
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 产量 | all forms | in specified order only
世界各国或地区粗钢产量crude steel production by world countries and regions
世界各国或地区连铸钢产量continuously cast steel production by world countries or regions
世界总产量total world production
世界钢产量world steel production
世界钢总产量world's total steel output (In fact, the developing countries produce 29 percent of the world's total steel output, which surpasses the goal announced at the 1975 Lima Conference for Developing Countries. 事实上,发展中国家的钢产量已占世界钢总产量的29%,超过了 1975年发展中国家利马会议宣布的目标。)
世界钢总产量total world steel production
中国粗钢产量crude steel production in China
中国连铸钢产量China's continuously cast steel production
中国连铸钢产量China's continuously cast steel output
中国钢产量China's steel production
中国钢产量China's steel output
产品计量器product weigher
产品质量product quality
产品质量合格认证product quality certification for qualification
产品质量安全认证product quality certification for safety
产品质量安全认证product quality and safety certification
产品质量要求product quality requirement (In most North American steel plants, the hot metal leaves the blast furnaces containing 0.040 ~ 0.070% S, while the oxygen converters are charged with hot metal containing as little as 0.010 ~ 0.001% S, to conform to limits on steel composition set by caster operations and final product quality requirements. 在北美的大多数炼钢厂,高炉铁水的含硫量为0.040% -0.070%;而为了使钢水成分能符合连铸机生产规定的成分范围和终产品的质量要求,兑人氧气转炉的铁水含硫量仅为 0.001% ~ 0.010%。)
产品质量认证机构certification organization for product quality
产尘量dust yield
产量output quantity
产量output (March 1998 crude steel production of 1.45 Mt was 7. 8% higher than last year's third month output. 1998 年 3 月的粗钢产量为 145 万 t, 比上一年3月的粗钢产量提高 7. 8%。)
产量volume of production
产量quantity of production
产量production capacity
产量下调turndown of production
产量下降loss of yield
产量吨数tonnage output
产量指数output index
产量指标production output figure
产量统计production statistics
产量-质量关系曲线yield-mass curve
优质产品大量生产quality-quantity production
估计产量estimated output
估计产量estimated crude steel production
产量poor yield
产量low yield
产量乙炔发生器low-output acetylene generator
产量full yield
全球粗钢产量global crude steel production (Global crude steel production totaled 116.6 million tonnes in February 2011, up 8. 8% from 107 million tonnes in February 2010. 2011年2月全球粗钢产量为1. 166亿 t, 比 2010 年 2 月 1.07 亿 t 提高 8. 8%。)
化铁炉的产量blast cupola output
单件或小量生产的模型temporary pattern
单位产量specific yield
单位产量specific production
单位产量劳动成本labor cost per unit of output
单位产量劳动成本指数index of labor cost per unit of output
单位产量工时man-hour requirement per unit of output
单位产量铁矿石消耗iron ore rate (量)
单位产量铁矿石消耗iron ore consumption per unit of output (量)
单套产量single-line capacity
连铸机单机产量production per machine (In spite of the progress made, it is clear that the average production per machine is still far below the level of production which can be technically achieved today. 尽管有所进步,但显而易见的是连铸机平均单机产量依然远远低于目前在技术上可以达到的产量水平。)
单机产量output per machine
连铸机单流产量production per strand
单流产量output per strand
单流年产量annual production per strand
钢年产量annual raw steel production
原钢年产量annual crude steel production
原钢年产量annual crude steel output
反应产量reaction yield
向量产生vector generation
国内外粗钢产量统计foreign and domestic crude steel production statistics
