
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
支付的货币clearing sterling
不另说明not otherwise specified
不能工实行亦缩为 UNWKBLunworkable
不要忽略你方四月十日来函中所的承诺Don't ignore what you have promised in your letter dated April 10
专利合条约Patent Cooperation Treaty
专有技术价折为投资capitalization of knowhow
世界著权公约Universal Copyright Convertion
东北亚经济合Northeast Asian economic cooperation
东南亚区域合组织South-East Asia Regional Cooperation
东南亚区域合联盟South East Asian Association of Regional Cooperation
中外合经营企业Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises
为事实witness to a fact
为…作保stand guarantee for
为我们委托人而on account of our principals
为谈判准备make preparations for the negotiation
为防备自然灾害好准备make preparations against natural disasters
买方强烈要求我方更详细说明The buyer was urgent with us for further particulars
亚洲合部长理事会Council of Ministers for Asian-Cooperation (1968)
亚非经济合组织Afro-Asian for Economic Cooperation
交易会有关工人员personnel associated with the work of the fair
交钥匙工程turnkey operation
代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主任何保证The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold
以 M 抵押give M in pledge
以…作为in consideration of
以…作抵on the security of
以全日工专职为条件on a full-time basis
以土地使用权为投资入股contribute the right to use land as part of investment
以应收账款抵押的贷款non-notification loan
以每周工五日为条件on a five-day-week basis
以毛gr. for net
业人员安排job placement
业卡job ticket
业周期job cycle
业团体task group
业多变性task variability
业性租赁operating lease (指服务性租赁 (service lease))
业成本管理operational cost control
业指令operating instruction
业特征operational feature
业程序说明书procedural specifications
业管理规则performance management specifications
业范围scope of operation
业规程operating rule
业进度progress of operation
业进度表operating schedule
业通知单job order
业通知单job ticket
免费赠品by free gift
为你方指导For your guidance
为例外as an exception
为债务抵押的股票和债券-副的stocks and bonds as collateral
为见习on probation
为试用on probation
了改进的设备improved equipment
许下,信守,履行诺言carry out a promise
出保证的委托人guaranty principal
出决定arrive at come to a decision
可行性研究preparation of feasibility study
战分析operational research
抵押的股票hypothecated stock
担保in security for
担保用的证券securities in pledge
效率高的专家efficient expert T
期货交易deal in futures
"消息"解用复数形式advices from agents
物评级crop grading
赊购交易deal on credit
你方市场报告很有The report on the market situation at your end is a great help
你方的声明与先前所的承诺相抵触Your statement is in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously
你方的违约显然违背了商业合的精神Your breach of the contract is obviously contrary to the spirit of business cooperation
供你方为指导原则for your guidance
供销合marketing cooperative
依据不可抗力条款所的解释,法院裁定卖方抗辩是正确的The court held, on the construction of the force majeure clause, that the seller's contention was correct
便于出一项有约束力的安排be in favour of making a binding arrangement
信用工人员credit man
信用证已修改。letter of credit amended
信贷合银行Creditanstalt-Bankverien (Wien, 维也纳)
停止装货a cessation of lading operations
先进装卸操方法advanced ways of loading and unloading operations
关税合理事会1952Customs Cooperation Council
兹附去检验报告一份以为我方的索赔根据We enclose herewith a survey report in support of our claim
再继续工resume one's work
分担工share in the work
制约性restrictive function
加强税收工enhance tax levying
与时间研究time and motion study
动机用理论motivation theory
劳务合cooperation of labour services
劳务合cooperation in labour services
包装流水业线packaging conveyor line
体系coordinated system
技术研究cooperating technology research
协同业协议joint operating agreement
协定措辞需某些修改The wording of the agreement calls for some revision
单位功率工能力specific duty
即使略减价也不行The price has been so closely figured out that we cannot even shade it
双方合协调compatibility of both parties
双方当事人应受岀的承诺约束The both parties shall commit themselves to their promises
发展中国家间经济合economic cooperation among developing countries
发货收料部门的工不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function
可胜任这一工be qualified for doing the work
strike up partnership
strike up partnership
企业cooperation enterprise
企业cooperative enterprises
cooperative society
管理cooperative management
经营项目cooperative business operation project
合同即告The contract is consequently avoided as from the date when the frustration occurs
合同的avoidance of a contract
后继successive activity
国际公司合international consortium
国际合理事会International Cooperation Council
国际经济合和发展委员会Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development
在拒绝承兑时免拒绝证书no protest nonacceptance
