
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一年一single crop a year
一年三triple cropping
一年三稻田paddy field of triple crop a year
一年三季如早稻,中稻,晚稻triple cropping
一年单稻田paddy field of single crop a year
一年双稻田paddy field of double crop a year
一年四quadruple cropping
一年四four crops a year
一年多diverse crops a year
一年生annuals (annuales)
一年生物辐射育种radiation breeding of annual crops
一年生夏annual summer crops
一年生覆盖指绿肥annual cover crops
一年生豆类annual legumes
一年生饲料annual forage crops
七区轮seven-plot rotation
物制three-crop system
物轮作制three-crop rotation system
paddy field of triple crop a year
三区轮three-plot rotation
三区轮three-course rotation
三叶草轮clover rotation system
三基因互trigenic interaction
三层耕three-level ploughing
三年轮three-year rotation
三年轮three-year field system
三年轮three-year crop-rotation system
三碳光合C3 photosynthesis
三级相互tertiary interaction
上位epistatic action
上位互epistatic interaction
下移操shift-down operation
不再可操inoperative (inoperativus)
不利unfavorable action
不利disadvantageous action
不受精unfertilization (infoecundatio)
不合noncooperative (incooperativus)
不合理土壤耕inadequate soil tillage
不完全氮同化incomplete nitrogen assimilation
不生氧光合anoxygenic photosynthesis
不翻垡耕trash farming
不翻垡耕subsurface tillage
不翻垡耕ploughless farming
不耐寒nonhardy crops
不耐旱drought susceptible crops
不耕no tillage
不育sterilizing action
不能耕intillable land
不能遗传non-heritable agencies
不良耕bad cultivation
不良耕bad farming system
不良耕技术poor farming practice
不良耕方式unsound agricultural practice
不良耕方式poor farming practices
不良耕方式poor farming practice
不良轮bad crop rotation
不起约束inactive constraint
不间断农uninterrupted farming system
RNA 与蛋白质的核糖体相互ribosome interaction of RNA and protein
"与非"操sheffer stroke operation
专业喷雾工spray specialist
专性毒害specific toxic effect
世界耕比赛world ploughing match
世界耕组织World Ploughing Organization
伊艾迪图法Eadie plotting
伐前更新pregeneration system
伐木felling operation
休闲农fallow farming system
休闲地土壤耕fallow soil cultivation
休闲地耕lea ploughing
休闲地耕fallow cultivation
休闲地耕field tiller
休闲地轮fallow rotation of crop
休闲耕fallow farming system
休闲耕fallow cropping system
休闲轮fallow rotation system
优先相互preferential interaction
优良物品种better crop varieties
优良轮better rotation
伞伐over cover system
倒伏物扶茎器laid grain lifter
倒伏物拨禾轮laid grain reel
倒伏谷类laid grains
倒伏谷类laid cereal crop
倒挡操rearward operation
分垄耕separate ridge ploughing
分子内迁移intramolecular migration
分子模型制molecular modeling
分子间相互intermolecular interaction (interactio intermolecularis)
分子陪伴molecular chaperoning
分层耕graded tilling
分层耕状态condition of layer ploughing
分成农share farming
分成农share leasing
分成农share tenancy
分散peptization (peptisatio)
分散deflocculation (defloculatio)
分散 /集中操scatter /gather operation
分泌secretion function
分生孢子受精conidiation (conidiatio)
分级离心fractional centrifugation
分组group work
分解disassimilation (disassimilatio)
分解decomposing action
刈割cutting work
划伐femel-cutting system
划行套marker cropping
工具authoring tools
初次耕primary cultivation
初步preliminary work
初级农业生产合elementary agricultural producers' co-operatives
初级基因primary gene action
初级计算机操junior computer operator
包被型凝集envelope type agglutination
化学交互chemical interaction
化学耕chemical ploughing
各个individual crop plant
各向异性化anisotropisation (anisotropisatio)
信贷co-operative credit
出售比率co-operative selling ratio
利用co-operative utilization
co-operative systemco-operation
商店co-operative stores
多任务工作co-operative multitasking
实验室collaboration laboratory
工作co-operative effort
投机joint venture
指数co-operation index
牧场co-operative pasture
社会计工作cooperative accountancy
社基金co-operative fund
社联盟federation of co-operation
社股份"co-op share"
社股份share in a co-operative
社股份co-op share
社财产co-operative property
种植cooperative cropping
系统partner system
计算team computing
试验co-operative trials
研究课题项目co-operative project
贷款co-operative credit
