
Terms for subject Technology containing 体形 | all forms | in specified order only
一字形整体钎杆chisel rod
三角形体系triangular system
三角形坝体断面triangular dam profile
三角形扩声体triangular diffuser
三角形支撑体系triangular support system
坝的上游楔形体upstream fill
土石坝的下游楔形体downstream fill
不对称形体asymmetrical configuration
不对称形体asymmetric configuration
不整形晶体的allotriomorphic granular
中间体玻璃形成物intermediate glass former
二元总体条形图bivariate population bar graph
云南山字形构造体系Yunnan epsilon tectonic system
人字形砖砌体herringbone brickwork
体积不变而形状变化时的应力状态deviatoric state of stress distortion
体积变形volumetrical deformation
体积变形cubical deformation
体积变形模量modulus of volume deformation
体积形状因子volume shape factor
体积形状系数volume shape factor
体积成形bulk forming
侵入体形成深度formation depth of intrusive body
侵入岩体环形体circular features of intrusive bodies
偏心锥形筒体eccentric conical shell
偏心锥形筒体eccentric conic shell
八字形砂胶试体mortar briquettes
八字形砂胶试体mortar briquets
八角形块体octagon block
六角形多孔块体perforated hexagonal block
六角形铁氧体hexagonal ferrite
六边形晶体hexagonal crystal
关连形体间的方向orientation of related features
造型的体形concrete form
凸形整体铣刀convex solid cutter
刚体变形rigid deformation
割面拱形体secant ogive
劈形吸声体wedge-shaped absorber
体形inclusion shape
包裹体形shape of inclusion
十字形体cruciform mass
十字形体的四肢cross limb
十字形屋体cruciform mass of a building
半形晶体hemi-morphic crystal
半月形体semi-lunar body
半球形钵体hemi-spherical bowl
半球形钵体semi-spherical bowl
半球形钵体semi-spheric bowl
半球形钵体hemi-spheric bowl
半闭口槽内的矩形导体rectangular conductor in semi-closed slot
体形individual morphology
单个圆形格体isolated circular cell
单粒菱形体排列arrangement of rhombohedron single particle
单索面竖琴形密索体系single plane multicable harp system
卵形体ovoid body
卵形体ogival-shape body
卵形体截面oval-body section
叉形立体交叉Y-grade separation
双层式丫形立体交叉two-level fork junction
双层式环形立体交叉two-level roundabout junction
双层式环形立体枢纽two-level roundabout junction
双菱形互通式立体交叉double diamond interchange
变形体力学deformation mechanics
变形体力学deformable body mechanics
变形固体动力学deformation solid dynamics
变形字体modified letter
变形字体deformed typeface
变形椭球体ellipsoid of deformation
可变形体deformable body
同形晶体isomorphous crystal
同素异形体allotropic modification
喇叭形立体交叉trumpet type interchange (T形立体交叉)
喇叭形立体交叉trumpet-type interchange
四叶形立体交叉cloverleaf interchange
四叶形立体交叉cloverleaf intersection
四边形单元体特性quadrilateral element characteristic
四边形四分体tetragonal tetrad
团集体形aggregate formation
固体成形机solid forming machine
固体环形激光器solid-state ring laser
圆弧形格体arc cell
圆形拱或壳体circular arch or shell
圆形晶体rod-like crystal
圆形格体circular cell
圆形芯体circular core
土体压缩变形阶段compressive deformation stage of soil mass
土体渗透变形seepage deformation of soil mass
地形线性体topographical lineament
地形线性体topographic lineament
地文环形体physiographical circular features
地文环形体physiographic circular features
地球形体figure of the earth
体形shape of block
坝基岩体滑动形式rock sliding type of dam foundation
体形shell shape
体形shell form
壳体外形shell configuration
壳体扇形面shell sector
室内舞台或露天剧场的壳形音质反射体orchestra shell
多形体polymorphic modification
多角形砌体砌合polygonal masonry bond
多边形砌体砌合polygonal masonry bond
实体摄影地形测量stereo phototopography
左右对形 enantiomorph
尖头体形pointed body shape
尖顶形壳体ogival shell
山字形构造体系【地】epsilon-type tectonic system
山字形构造体系【地】epsilon-type structural system
体形shape of intrusion
岩体变形试验方法deformation test of rock mass
岩体变形试验点数number of deformation parameters test of rock mass
带形导体ribbon conductor
并合变形体fused plasmodium
应变三角形单元体strain triangular element
建筑体形building size
防波堤等的异形护面块体special-shaped armour block
防波堤等的异形护面块体special-shaped armor unit
防波堤等的异形护面块体special-shaped armour unit