在管理体制上一番改革make a change in the system of management
地区合regional cooperation
基本食用basic food crops
多国经济合multieconomic cooperation
契约式合经营contractual joint venture (与 equity joint venture 合资经营有区别)
实时工real time operation (运算)
寄送证明文件为索赔依据send documentary proofs to back up a claim
密切合将有助于双方的业务Close cooperation will help forward the business between our two parties
密切合是发展双方业务的关键Close cooperation is the key to the development of business between the two parties
密切合有助于促进贸易的发展Close cooperation is conducive to the promotion of business
对…作系说明give a systematic presentation of
对合同条文出说明offer clarification on the provisions of the contract
对工程一客观评估give an objective appraisal of the project
对接受招标有点迟疑。前者侧重动feel some hesitancy in accepting the invitation to tender
对贸易产生扭曲用的补贴trade-distorting subsidy
将一次性付清的技术费或工艺费为资本处理capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology
将公司预备基金移资本capitalize the company's reserve funds
尽管他们了一切保证,但未及时交货In spite of all their assurances, they didn't make the delivery in time
work piece
估价job evaluation
内满足on-the-job satisfaction (与工作外满足 (off-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
work ticket
原理图functional chart
合同task contract
起动周期work-up period
周期stream time
生产, 加工,工程working drawing
shop drawing
在进行中work in process
型式work pattern
现代企业管理外满足off-the-job satisfaction (与工作内满足 (on-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
定额水平work quota level
定额管理work quota management
容差performance tolerance
成本work cost
指令单work order sheet
收入earned income
日数number of days of operation
时间折旧法working time depreciation method
模型work model
次序job order
运转状态working order
研究work study (包括:方法研究 (method study), 工作 (work measurement))
程序示意图procedure flow chart
细则service instruction
考核service rating
规范work specification (说明书)
计量work measurement (标定,测定)
说明description of work
说明书job instruction
负载operating duty
负载图load chart
营业,加工,使用费用working cost
载荷service load
过程work process
施工进度安排time scheduling
进度报告status reporting plan
施工进度表time schedule
速率operating rate
work load (负荷)
须知operating instruction
额定高度operational height
工业合计划Industry Cooperative Programme
工程设计工engineering work
工艺操条件process conditions
成拒绝证书汇票bill duly protested
改变的安排changed arrangement
市场机制的调节regulation by the market mechanism
建议对协议一改变propose to make a charge in the agreement
开工投产工start-up operations
微分动rate act
德意志合银行Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank (Frankfurt am Main, 法兰克福)
德意志合银行Deutsche Genossenschafts Bank
急速quick action
急速动quick action
业过程单master route sheet
总操时间total operating time
我们不可忽视贸易惯例的We cannot afford to neglect the function of business practices
我们从不拿原则交易We never haggle about principles
我们希望你方与我方协调一致地予以合We hope you'll cooperate with us in perfect harmony
我们希望在推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
我们必须为任何意外事故准备We must be ready for any contingency
我们期待贵方继续友好合We look forward to your continued friendly cooperation
我们绝不拿原则交易we never haggle about principles
我方艰苦工作才使货物及时装岀We had hard work getting all the goods shipped in time
我方本月十日电报Please disregard our cable dated the 10th instant
我方非常感激你方在这方面的合I'm greatly indebted to you for your cooperation in this respect
技术合委员会Technical Cooperation Committee
技术合协议technical cooperation agreement
技术经济合techno-economic cooperation
技艺与工经验上的差距gap in skills and experience
把工平均分派share out the work
把工重点转移到经济建设上来shift the focus of work to economic construction
把某物为抵押品offer sth. as a guarantee
把该原理贯彻应用到设计工中去pursue the principle to the design
把资金最有利的投资invest one's capital to the best advantage
指定研究工款项earmark a sum of money for research work
按晴天工日计算,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
按规定的限期承包工undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
推销工promotional efforts
援救工rescue work
安全safe in operation
性能,可靠性与成本performance, dependability, cost
手册procedure manual
手册manual of operations
技术operative skill
生产线man the production line
规划operation planning
规程working instruction (说明书)
费用operating costs
部件operating units
政府对大众强烈反对岀让步,降低了汽油税As a concession to the public outcry, the Government reduced the tax on petrol
整体业评价integral job evaluation
整体协integral coordination
新产品的研制工research activities relating to new products
施工业计划construction schedule
日立制Hitachi Limited
易于岀售的农cash crop
星期天和假日停止工Sunday and holiday cessation of work
晴天工weather working day (W. W. D.)