连应co-operative interaction
选材co-operative sorting
金融cooperative finance
防治co-operative control
合理温床轮rational bed crop rotation
合理轮rational rotation
合理轮proper rotation of crops
合理间 rational companion cropping
rRNA 同mRNA 相互ribosomal RNA interaction with mRNA
同养相互homotrophic interaction
CO₂同化carbon dioxide assimilation
同化硝酸还原assimilative nitrate reduction
"同"操biconditional operation
同时操计算机simultaneous operation computer
同构合对策isomorphic cooperative game
同源homologization (homologisatio)
同种凝集isoagglutination (isoagglutinatio)
succeeding cropping
posterior culture
last cropping
aftercrop field
latent crop
subsequent crop
last crop
ensuing crop
following crop
succeeding crop
物栽培following crop cultivation
after effect
后茬afterreap crops
向基因genotropic action
向心环行耕toward center ploughing
向胞质plasmotropic action
向阳heliotropic crops
圆形操台打字机round console typewriter
圆盘垄器disc hillers
圆盘埂器border disk
圆盘畦打埂器disc bed shaper
圆盘式垄器disk bedder
圆盘式垄器disc bedder
圆盘式耕disk tiller
圆盘式耕disc tiller
圆盘机具耕disc plowing
圆盘耙交叉耕cross disking
复写操copy operation
复制子repliconation (repliconatio)
复制子控制操replicon control operation
DNA 复制的解链unwinding role in DNA replication
复原come back job
复杂相互complex interplay
复钙recalcification (recalcificatio)
summer cropping
summer crop
summer crops
main season crop
夏季耕summer tillage
夏季耕summer plowing
夏季耕summer ploughing
夏季覆盖summer cover crop
夏季谷类summer grains
夏播薯类summer potatoes
夏播谷类summer cereals
夏谷类summer grains
夏谷类summer grain crops
外力ectogene action
外国传人的蔬菜vegetables native to western countries
外来alien crop
外溶菌噬菌体lysis from without
外界因子的相互interplay of external factor
multiple cropping
diverse cropping
用控制器multiple action controller
多倍性的巨体gigas effect of polyploidy
多区轮multi-course rotation
多区轮multiple plot rotation
多区轮multiple- cropping rotation
多区轮many-plot rotation
多区轮multiple crop rotation system
多区轮multi-area rotation system
多合成multiple synthetic role
多因子相互high order interaction
多层乔林many storied high forest system
多年生perennial crop
多年生物辐射育种radiation breeding of perennial crops
多序列操multiple sequence operation
多效性基因pleiotropic gene action
多步动multistep action
多相动电位polyphasic action potential
多种multiple crops
多种物栽培multiple crop cultivation
多种物栽培diverse cropping
多种物轮作multiple- cropping rotation
多种物轮作制multiple crop rotation system
多种用的混合制剂multi-purpose mixture
多肽间互补interpolypeptide complementation
多行物旋转中耕机multi-row-crop rotary cultivator
γ 射线对种子的action of gamma-rays on seeds
X 射线的生物学biological action of X-rays
orphan crop
minor crops
minor crop
谷类small grains
谷类small grain crops
谷类small grain crops
谷类物品种small grain variety
谷类物栽培small grain growing
谷类物育种small grain breeding
谷类物育种圃播种机small grain nursery planter
小农耕smallholder farming
小型操系统small-scale operating system
小季物的收获off-season crop
小粒谷类small grains
小粒谷类small grain cereals
小谷类minor cereal crops
小麦耕wheat cropping system
小麦花生轮rotation of groundnut-wheat
小麦轮wheat rotation system
小麦轮安排wheat rotation arrangement
希尔图法Hill plotting
开垄耕casting plowing
开道为供农机作业开路而收刈first cut
异养相互heterotrophic interaction (interactio heteropha)
异型拮抗heteroantagonism (heteroantagonismus)
异戊烯基化isopentenylation (isopentenylatio)
"异或" 操exclusive-OR operation
异核体的质核相互nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction in heterokaryons
异源多倍allopolyploidization (allopolyploidisatio)
异花受精cross-fertilized crops
异花授粉cross pollinator
异花授粉cross-pollinated crops
引发的基因drived gene effect
引诱attracting action
引进introduced crop
成叶foliorization (foliorisatio)
成土soil building crops
成核nucleation (nucleatio)
成熟ripening crop
"或"操union (unio)
指示indicator crop
按件计算工price work
按摩squeezing action
明显appreciable role
易发explosive (explosivus)
最后一季宿根指甘蔗final ratoon crop
最后溶菌在某种情况下可能发生的溶菌作用eventual lysis
最小凝结minimum coagulation
