
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一切损坏all-loss insurance
保险一年一续的险条件one-year renewable term
一揽子block policy
一揽子policy package
一揽子bouquet insurance
一揽子package insurance
一揽子险单package policy
一揽子险合同bouquet insurance treaty
一揽子分bouquet reinsurance
一揽子分bouquet reinsurance policy
一揽子分合同bouquet reinsurance treaty
一揽子担blanket bond
人寿险一次付清险费single premium
一次整付费的保险lump-sum payment insurance
一类class 1 cover
出口商向银行办理押汇时填交的一般押汇担general letter of hypothecation
一般担general guaranty
一般质量证系统要素generic quality assurance system elements
一般风险general risk insurance
上诉败诉付费证书appeal bond
卸货后的风险no risk after landing
此物Keep off
装船前的风险no risk till on board
证商品没有瑕疵with all faults
人身保险不分红险单without profit
不动产insurance on immovables
不动产immovable insurance
不动产担real guarantee
不包括在单中的例外险指外敌侵犯造成的损失queen's enemies
人身险不参加分红的险单non-participating policy
不受资产non-admitted asset
不受资产inadmitted asset
不可财产uninsurable property
不可承的危险uninsurable risk
不可撤销的兑信用证irrevocable confirmed credit
不可撤销的银行兑信用证irrevocable confirmed banker's credit
不可撤销银行兑信用证irrevocable confirmed banker's credit
意外险不完全所有权指购买有纠纷的房地产,为避免损失而投保的保险单defective-title policy
保险契约声明不属险范围事项条款exclusion clause
不履行明示担breach of an express guarantee
不能退的保单non-cancellable policy
不足额即保险金额少于保险对象的价值under insurance
不足额担deficiency guarantee
不追究责任no-fault insurance
不需提单的担送货indemnity and guarantee delivery without B/L
与价值相应的insurance to value
专业人员意外损失补偿险单professional indemnity policy
专业再险公司professional reinsurer
专利护政策patent protection policy
专用险库special safe-deposit
专项specific insurance
世界性worldwide coverage
业主综合householders comprehensive insurance
严格strict guaranty
丧失就业能力补偿loss-of-time insurance
丧失执照loss of license insurance
个人人寿individual life insurance
个人伤害individual accident insurance
个人意外personal accident insurance
个人担借款loan on personal guarantee
个人担放款loan on personal security
个人提供的担personal surety
个人责任personal liability policy
中国险有限公司China Insurance Company, Limited
中国险条例China Insurance Clause
中国人民险公司保险条例The People's Insurance Company of China Insurance Clause
中央证券管制度central depositary system
中间担middleman and guarantor
临时facultative insurance
临时险单temporary policy
临时分未订分保合同而临时分出的保险业务facultative reinsurance
企业insurance premium of enterprise
企业活力法律legal guarantee of enterprise vigor
企业财产enterprise property insurance
企业财产business property insurance
优先股股息偿率preferred-stock-dividend-coverage ratio
优惠险费率concessional premium rate
会计人员证金deposit of accounting officer
伤残disablement insurance
伤残险费扣款disability insurance deduction
伦敦险协会曾译:伦敦保险学会Institute of London Underwriters
估算险费estimated premium
估计险费收入estimated premium income
估计应付产品证单负债estimated liability under product warranties
借款即按规定从保险公司借款付保费borrow-all policy
借款人担债务责任borrower's liabilities on account of guaranty
reinsurance slip
佣金手续费reinsurance commission
保证金责任准备金reinsurance reserve
保险单reinsurance policy
公司ceded company
协议agreement on reinsurance
接受额line of reinsurance accepted
索赔reinsurance claim
联营reinsurance pools
reinsurance premium
超额赔款率burning ratio
cede insurance
险金reinsurance money
ceded line
保险分出分部份cede line
分出的险份额share ceded
分担divided coverage
分摊contributing insurance
分散式超额赔款分指超额赔款分保的一种spread loss reinsurance
分期installment insurance
分期付款和证金购买installment and margin purchase
分期付款担installment guarantee
分期付费的installment insurance
分期支付险费installment premium
分类账管员ledger keeper
列明除外责任的广泛承范围broad grant of cover minus exception
初始证金opening margin
初期initial call
利润损失险单loss of profit policy
利益profit insurance
利益分配assurance with participation
到岸价加战争险价成本、 保险费、运费加战争保险价cost,insurance, freight and war risk
到期险单matured insurance policies
到期险费due premium
到期券或险金matured endowment
包括偷窃及提货不着在内的coverage including theft, pilferage and nondelivery
合伙险单partnership policy
合同treaty warranty
合同contractual engagement
合同证金deposit of securities on contracts