晴天工weather working clays
有些中国人已经将宜家为他们自己家庭的延伸Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes
有关科技合的协议agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
有效工寿命useful working life
有效工年限useful working year
未完的工arrears of work
本条款不可此种解释The clause does not bear such a construction
权威制top maker
标准standard practice
标准法说明standard practice instructions
标准工时间standard time of work
欧洲合总署European Cooperative Administration
欧洲合集团European Cooperation Grouping
欧洲合集团1979 European Cooperation Group (缩为 ECG)
欧洲货币合基金Fonds Europeen de Cooperation Monetaire
正常工工时normal working hours
每年工日数number of annual working days
每年有效工日数effective working days per year
每日工报单daily work report
rate act
法院保管这些文件为证据The court impounded the documents to use as evidence
流水production on the line
流水业法streamlined method of work
海关合理事会协调体系Harmonized System of the Customs Cooperation Council
消费合consumers cooperative
消费合consumers'cooperative society
消费合consumers' cooperative
灰色领域的工gray area occupations
熟悉会计工be familiar with ACCY
特别适合圣诞节礼物的商品articles particularly appropriate for Christmas gifts
生产production operation
由于生产速度加快,我方可即期交易We can do prompt delivery because of the increased tempo of our production
看货试用后再决定的货物goods on approval
看货后再决定的货物不满意可退还goods on approbation
看货后再决定的货物goods on approbation
码头理货与点货工sorting and tallying at ports
第一阶段研制工first generation effort
管理工management work
经济合与发展组织Organisation de Cooperation et de Developement Economique
经济合与发展组织组织原则DECD Guideline
亚太理事会经济合中心Economic Cooperation Centre
经济合体制Framework for Economic Cooperation
美国经济合总署Economic Cooperation Administration
美国经济合Economic Cooperation Act
美国经济合法案Economic Cooperation Act
美国经济合组织Economic Cooperation Organization
给予技术合grant technical cooperation
美国国际开发合United States International Development Cooperation Agency (缩为 IDCA)
美洲经济合组织Organización Interamericana de Cooperación Economica
而不急于岀决定prefer to make a careful feasibility study rather than make a hasty decision
多样化diversified farm
联合国工业合组织United Nations Industrial Cooperative Organization
美国联邦物保险公司Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
自动合voluntary cooperation
英联邦技术合基金Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
权法copyright law
装货loading operation
装货业中节省的全部工作时间all working time saved in loading operation
要求有关当事人合A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
规定以即期信用证为支付方式The payment is prescribed to make by letter of credit at sight
解决这一争议的关键在于密切合The key to the settlement of the dispute lies in close cooperation
计件工piece working
详细业程序表detailed operating schedule
请与我方合并迅速装船Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market
请详尽向我方书面说明Please write us in full details
货物装卸搬运cargo handling
贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
联合国贸易合组织Organization for Trade Cooperation
贸易的巨大发展归功于你方的密切合The great development of business is creditable to your close cooperation
贸易谈判将使我们有机会巩固我们之间的友好合The business negotiation will afford us an opportunity to consolidate the friendly cooperation between us
用的因素contributing factors
起指导用的领导direct ive leading
这一贸易术语可两种解释The trade term is capable of two interpretations
这不可为先例加以援引It can't be quoted as a precedent
这种报酬方式是为能对代理人起激励This method of remuneration is intended to operate as an incentive for the agent
连续二十四小时around-the-clock operation
连续二十四小时工working days of twenty-four consecutive hours
连续二十四小时晴天工weather working days 24 consecutive hours
通过谈判使买主出让步negotiate a buyer into making concessions
速率rate act
部门合departmental cooperation
金融杠杆financial leverage
鉴于关系友好,向买方岀这一通融extend to the buyer the accommodation in view of friendly relations
银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
银行合consortium of banks
银行漏说明该信用证是保兑的还是非保兑的The bank has omitted to state whether the L/C is confirmed or nonconfirmed
间歇intermittent working
间歇操batch process
除去星期日与假日的晴天工日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
除非共同体重新实行小麦改牲口饲料的变性补贴Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
除非另详细说明unless otherwise specified
除非另说明unless otherwise noted
除非另说明unless otherwise stated
除非另说明unless otherwise indicated
除非另说明unless otherwise mentioned
需要专门操技术的部分sophisticated categories
预定动时间标准predetermined time standard
高级管理senior management role