防波堤等的异形护面块体special-shaped armor block
异形混凝土块体irregular concrete unit
异形混凝土块体irregular concrete block
弓形锥体arch centrum
弯月形天体摄影仪meniscus astrograph
形体分析法shape analysis
形体排列dimensional orientation
形体的刚度rigidity of modulus
形体风格body style
N 形半导体N-type semi-conductor
L 形块体L-shaped block
形成价值的实体value-creating substance
形成胶体gel forming
形状复杂矿体complex-shape orebody
Y形立体交叉Y-grade separation
Y 形立体交叉Y-grade separation
T 形立体交叉T-grade separation
影像环形体image circular features
影像环形体图image circular feature map
体形态学gross morphology
桥梁结构上的悬臂扇形体cantilever segment
成因不明环形体uncertain genetic circular features
截锥形研磨体truncated cone shape grinding media
扇形体系fan-shaped system
扇形嵌合体sectorial chimera
扇形格体diaphragm cell
打击形成半锥体bulb of percussion
扭 S 形块体dinosaur block
扭S形块体dino block
拱形体系dome system
拱形体系arched system
拱形肋骨船体arc form hull
接触扇形体contact segment
改良扇形体系modified fan system
放射形平房体系one-storey finger system
放射形平房体系one-story finger system
数学形式体系mathematic formalism
体∨形凿尖凿solid type diamond bit
整体式箱形货车root van
整体方形管子板牙square solid pipe die
整体铸铁碟形封头integral cast-iron dished head
整形晶体idiomorphic crystal
斜坡岩体变形观测monitoring of deformation of rock mass of slope
斜板扇形体tilted-slab segment
断块环形体circular features of faulted blocks
新月体形crescent formation
方体锥形螺簧rectangular section volute spring
方向舵扇形体rudder quadrant
方解石菱形体calcite rhombohedron
星形体star body
晕圈环形体halo ring circular features
晚期几何形体式late geometrical (装饰)
晚期几何形体式late geometric (装饰)
体形crystal morphology (学)
体形yielding of crystals
木螺旋形体timber spire
本体变形body distortion
条形导体ribbon conductor
板式体形board body type
构造盆地环形体circular features of structural basins
柱式体形column body type
标志体变形后轴率post-deformation axial-ratio
标志体变形后长度post-deformation length of markers
树枝形晶体arborescent crystal
格子形砌合墙体checkerboard masonry bond
格形混凝土块体cellular concrete block
桥式环形立体交叉bridged rotary intersection
棱形体土方公式prismoidal formula
棱柱体形折板屋顶prismoidal slab roof
棱柱体形折板屋顶prismoid slab roof
棱柱形蓄水体prism storage
楔形体储[贮]存wedge storage
楔形体堆垛wedge stacking
楔形土体soil wedge
楔形蓄水体wedge storage
欧亚山字形构造体系【地】Eurasian epsilon structural system
正形球体conformal sphere
气体的形成formation of gas
沟形锥体trenched cone
沥青材料形成胶体能力colloidal capacity of bituminous substance
波形侧移壳体waveform translational shell (结构)
波形侧移壳体waveform translation shell (结构)
波纹形壳体corrugated shell
注入形半导体激光器injection semiconductor laser
流线型车体外形设计aerodynamical shape
流线型车体外形设计aerodynamic shape
浮体水面形心floatation center
浮体水面形心flotation center
体形liquid deformation
液体弹性形变liquid elastic deformation
液体薄膜形成剂liquid membrane forming compound (养护混凝土用)
液体非弹性形变liquid inelastic deformation
混凝体形成时间time of floc formation
混凝土异形块体concrete shapes
混凝土异形块体concrete shaped block
灌浆的环形筒体grouted annulus
火山机构环形体circular features of volcanic mechanism
环形体形shape of circular features
环形体交叉控矿ore-forming control of circular intersection
环形体周长peripheral length of circular features
环形体控矿ore-forming control of circular feature
环形体种类category of circular features
环形体-线性体带控矿ore-forming control of circular-linear zone
环形体长轴方位long axial azimuth of circular features
环形体面积area of circular features
环形构体施工法annular cell construction method
环形气体激光器ring gas laser
环形立体交叉flyover roundabout (系统)
环形立体交叉bridged rotary interchange
环形立体交叉rotary interchange
环形立体交叉bridged rotary
玻璃形成体glass former
玻璃网络形成体glass network former
球形包裹体spherical inclusion body
球形包裹体spheric inclusion body
球形十二面体spherical icosahedrons
球形十二面体spheric icosahedrons
球形发射体spherical emitter
球形发射体spheric emitter