合同contract insurance
合同险单contract policy
英国出口信用部合同险单contract policy
合同中的密条款confidentiality clauses in contract
合同中的留条款reservation in the contract
合同义务security of contract obligation
合同分facultative obligatory reinsurance
合同所附guarantee incidential to a contract
合同担contractual guarantee
合同责任的security of contract obligation
合法legal custody
合股joint stock insurance
保险同意费条款agreed amount clause
同时指对同一保险对象concurrent insurance
名义护系数nominal protection coefficient
名誉担合同honour contract
名誉担契约honour agreement
债权人junior creditor
junior stock
junior share
后勤障系统logistics support system
向国外分reinsurance ceded abroad
向承人索赔claim against underwriter
向…投保place with
售主质量vapor quality assurance
售后持退还holding-back of selling
售证人的guarantees by licenser
土地有权land tenure
税仓库中under band
税仓库内in bond
税仓库转让货物申请书application for transfer in bond
在制品in-process storage
在制品险储备insurance reserve of products in process
在票据上背书担backing a bill
在途商品险单goods-in-transit policy
地区护费area maintenance
备品stand-by commitment
备用险丝back-up fuse
外币留账户retained foreign currency account
外汇值条款exchange proviso clause
外汇兑换值协议agreement of exchange guarantee
外贸货物运输insurance of transport of foreign trade goods
险对象条款omnibus clause
多国贸易multinational safeguard
多边投资担机构multilateral investment guarantee agency
多险种multi-line insurance
夜间自存险箱night safe
大通增值险计划chase inflation-fighter plan
失业护法law of conservation of unemployment
失业jobless insurance
失业险合同contract of insurance for unemployment
失业补助险税unemployment compensation insurance tax
将货物交由承运人delivery into the custody of the carrier
小范围petty insurance
少年险单junior insurance policy
就业护论theory of protecting employment
就业employment security
市场差价证金market difference margin
出口市场开发险制Export Market Entry Guarantee Scheme
市营险公司municipal insurance company
开发担基金development security facility
开展open cover
开立险单issue a policy
开立信用证证金margin money
意外伤害除人身险、火险、水险外casualty insurance
意外与健康accident and health insurance
意外事件contingency insurance
意外事故contingency insurance
意外事故accident insurance
意外事故险单Accident Insurance Policy
意外事故险单contingent policy
意外事故险条款contingency insurance clause
意外信用contingent credit risk
意外健康catastrophic health insurance
意外和健康险法accident and health plan
意外死亡accident death insurance
成年险单至18岁为止threshold insurance policy
成数与溢额混合分quota share and surplus reinsurance
成数、溢额联合分combined quota share and surplus reinsurance
成数、溢额联合分合同combined quota share and surplus reinsurance treaty
成本,险费加航空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane
Cost Insurance and Freight <-> 成本、险费加运费CIF
成本,险费加运费价格条件cost, insurance, freight terms
成本变动cost escalation insurance
我们证会尽快发货I can assure you that we'll do our best to advance the shipment
我希望以发票金额的110%为商品投I'd like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount
我想知道,险公司是否对丢失承担责任I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss
我还确每条线缆都加上了标签,这样便于确保把线缆插回正确的适配器I also made sure that each cable was labeled so that I could check it had been plugged back into the correct adapter
或有利润contingency profit insurance
或有利益contingent insurance
或有利益指货运途中,在货运单据尚未交付买方时,卖方对货物仍持有或有的保险利益,故投保或有利益保险contingency insurance
或有营业中断contingent business interruption insurance
或有负债contingent liability insurance
战争险险费war risk premium
战时war-risk insurance
指定specific insurance
指定险单specific policy
指定险险种named peril
指定国内证金designated domestic deposit
银行对外国证券指定的管人authorized depositary
按合同付款证金guarantee money paid on contract
按合同支付的证金caution money paid on contract
按合约支付的证金caution money paid on contract
按实值计算的险费pro rata premium
按排分placement of reinsurance
按旅客航行公里计算的险费revenue passenger kilometers
按比例计算的险费pro rata premium
支付证金make a deposit
支付证银行certifying bank
支付原则和证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付原则和证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付能力del credere
支出岁出留数appropriation encumbrance
