
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 体制 | all forms | in specified order only
制造和验收总体方案elaboration and approval general program
土地管理体制organizational structure for land administration
土地集体所有制【土】collective ownership of land
控制体积有限元法control-volume-based finite element method
晶体特制品公司Crystal Speciality Corp.
电压控制晶体振荡器voltage controlled crystal oscillator
石油工业管理体制oil industry management system
矿体几何制图geometrisation of ore body
计算机一体化制造computer integrated manufacturing
计算机一体化制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system
计算机一体化制造系统computer integrated making system
路易斯安那州立大学固体控制及环境保护实验室Louisiana State University Solids Control Environmental Laboratory