国家矿产储量管理局State Administration on Mineral Resources
增加通过,处理increased throughput
多品种小批量生产multikind and small quantity production
产量large-volume output
产量large output
大批量生产mass-production (The mass-production of sheet metal can be traced to the middle of the nineteenth century when sheets of tinplate were stamped to form food containers. 金属薄板的大批量生产可以追溯到19世纪中叶,那时已将镀锡薄板冲压成食品盒。)
大批量生产large-scale production
大方坯产量bloom production
大方坯产量square bloom output
大方坯产量bloom output
大方坯平均日产量average daily output of bloom
大量〔连续〕生产quantity production
大量生产large output
大量生产large-lot production
大量生产large-lot manufacture
大量生产high volume production
大量生产large-volume output
大量生产repetition work
大量生产tonnage production
大量生产large lot production
大量生产mass production
大量生产extensive manufacturing
大量生产产品large-tonnage product
大量生产工艺设备mint processing equipment
大量生产的氧tonnage oxygen
大量生产的氧气tonnage oxygen
大量生产的钢tonnage steel
大量生产的铸工车间production foundry
实际产量actual production
实际产量effective output
实际产量actual output
产量车间small-tonnage plant
小批量生产small-lot manufacture
小方坯产量square billet output
小方坯产量billet production
小方坯产量billet output
小时产出量hourly gain in production
小时产量output per hour
小量生产short-run production
小钢厂粗钢产量minimill raw steel output
小钢厂粗钢产量crude steel production of minimill
小钢厂薄板产量sheet output of minimill
小钢厂薄板产量minimill sheet production
小钢厂薄板坯产量thin-slab production of minimill
工业生产质量管理industrial quality control
带钢产量strip production (The upgraded plant will reach the annual capacity to produce 1.2 million tonnes of cold rolled products, increasing strip production by 40 percent. 改造后的钢厂冷轧产品年生产能力将达到120万 t, 带钢产量提高40%。)
平均产量average production
平均产量average make
平均单台连铸产量average production per caster (In spite of the progress made, it is clear that the average production per caster in the area is still far below the level of production which can be technically achieved today. 尽管有所进步,但显而易见的是该地区平均单(台连铸)机产量依然远远低于目前在技术上可以达到的产量水平。)
平均日产量average daily output
平均日产量average daily production
平均昼夜产量average daily production
平均月产量average monthly output
产量annual production
产量yearly capacity
产量yearly production
产量annual rate
产量annual production (The steel company has an annual production of about 12 million tonnes of pig iron, made by ten blast furnaces. 该钢公司生铁年产量约为 1200 万 t, 由 10 座高炉冶炼而成。)
产量annual capacity
年平均日产量mean annual daily output
年度钢产量annual steel production
年度钢产量annual steel output
年烧结矿产量annual sinter output
产量overall yield
产量ultimate production
产量total output
产量gross production
提高产品质量improve quality of product
产量output per day
产量single day production
产量daily production
产量daily output
昼夜产量daily production
最后产量final yield
最大产量maximum yield
月平均产量average monthly output
月生铁产量monthly pig iron production
月生铁产量monthly pig iron output
板坯年产量annual slab production
板坯年产量annual slab output
板坯连铸机产量slab caster production
板坯连铸机产量slab caster output
板坯连铸机产量output of continuous slab caster
欧洲实际钢产量real steel production in Europe
欧洲粗钢产量European crude steel production
欧洲粗钢产量crude steel production in Europe
欧洲连铸钢产量European continuously cast steel production
欧洲连铸钢产量continuously cast steel production in Europe
欧洲钢产量steel production in Europe
欧洲钢产量steel output in Europe
欧洲钢实际产量European real steel output
