
弹道弯曲修正curvature correction
弹道降低修正trajectory drop
弹道降低修正gravitational drop
快速修正rapid revision
快速修正/快速更改rapid revision
快速修正过程rapid revision process
修正total correcting angle
修正prediction angle
修正角垂直分量total elevation lead angle
射击时修正角垂直分量elevation prediction
射击修正角水平分量deflection prediction
总弹道弯曲修正total curvature correction
总高低修正total elevation lead angle
挤压型材修正样板extrusion trim template
数据修正程序data vetting program
方位基本修正basic allowance for quarters
时间修正time correction
最小偏流修正minimum crab angle
射击的最小总修正minimum resultant correction
末位修正terminal position update
标准工作法修正standard practice amendment
校正、修理与返回calibration, repair and return
校正维修remedial maintenance
模型修正model correction
模拟垂直修正analog vertical erection
横向修正lateral revise
横向偏差修正crossrange control
欧米伽天波修正Omega sky wave correction table
气动激波修正position error
海拔修正altitude amendment
消除偏流修正角时间decrabbing time
消除偏流修正角比率decrab rate
消除偏流修正角窗口decrab window
接地前消除偏流修正角装置decrabbing facility
润流修正eddy current torquer
生产修正记录-改型production revision record-retrofit
电波折射修正radio wave refraction correction
着陆姿态修正landing attitude modification
瞄准具修正角反射镜prediction mirror
瞬时频率修正instantaneous frequency correction
科氏加速度修正Coriolis acceleration correction
程序误差修正报告program error correction report
空炸射击修正high-burst ranging
空炸射击修正airburst ranging
穿越修正进近bracket (在某点上空来回做试验性进近以建立正确进近, 或来回穿过波束以建立正确航向)
线束修正手册wire bundle revision record
罗差修正compass adjuster
修正adaptive wall
自动气象修正automatic meteorological corrections
接地前自动消除偏流修正角装置automatic kick-off-drift facility
自重修正tare correction
航向修正course correction
设计修正委员会design modification committee
调整距离修正adjusted range correction
象限误差修正quadrantal error correction
资源误差修正source error correction
跟踪点不一致修正tracking point inconsistency correction
路径衰减修正path attenuation correction
跳偏修正jump correction
轨道修正trajectory correction
转动式罗差修正compass turntable
轴系误差修正correction of axis system error
过度修正overcorrect (偏差)
炸弹退曳修正trail correction
速度修正velocity correction
闭环修正措施closed loop corrective action
陀螺的修正gyro erection
静压源误差修正static source error correction
静态源修正static source correction
修正wind correction angle (航向与航迹角之差)
风偏修正wind deflection correction
风力修正弹药布撒器wind corrected munition dispenser
风向修正wind correctional angle
飞机航线修正aircraft routing right of way
飞行修正建议flight correction proposal
高度修正height adjustment
高度修正因数height correction factor
高空修正altitude amendment