支票付卡check guarantee card
支票付证书certification of cheque
支票证卡cheque guaranteed card
明确的definite policy
明示express warranty
明示express guarantee
明示权益express reservation
最优惠分人条款most favoured reinsurer's clause
最优惠分条款most favoured reinsurance clause
最低证金minimum deposit
最低证金要求maintenance marginal requirement
最低交易量guarantee of minimum turnover
最低生活minimum means of subsistence
最后险完成额closed line
最后确定的险额closed line
最小维持证金minimum maintenance margin
最高证价格maximum guarantee price
合同规定卖方最高证价格maximum guarantee price
最高分接受额gross line of reinsurance accepted
留出售sales with reserve
支付出口票据guaranteed export papers
证收益的债券guaranteed income bond
证的公司债券guaranteed debentures
证的增长率warranted rate of growth
证的年工资制guaranteed annual wage
证的年金或养老金guaranteed annuity
证的董事会决议certified board resolution
证红利股利guaranteed dividend
险的失业率insured unemployment rate
有充分担的债权人fully-secured creditors
有利条件持条款better conditions clause
有担债券backed bond
有担物的转让collateral assignment
有担的债务secured debt
有担的票据collateral note
有担账款secure account
有担贷款loan guaranteed
有效护系数effective protection coefficient
有效险金额amount of insurance in force
有效险额amount of insurance in force
有条件conditional undertaking
有条件担guaranty with conditions
有条件担conditional guaranty
有条件担conditional bond
有缺陷产权defective-title insurance
有证券担的优先购买权covered option
有部分担的债权人partly-secured creditor
有限制limited depositary
有限担limited by guarantee
有限赔偿责任范围险单limited policy
有限连带负责担制度limited joint and several guarantee system
期初证金initial marginal requirement
期初预付initial deposit premium
期望利润expected profit insurance
损失uninsured loss
留分配数unencumbered balance of allotment
险的抚恤基金non-insured pension fund
险的损失uninsured loss
险的风险non-insurable risk
未偿担贷款outstanding guarantee credit
未分配留收益unappropriated retained earnings
未分配利润留额allowance for undistributed profits
未到期险费准备reserve for unexpired premium
未定额保险单水险保单之一,单上无确定保额, 发生损失后,按到达地完好货物市价赔偿unvalued policy
未实现有收益unrealized holding gain
未成年儿童至18岁险单children's deferred policy
职工未来障金provided fund
未清偿留数unliquidated encumbrance
未清算险赔偿金insurance claims unsettled
未满期unexpired insurance
海事险未确定open policy
保险未经投人同意不得擅改保费率的合同closed contract
单应付的赔偿额claim recoverable hereunder
本票的guaranting of promissory note
本金、利息、税款、险费principal, interest, taxes, insurance
标准单条件uniform policy condition
标准单条件standard policy condition
标准伤害level accident insurance
标准统保单standard blanked policy
次标准insurance for substandard or impaired insurance
气压计护装置weather guard
气象weather insurance
水土conservation of water and soil
人寿险水平费保险level premium insurance
水平险费level premium
水渍water-damaged insurance
水灾险单flood policy
水险承marine underwriter
渔船fishery vessel insurance
港口外税仓库uptown warehouse
生产production maintenance
生产责任production responsibility insurance
生产面积acreage reserve
生命障系统life-support system
生存security of subsistence
生态preservation of ecology
生活livelihood protection
生活证原则living document doctrine
生活费cost of living insurance
生活费用living expenses insurance
本分析法预测利润forecasting profit by break-even analysis
用于国民险费的年金national annuity through premium payment
用作担serve as cover
用作担的存入证券securities deposited as collateral
用工资担的借约assignment of wages
税仓库中提岀take out of bond
险负责的损失damage covered by insurance
由买方insurance to be effected by buyer
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投的启运地船上交货条款free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller
两人共投人寿险由在世者支付费的人寿保单last-survivor policy
由政府担的对外债务publicly guaranteed external debt
由政府担的私人债务publicly guaranteed private debt
由本公司guarantee by parent company
申请险单declaration insurance
申请临时存入税仓库application for opening bonded warehouse
申请从税仓库内取出样品application for taking out samples of goods in bond
申请存入税仓库application for opening bonded warehouse
申请投application form
申请运输税商品application for transportation in bond
申请运输税货物application for transportation in bond
护的brick protected