球形导体spherical conductor
球形导体spheric conductor
球形照明体sphere illumination
球形胶体sphere colloid
球形钙化层状小体Schaumann's bodies
球形钙化层状小体globular calcified lamellar bodies
生物礁环形体circular features of bioherms
盐丘及底辟环形体circular features of salt domes and diapirs
相关形体related feature
相对体变形relative volumetric deformation
矩形回线铁氧体square loop ferrite
矩形壳体rectangular shell
矩形磁滞环铁氧体square loop ferrite
矩形表体系system of rectangular tables
短圆柱形壳体short cylindrical shell
石砌体预留齿形接口toothing of stone
石砌体齿形接口toothing of stone
体形morphology of orebody
体形态变化morphological variation of orebody
体形态变化morphologic variation of orebody
体形态复杂程度morphological complexities of orebodies
体形态复杂程度morphologic complexities of orebodies
体形shape of orebody
砌体胀缩变形movement in masonry
砖砌体齿形待接插口toothing of brick wall
砖砌体齿形接口toothing of brick wall
硬球形流体hard-sphere fluid
磁性体形shapes of magnetic bodies
磁性体形状参数parameters of magnetic body shapes
稀有气体笼形包合物rare gas clathrate
稀有气体笼形物rare gas clathrate compound
穹隆构造环形体circular features of dome structures
体形solid figure
体形space shape
立体地形图stereotopographical map
立体地形图stereotopographic map
立体地形图relief map
立体地形模型stereoscopic terrain model
立体摄影地形测量学stereo phototopography
立体派形式cubist style
立体测绘地形图stereometrical map
立体测绘地形图stereometric map
立体球形灯罩cube globe
立体网形聚合物space network polymer
立方体饰形cubical modification
立方体饰形cubic modification
等体积变形isochoric deformation
筒体变形deformed kiln shell
筒体弯形elliptical distortion
筒体弯形elliptic distortion
简单立体交叉四叶形立体交叉grade separation
箱形体系box system
箱形液体冷却器tank-type liquid cooler
絮凝体形floc formation
纯扇形体系pure fan system
线形支承体系linear supporting system
线性体形shape of lineament
线性体-环形体交切控矿ore-forming control of linear-circular intersection
结构体形态类型shape of texture body
罐体容积全变形值total expansion of tank volume
罐体容积残余变形值residual expansion of tank volume
罐体容积残余变形率residual expansion rate of tank volume
脊形砖砌体ridged brickwork
膨体变形能力bulking power
自形晶体idiomorphic crystal
体形hull form
船体变形hull strained
船体变形hull deformation
船体变形船hull-strained ship
船体变形船hull-deformed vessel
船体外形hull line
船体急剧变形abrupt change of ship section
船体线形图lines plan
良流线形体fine streamline body
花瓣形格体cloverleaf cell
苜蓿叶形立体交叉full clover-leaf interchange
苜蓿形立体交叉cloverleaf interchange
英格兰山字形构造体系England Epsilon structural system
菱形十二面体rhombical dodecahedron
菱形立体交叉diamond interchange
菱形立方体diamond cubic
蛛网形缝乱毛石砌体polygonal random rubble masonry
蝶形双悬臂壳体twin cantilever shell
螺旋形晶体spiral crystal
跨线环形立体交叉flyover roundabout
蹄形磁体horseshoe magnet
轴向变形体理论axial strained-body theory
辐射体形form of radiator
钢筋混凝土筒形圆顶壳体reinforced barrel-vault shell
钩形光电晶体管hook phototransistor
体形pyramid formation
锥形体conical body
锥形体conic body
锥形体接头swedged nipple
锥形堆积体conical pile
锥形堆积体conic pile
锥形实壳体转筒helical-shell conical shaped bowl
锥形实壳体转筒helical-shell conic shaped bowl
锥形火山岩体conical pile
锥形火山岩体conic pile
锥形筒体conical shell
锥形筒体conic shell
锥形车体tapered hull
锥形钢体conic steel body
锯齿形固体激光器zigzag solid laser
长圆柱状晶体形long-columnar habit
闭合多边形刚架实体结构closed construction
非圆形的筒体结构non-circular cylindrical structure
非圆形的筒体结构non-circular cylindric structure
非晶形体amorphous body
非晶形固体amorphous solid
非物体形态的产品product without a material form
鞍形壳体saddle-shaped shell
鞍形线圈磁体saddle coil magnet
预应力混凝土圆筒形壳体prestressed concrete cylindrical shell
预应力混凝土筒形拱壳体prestressed concrete barrel vault
马氏体形态学morphology of martensite
马氏体开始形成点martensite starting point
马氏体开始形成点martensite start point
马氏体的形成martensite formation
高、跨不等球体与筒形交叉拱cylindro-spheric groin
鼓形护弦本体cell-type buffer
鼓形格体diaphragm cell