每人每小时产量output per man-hour
每人每小时产钢量steel output per man-hour
每炉役累计生铁产量cumulative pig iron production per campaign life
每炉役累计生铁产量cumulative pig iron output per campaign
气体煤气产量gas yield
水平连铸机产量production of horizontal continuous caster
水平连铸机产量output of horizontal continuous caster
产量furnace production
产量furnace output
产量furnace yield
炉子产量furnace production
炉尘产出量flue dust production
炉膛面积产量output of hearth area
炉顶灰产出量flue dust production
烧结矿产量sinter yield
烧结矿产量sinter production (The sinter production of No.2 sinter plant was 1. 39 mt, above the rated capacity of 1. 37 mtpa in the first year of operation.2 号烧结机投产第一年烧结矿产量为139万 t, 高于额定年生产能力137万 t。)
烧结矿产量sinter production
烧结矿产量sinter make
烧结矿产量sinter output
烧结矿产量sintering capacity
烧结矿设计产量designed sinter output
焙烧球团产量fired pellet output
焙烧球团产量burnt pellet production
煤气gas throughput
产量ton per shift
球团产量pellet yield
球团产量pellet production
球团产量pellet output
球团产量pelletizing capacity
理论产量theoretical yield
产量quantity of production
产量throughput (capacity)
产量productive capacity
工业生产质量管理industrial quality control
生铁产量pig iron production
生铁产量pig iron output
生铁产量iron make
生铁总产量total pig iron production
生铁总产量total pig iron output
生铁累计产量cumulative pig iron production
生铁累计产量cumulative output of pig iron
电弧炉钢产量EAF output
电炉钢产量electric furnace steel production
电熔产量electromelting output
直接还原铁产量DRI output
直接还原铁产量direct reduced iron output
碳化物产量carbide output
立方量度生产量cubic content
立方量度生产量cubic capacity
粗钢产量crude steel production
粗钢产量production of crude steel (This region has about 376 million inhabitants; in 2009 the production of crude steel amounted to 155 million tonnes. 该地区人口约为 3.76 亿,1999 年粗钢产量为 1.55 亿 t。)
粗钢产量raw steel output
粗钢产量raw steel production (In 1992, the company's raw steel production of 10.3 million tonnes, 60 percent or roughly 6 million tonnes was made in the electric furnace, 34 percent or 3.4 million tonnes in the basic oxygen converter, and 6 percent in the open hearth. 1992年该公司粗钢产量为1030万 t, 其中60%,约600万 t 由电炉冶炼;34%,约 340 万 t 由碱性氧气转炉冶炼;其余6%由平炉冶炼。)
粗钢产量crude steel output (In 1992, crude steel output at the steelworks was 8.7 million tonnes, of which 34.5 percent was from the basic oxygen converter, 15.4 percent from the electric-arc furnace, and 50.1 percent from the open hearth. 1992 年该钢厂粗钢产量为 870万 t, 其中的34.5%由碱性氧气转炉冶炼,15.4%由电弧炉冶炼,50.1%由平炉冶炼。)
粗钢人均产量per capita crude steel production
粗钢年产量annual crude steel production
粗钢年产量annual crude steel output
粗钢总产量total raw steel output
粗钢总产量total crude steel production (Total crude steel production reported by 67 steel producing nations to the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) through Nov. 1996 was 61.3 million tones, 2. 1% higher than 1995's November output level. 67 个产钢国向国际钢铁协会报告的1996年11月的粗钢总产量为6130万 t, 比1995年11月的粗钢总产量提高 2.1%。)
粗钢日产量daily crude steel output
粗钢月产量monthly crude steel output
累积产量ultimate production
累计产量cumulative production
累计连铸钢产量cumulative production of continuously cast steel
累计连铸钢产量accumulated continuously cast steel output
累计铁水产量cumulative hot metal production
罗布尔说:"1982年在我们生产钢梁之前,进口量约占市场的41%""Before we started making steel beams in 1982, imports accounted for about 41% of the market," said Wroble.
