
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
个人personal biography
个人记调查表personal biographical questionnaire
感器pick-up sensor
感器sensing unit
播方向propagation direction
播系数factor of propagation
播距离propagation distance
热材料heat-transfer material
爆线detonating fuse
brief biography
给桥墩的水平力horizontal force transmitted to pier
统建筑traditional architecture
统施工法traditional construction method
统施工法orthodox construction method
递力矩carry-over moment
递矩阵法transfer matrix method
递系数transfer coefficient
压力transmission of pressure
国际记词典dictionary of international biography
地基承受桩所来荷载的承载力load capacity of the ground to support the load delivered by the pile
应力stress transmission
应力stress transfer
应力波stress wave propagation
弹性波elastic wave propagation
播方向direction of wave propagation
电力送塔electrical transmission tower
电阻应变计式感器transducer of resistance strain gage type
荷载transmission of load
荷载load transfer
荷载递分析load-transfer analysis
荷载递机理load transfer mechanism
荷载由桩递给土load transfer from pile to soil
角变播法method of propagation of joint rotation
误差propagation of error
误差播定律law of error propagation
预应力递长度transfer length of prestress