最敏感指对气候,肥料等most sensitive crop
最新式耕机具modern cultivation equipment
最适宜轮most suitable crop rotation
最适轮顺序optimum crop succession
有丝分裂纺锤体的role of mitotic spindle
有价值appreciable role
有壁犁耕moldboard plowing
有技术skilled work
有效工时间operation use time
有效操valid operation (operatio valida)
有效操execution (executio)
有效操effective work
有效率耕efficiency cropping
有机肥料role of organic manure
有病diseased crop
有计划秋耕planned autumn- ploughing workers
有限耕limited conservation tillage
服务工server workstation
stack job
树冠截阻指降水crown interception
树脂料resin crops
树间耕intertree cultivation
植物代谢plant metabolism
植物光合photosynthesis of plants
植物病理工plant pathologist
植物群丛 光合photosynthesis of plant stand
气候与物的关系climate in relation to corps
气候干旱化aridization of climate
清耕cleaning crops
渔捞业区area of fishing
渔网业性能behavior of fishing net
漏电电流动保护器residual current operated protective device
球茎物播种机bulb and corm planter
甘蓝类cole crops
甘薯sweet potato ridging
甘薯垄机sweet potato ridger
稚蚕合饲育设施young larva cooperative rearing facility
缓冲带状耕buffer strip cropping
编制业计划preparation of working plan
编席料matting crops
编席料mat crops
编辑工editorial work
编辑工editorial staff
耐寒hardy crop
耐旱drought tolerant crops
耐旱drought tolerant crop
耐旱物品种drought-tolerant crop variety
耐水crop tolerating excessive water
耐盐salt-resistant crop
耐盐salt-tolerant crop
耐酸acid tolerant crop
crop farming
arable farming
休耕worked fallow
休耕cultivated fallow
位置ploughing position
tillage system
type of farming
arable system
cropping system
farming system
制专刊special journal of cropping system
制度cropping system
制方式mode of farming system
ploughed plot
plowed plot
farming zone
cropping history
土壤cropped soil
地条播drilling on tilled land
cropping type
处理cropping treatment
季节cropping season
geoponics (agroprinologia)
agroprinology (agroprinologia)
学教本textbook of tillage science
学的难题conundrum in geoponics
plow layer
worked soil
cultivated layer
ploughable layer
ploughing horizontal
ploughing horizon
arable horizon
熟化agric horizon
层土壤surface soil
面积布局crop ratio
agrarian zone
情况agricultural condition
技术cultivation technique
技术practice of cropping
技术cropping practices
措施改变change of farming practices
播种联合作业机cultivator-planting combine
效应cropping effect
效率farming efficiency
方式type of farming
cropping season
树干周围机具tree tiller
机具tillage tools
method of cultivation
plowing method
expedient of tillage
深度plowing depth
深度cultivation depth
状况state of cultivation
状态ploughing position
植物缺铜症状reclamation disease
rural (ruralis)
类型cropping pattern
组分布法farm unit dispersion
补助金的限额subsidized crop restrictions
补助金的限额"soil bank" program
计划working plan
计划farming plan
计划farming program
计划crop plan
记录cropping history
速度plowing speed
速度ploughing speed
集约度farming intensity
面积area under cultivation
面积land under cultivation
面积acreage under cultivation
顺序cropping sequence
耕地plowing work
耕地ploughing work
耕播联合系统till-plant system
耕种合cropping co-operative
耕耘机耕cultivator tillage
酸释放adipokinetic action
脂质代谢lipid metabolism
脂质-蛋白质相互lipid-protein interaction
茎用stem crops
茎秆纤维stem fiber crops
萌芽林sprout method
蔓生vine crops
蜜源honey crops
蜜源bee crops
调动工swapping work
调节regulatory role
调节硝酸还原regulating nitrate reduction
牧场的pasturable (pasturabilis)
适于耕suitable for cultivation
适于耕fit for tillage
适地适right crop for right land
适宜指适于要栽培的地区suitable crops
适应adaptive function
适应免疫adaptive immunization
适当用力appropriate agent
适旱xerophilous crop
适温thermophilous crops
肥料逆变reversion reaction
透明化hyalinization (hyalinisatio)
通信操comm operator
通用工universal table
阈值操threshold operation
需果fruit and seed crops
需果fruit and grain crops
需果指生产果实与颖果的作物fruit and grain crops
需氧代谢aerobic metabolism
需肥well-fertilized crops
需花flower crops
霍夫斯蒂图法Hofstee plotting
霜冻副secondary effect of frost
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