
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
nuisance Anything that affects or prejudices health (影响或损害健康之事。)
be an injury to
injury A stress upon an organism that disrupts the structure or function and results in a pathological process (加在有机体上而破坏其结构或功能,进而导致一段病理过程的压力。)
害保险damage insurance A commercial product which provides a guarantee against damage to property in return for premiums paid (一种商业产品,缴纳保险金后会为财产损失提供补偿。)
动物animal damage Harm caused to the environment by animals as, for instance, in the case of overgrazing, trampling, etc. Overgrazing damage is reduced by properly located watering facilities to decrease daily travel by livestock. Rotation of grazing areas allows time for recovery of grass. Some land can be easily restored if grazing is allowed only during one season. Animals may cause damage to crops when agriculture land borders on virgin territory or game reserves. In addition wild animals may bring disease in valuable domestic herds. Cattle overstocking has caused serious degradation of habitat, and cattle raising is thus, to some extent, counterproductive (动物对环境造成的危害,例如由过度的放牧、践踏等。过度放牧的危害可通过适当的放置供水区以减少家畜每日的行经路线的方法加以降低。放牧区轮流开放可以让草有恢复的机会。某些土地只允许放牧一季的时间,这些土地则较容易恢复。当农地的边缘位于未开发区域或在保护区中,则可能对作物造成危害。除此之外,野生动物可能会为有价值的家畜带来疾病。牛只过多已经造成严重的栖地危害,因此,对牛只饲养的产量也会有造成一定程度的不良影响。)
事故work accident Accident occurring in the course of the employment and caused by inherent or related factors arising from the operation of materials of one's occupation (在工作过程中发生的事故,由与人相关的材料操作所产生的内在或相关因素所造成。)
慢性污染损chronic pollution injury
fire injury