
Terms containing 保全险 | all forms | in specified order only
China, law一次支付全部保险费pay an insurance premium in a lump sum
econ.不保火灾险是不安全的It is unsafe not to cover insurance against fire
interntl.trade.两全保险人身保险endowment insurance
interntl.trade.仅保全损险total loss only
textile保全受益保险单safeguard benefit insurance policy
fin.保全损险insurance against TLO (total loss only)
shipb.保全损险insurance against total loss only
tech.保全险insurance against all-risks
busin.保全险指除水险外,承保各种险blanket insurance
busin.保全险blanket coverage
busin.保全险all risks insurance
econ.保全险against all risks
econ.保全险the all-in insurance
econ.保全险against all risks (海运保险)
busin.保全险all-in insurance
textile保全险all-risk insurance
textile保全险all-loss insurance
nautic., tech.保全险all risk
fin.保险安全日数safety margin in days
textile保险完全承保full terms
space保险/解和保密安全装置safe/arm and securing unit
econ.保险费安全系数附加费safety loading
econ.保险费安全系数附加费safety loading
tech.全保险fully insured
tech.全保险full insurance
econ.全保险单all risks policy
interntl.trade.全值保险full value insurance
org.name.全国保险储蓄协会联盟National League of Insured Savings Associations
fin., amer.全国保险公司Nationwide (美国最大的多种金融服务公司之一,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第377位)
securit.全国保险基金national insurance fund
fin., amer.全国保险监督官协会National Association of Insurance Commissioners
auto.全国汽车保险商协会National Automobile Underwriter's Association
econ.全国火灾保险者联合会national board of fire underwriter
shipb.全损保险insurance against total loss only
interntl.trade.全损及救助费保险海上保险free all average and salvage charges
econ.全损及救助费保险free all average and salvage charges
econ.全损时付还保险费full premium if lost
busin.定期船舶保险条件之一全损时补缴全部保险费full premium if lost
tech.全损时补缴全部保险费full premium if lost
econ.全灾害保险the all-in insurance
busin.全灾害保险all-in insurance
busin.全球性保险业务worldwide insurance business
auto.全聚烯烃保险杠all-polyolefin bumper
tech.全能保险insurance against all-risks
archit.全能保险insurance against all risks
archit.全能保险all-risk insurance
tech.全能保险all risks insurance
tech.全赔保险whole coverage
textile全遗失后补缴全部保险费full premium if lost
interntl.trade.全部保险full insurance
textile全部保险费premium in full
interntl.trade.全部保险费in full premium
busin.全部退回保险费full returns
tech.全险保open policy
tech.全险保all risks covers
textile全险保单all risks cover
busin.全险保单all-risks policy
textile全面保险full coverage
interntl.trade.全面保险full insurance
commer.全额保险full value insurance
auto.全额保险coverage insurance
tech.全额保险full insurance
fin.全额共同保险full coinsurance
tech.全额负担保险单full protection policy
auto.公路安全保险协会Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
auto.公路安全保险学会Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
fin.半生死两全保险semi-endowment policy
textile协会船舶保险标准全损条款Institute Standard TLO: Clause Hull
el.反应堆安全保险器【核】reactor safety fuse
busin.只保全损险total loss only
busin.只保全损险insurance against total loss only
econ.只担保全损险total loss only
interntl.trade.告失后补缴全部保险费full premium if lost
commer.在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
auto.安全保险杠safety bumper
space安全与保险装置safety and arming device
mil., air.def.安全保险丝熔断器safety fuse
busin.安全保险丝safety fuse
archit.安全保险丝管cartridge type fuse
busin.安全保险公司safe company
busin.安全保险合同contract of insurance for safety
tech.安全保险架headache rack (俚语)
avia.安全保险系统safety assurance system
archit.安全保险装置cutout device
tech.安全保险装置cut-out device
busin.安全受益保险safeguard benefit insurance
avia.安全和解除保险装置safe and arming device
manag.安全库存,保险库存safety stock
tech.安全负荷保险费安全系数附加费safety loading
tech.安全负荷保险费安全系数附加费safety load
gen.〔投保〕完全保险against all risks
manag.完全损失之保险total loss only
busin.完全条件的船舶保险单hull policy in full conditions
fin.对冲全球信贷风险的套期保值hedge against global credit risks
tech.岸到岸全程保险shore-to-shore clause
tech.岸到岸全程保险shore cover
econ.建筑工程保全险constructor's all risk (insurance)
tech.建筑工程全损性保险all risks erection insurance
econ.引进全套设备的特殊保险special insurance related to the import of complete plants and equipment
commer.当推定全损不可避免时,被保险人一般把受损货物的货权委付给保险公司When constructive total loss is unavoidable, the insured usually abandons the title to the damaged goods to the insurance company
econ.我公司的全体工作人员将享受到优厚的薪水和养老金、人身保险和医疗福利All workers of our company will benefit from our excellent rates of pay and our pension, life assurance and sickness benefit schemes
el.战区核武器抗毁性、安全性和保险性theater nuclear forces survivability, security and safety
proj.manag.所谓的综合险、是指对全部财物保了险、出具的是一份综合保单Blanket insurance means insurance which covers everything, a comprehensive policy
tech.承包人财产安全保险builder's risk insurance
proj.manag.承包商全险保险contractor's all risks insurance
tech.承担全部保险利益full interest admitted
tech.保全险against all risks
fin.投资安全保险investment insurance
avia.旅客人身安全保险passenger cover
textile旅客安全保险traveler safety insurance
fin.未成年人的生死两全保险juvenile endowment policies
el.未来全球海上遇难保险系统future global maritime distress and safety system
fin.生死两全保险endowment assurance
busin.社会安全保险social security insurance
fin.社会安全保险税social security tax
econ.社会安全保险费social security payment
textile绝对保险全损absolute total loss
fin., Dutch荷兰全球保险集团Aegon (成立于1983年,总部设在荷兰海牙。是世界上最大的上市人寿保险集团之一,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第207位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第151位)
fin.货物安全保险cargo safety insurance
fin.趸缴生死两全保险single-premium endowment policies
tech.遗失后补缴全部保险费full premium if lost
securit.银行全套保险契约banker's blanket bond