破产清理中的证债权secured creditors' right in bankruptcy proceedings
破坏险单destruction policy
第一危险即火险损失按财产实际数额理算first loss insurance
第一担抵押underlying mortgage
第一损失first loss insurance
第一期险费first premium
第一次不动产证减债基金替并债券consolidated refunding first mortgage sinking fund bond
第一类class cover
第三者责任third-party insurance
第三者责任法定如汽车compulsory third party insurance
第二增额分分保用语second surplus reinsurance
第二增额分合同second surplus reinsurance treaty
deferred acceptance of insurance
保险公司贷给投保人的缴付险费借款premium loan
缴入证金contributed margin
缴纳posting bond
老年障制度old age security system
老年社会old age security
老年社会障措施measures to provide social security to the elderly
航程险单即承保航程船只的保险单voyage policy
航空总险单aviation general policy
船舶保险航行范围trading warranty
航运voyage policy
营业证金security of business
营业责任business liability insurance
调整险费adjustable premium
调节证材料government-furnished material
贝弗里奇社会险方案Beveridge Plan
负连带责任的担joint and several guarantee
财产有权jus habendi
财产insurance of contents
财产险合同contract of insurance for property
财产险契约contract of property insurance
财产与负债property and liability insurance
财产损坏责任property damage liability insurance
财产权担security interest in property
财产责任property-liability insurance
财务守主义financial conservation
财政担financial security
责任险合同contract of insurance for responsibility
责任险最高限额liability limit
账户maintenance of account
账面book premium
货价付条款del credere terms
货价包括险费在内cost and insurance
货入税关栈entry in bond
货币发行证金securities for fiduciary issue
货币存额值所需暂定款项notional amount required to maintain value of currency holding
货币存额值所需款项amount required to maintain value of currency holding
货币量资本存观念financial capital maintenance concept
货方货物险权益cargo interest
货栈担field warehousing
货栈担贷款field warehousing loan
货款收贸易factoring trade
货物cargo insurance policy
货物protection of goods
货物merchandise insurance
货物insurance on cargo
货物goods insurance
货物包括全损险、水渍险及综合验cargo insurance
货物险合同contract of insurance of goods
货物险契约contract of insurance for goods
货物险费cargo insurance premium
货物险退费return of premium-cargo
保单注明的货物险除外责任指保险人不负赔偿责任的损失excluded loss-cargo
货物单程险证书cargo single risk certificate
货物卸载上陆后不风险no risk after landing
货物的物权担security interest in goods
货运freight insurance
货运货运保险分四类:海运货物保险、陆运货物保险、空运货物保险及邮包保险cargo transportation insurance
货运险单goods-in-transit policy
劳埃德公司货运险经纪人承保集团cargo syndicate
货运承cargo insurer
质量guarantee of quality
质量证与可靠性助理assistant for quality assurance and reliability
质量证人员quality assurance personnel
质量证和可靠性助理assistance for quality assurance and reliability
质量证困难quality assurance involvement
质量证处Quality Assurance Directorate
质量证学会institute of quality assurance
质量证审査技术quality assurance review technique
质量证审验技术quality assurance review technique
质量证情况评价quality assurance status evaluation
质量证指导系统quality assurance guide system
质量证术语quality assurance terminology
质量证样品Quality Assurance Representative
质量证程序quality assurance program
质量证管理程序Quality Assurance Operating Procedure
质量证系统规格说明quality assurance systems specification
质量证经理quality assurance manager
质量证规定quality assurance provisions
质量证计划经理quality assurance program manager
质量quality protection
质量担保证warranty of quality
购买力purchasing power guarantees
退cancellation of insurance
退cease being guarantor
退条款returns clause
退注销cancellation of the policy
退休后医药险摊付款contribution to after service health insurance scheme
退回险费指因保险费率降低等原因而退给保险人的保费return premium
退还险费premium returns
退还的证金refundable deposit
选择指任意选择保险项目optional coverage
透支担cash credit
递减定期decreasing term insurance
递减定期人寿decreasing term assurance
递增比率险单increasing rate policy
通知担贷款call secured loan
造船builder's risk
造船险单builder's policy
造船公司险单ship builder's policy
《金融时报》 险统计学会综合股票指数Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
销售本点sale break-even point
销售担sale warrant
需要的insurance required
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