
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 体制 | all forms | in specified order only
体制、政策及程序组Systems, Policies and Procedures Group
体制Media Production
控制体重用配方食品标准Standard for Formula Foods for Use in Weight Control Diets
政策及体制促进组Policy and Institutional Promotion Group
新海洋体制渔业管理原则工作组Working Party on the Principles for Fisheries Management in the New Ocean Regime
欧洲共同体制革工人及服装制作者国家协会联盟Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community
欧洲经济共同体蛋黄酱和调味汁制造业委员会Committee of the Mayonnaise and Condiment Sauce Industries of the EEC
渔业管理体制协调统一问题工作组Workshop on the Harmonization and Coordination of Fishery Regimes
进出口食品检验和认证体系等效性协议制定准则Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements Regarding Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems
食品进出口检验与认证体系等效协议制定准则Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements Regarding Food Imports and Export Inspection and Certification Systems