
Terms for subject Information technology containing 交接 | all forms
交叉域链接cross-domain link
交叉点链接cross site link
交叉通道转接cross channel switching
交叉链接crossed pinning
交叉链接文件cross-linked file
交换局连接设施central office connecting facility
交换的虚拟路径连接switched virtual path connection
交换的虚拟通道连接switched virtual channel connection
交换系统间接口inter switching system interface
交换虚拟连接switched virtual connection
交换连接switched connection
光交叉连接optical cross connect
光纤交叉连接fiber-optic cross connection
快速连接电路交换fast connect circuit switching
数字交叉连接器digital cross connect equipment
数字交叉连接器digital cross-connect equipment (DXC equipment)
数字交叉连接系统digital cross-connect system
数字接入和交叉连接系统digital access and cross-connect system
数据交换接口data exchange interface
数据转接交换data switching exchange
水平交叉连接horizontal cross connect
汇接[级联]交换机tandem switching
汇接移动交换中心tandem mobile switching center
电路交换接续circuit switched connection
综合存取和交叉连接系统integrated access and cross-connect system
X.25网络控制程序分组交换接口X.25 NCP packet switching interface
网间分组交换的开放数据链路接口Internet packet exchange open datalink interface
虚拟通道交叉连接VP cross connect
虚路径-虚信道交叉连接VP-VC cross connect
转接交换transit switch
软转接多谐振零交叉电源soft-switching multi-resonant zero-cross
非交换连接non-switched connection