自用产量captive tonnage
西欧粗钢产量production of crude steel in Western Europe
计划产量scheduled production
计划产量designed output
计划连铸钢年产量planned annual production of continuously cast steel
设计产量projected output
设计产量designed production
设计产量design output
设计产量design throughput
设计产量planned production rate
设计产量designed output
设计年产量rated annual capacity
质量信得过产品product of trustworthy quality
轧制产品产量mill production
轧制产品质量rolled product quality
轧机产量rolling mill output
轧机产量mill production
轧机产量rolling mill yield
转炉钢产量converter steel output
返矿产出量return fines make
还原弹的产量bomb yield
连铸坯产量continuously cast steel production
连铸坯产量continuously cast steel output
连铸坯 产量annual output of continuously cast steel
连铸坯年产量annual production of continuously cast semifinished product
连铸机产量output of continuous caster
连铸机产量continuous caster production
连铸机产量continuous caster output
连铸机产量caster output
连铸机单机产量production per caster
连铸机小时产量output per hour of continuous caster
连铸机小时产量hourly output of continuous caster
连铸机年产量annual caster production
连铸机年产量annual caster output
连铸机总产量total caster production
连铸机总产量total output of caster
连铸机总产量total production of continuous caster
连铸机总产量total caster output
连铸板坯产量continuously cast slab output
连铸板坯年产量annual continuously cast slab production
连铸板坯年产量annual production of continuously cast slab
连铸板坯年产量annual continuously cast slab output
连铸钢产量continuously cast steel production
连铸钢产量continuously cast steel output
连铸钢年产量annual continuously cast steel production
连铸钢年产量annual continuously cast steel output
量子产额quantum yield
量子产额quantum efficiency
钛产出量titanium yield
产量steel production
产量steel output (① Since the steel output of the developing countries continues to expand, and that of the industrialized countries continues to contract, there is little doubt that developing countries will produce mere than 30 percent of world steel by the year 2000.由于发展中国家钢产量持续增加,工业化国家钢产量持续降低,因此几乎无人怀疑,到2000年发展中国家的钢产量将超过世界钢产量的 30%。 ②Several developing countries have so increased their own steel output that they no longer need large quantities of Japanese steel imports. ―些发展中国家已提高了自己的钢产量,不再需要从日本大量进口钢产品。)
产量份额share of steel production (The developing countries will increase their share of steel production, while the industrialized countries will reduce production. 发展中国家将增加它们的钢产量份额,而工业发达国家将减少其钢产量份额。)
钢产品需求量steel product requirement
钢的年产量annual steel production
钢的年产量annual steel output
钢锭产量steel ingot output
钢锭产量steel ingot production
钢锭产量ingot ton
钢锭产量ingot output
钢锭产量ingot production
钢锭产量ingot capacity
产量iron production
产量iron output
铁水产量hot metal production
铁水产量hot metal output
铁水日产量daily hot metal production (Figure 1 shows the increase in daily hot metal production from the start of the campaign through the end of November 2010.图 1 说明了自本次炉役开始到 2010 年 11 月底铁水日产量的增加情况。)
铅产出量lead yield
铸造产品质量cast product quality
预计合金钢年产量predicted annual alloy steel production
预计合金钢年产量predicted annual alloy steel output
预计年产量expected annual output
预计板坯产量expected slab production
预计烧结矿产量expected sinter output
预计粗钢年产量predicted annual raw steel output
预计粗钢年产量anticipated annual crude steel production
额定产量rated output
产量high yield
产量high production
产量乙炔发生器heavy duty acetylene generator
高炉产量blast furnace production
高炉产量output of blast furnace
高炉产量blast furnace output
高炉产量furnace productivity
高炉产量指数100 BOI 约等于4 t/ft² 炉缸面积/昼夜blast-furnace output index
高炉产量指数100 BOI 约等于4吨/英尺2炉缸面积/昼夜Blast-furnace output index
高炉产量指数blast furnace output index
高炉产量指数blast furnace output index
高炉产量指标blast furnace productivity index
高炉单炉产量output per blast furnace (Thanks to technical improvements our output per blast furnace has gone up, but we are still in the 'second division'. 由于技术上的进步,我们高炉的单炉产量已有所提高,但仍处于二流水平。)
高炉平均年产量average annual production per blast furnace (Average annual production per blast furnace is approx. 1. 26 million tonnes of hot metal; the largest furnace produces over 4 million t / a. 高炉平均年产量约为 126 万 t 铁水,最大高炉年产铁水超过400万 t。)
高炉渣产出量blast furnace slag output
高炉灰产出量flue dust production
高炉铁水产量hot metal output of BF