
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
三角性的三角避险的结果delta neutral
上市listing suspension
上市公司年报告semi-annual report of listed company
上市公司的坚力量mainstay of listed companies
上海证券央登记结算公司Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation
东南亚央银行South-East Asian Central Bank
介人客户经理intermediaries relationship manager
介佣金procuration fee
介商经纪人intermediary dealer broker
介成本intermediation costs
介投人intermediate input
证券市场 介持股intermediary holdings
介收人intermediate income
介服务制度system of intermediation
介机构intermediate institutions
介机构facilitating agency
介组织intermediary organization
介经纪人introducing broker
介费用procuration fee
低收人投资者medium and low-income investor
信证券公司CITIC Securities Co. Ltd.
华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises
华人民共和国注册会计师法Law of PRC on Certified Accountants
华台北金融监管委员会Chinese Taipei Financial Supervisory Commission
middle office
证券业协会证券分析师专业委员会Securities Analysts Association of China
国事务委员会香港期货交易所有限公司Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited China Affairs Committee
国产权交易所China National Property Right Exchange
国人民银行People's Bank of China, The
国人民银行The People's Bank of China (PBC)
国人民银行上海总部Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China
国人民银行信用报告系统credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China
国人民银行反洗钱监测分析中心央行上海总部Laundry Monitor Analysis Center PBC
国人民银行外汇储备运作中心央行上海分部Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC
国人民银行数据处理中心人行上海总部Data Processing Center
国人民银行黄金储备运作中心央行上海分部Gold Reserve Operation Center PBC
国企业投资协会China Enterprises Investment Association
国会计准则Accounting Standards of the PRC
国会计准则体系China Accounting Standards System
国会计标准China Accounting Standard
国会计标准Accounting Standards of the PRC
国保险监督管理委员会简称"中国保监会"China Insurance Regulatory Commission
国信托商业银行China Trust Commercial Bank, Limited
国公司在香港上市指南刊物Listing Chinese Companies in Hong Kong publication
国内地发行人PRC issuer
国农业银行Agriculture Bank of China
国发展科香港联合交易所有限公司Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited China Development Division
国同业拆出利率China inter-bank offered rate
国商品期货交易所中国海南China Commodity Futures Exchange
国国债协会National Debt Association of China
国国家外汇管理局State Administration of Foreign Exchange
国国家投资公司China Investment Corporation (CIC)
国国际储备中心China International Reserve Center (CIRC)
国国际金融公司简称"中金公司"China International Capital Corporation
国国际金融有限公司简称"中金公司"China International Capital Corporation
国墙银行各部门之间防止客户利益冲突的保密分工Chinese Wall
国墙职能及资料分隔措施的程序Chinese wall procedures
国外汇交易中心China Foreign Exchange Center
国存托凭证China depository receipt
国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
国建设银行China Construction Bank
国式收购策略Chinese water-torture tactic
国指数期货China Index Futures
国特色的社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
国经济新闻China Economic News
国自动支付系统China National Automated Payment System
国证券业协会基金公会Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds, the
国证券业协会基金公会the CASIF Chinese Association of Securities Investment Fund
国证券中央登记结算公司上海China Securities Central Clearing & Registration Corporation
国证券中央登记结算公司上海The China Securities Central Clearing & Registration Corporation
国证券南方经济富裕行业指数China Securities Southern Well-Off Industry Index (Well-Off Index, 简称"小康指数"或"经济富裕指数")
国证券市场网页China Stock Markets Web
国证券指数有限公司、中证指数有限公司China Securities Index Co., Ltd.
国证券指数系列China Securities Index Series
国证券清算公司China Securities Consolidation Company
国证券登记结算有限责任公司China Securities Depository and Clearing Company Limited
国证券监督管理委员会China Security Regulatory Commission
国证券监督管理委员会中国证监会China Securities Regulatory Commission
国证券监督管理委员会公告》刊物China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin
国证券监督管理委员会股票发行审核委员会条例Regulations of the Public Offering Review Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission
国证券自由流通指数China Securities Free Floating Index
国证监会主席Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission
国证监会"股票发行核准程序"CSRC Procedures for Review and Approval for Share Issues
国资本市场China Capital Markets
国资金市场China Capital Markets
国郑州商品交易所China Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
国金融期货交易所上海China Financial Futures Exchange
国金融期货交易所China Financial Futures Exchange
国金融理财标准委员会Financial Planning Standard Council of China
国金融网China Finance Net
国金融记者俱乐部China Finance Reporters Club
国银行业监管委员会中国银监会China Banking Regulatory Commission
国银行同业拆放利率China interbank offered rate
国预托凭证China deposit receipt
国香港金银业贸易场Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society of Hong Kong
国黄金总公司China Gold Company
型股mid-cap stock
型股mid-cap share
型股标普指数存托凭证MidCap SPDR
型股混合基金mid-cap blend fund
外合作企业sino-foreign contractual joint venture
外合营企业sino-foreign equity joint venture
外合资企业joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment
外合资经营企业会计规则Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture
央交易制度central dealing desk
央企业债券central entreprise bonds
央保管体系central depositary system
央国债登记结算有限责任公司中国China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd.
央国债登记结算有限责任公司China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd.
央政府直属机构departments directly under the central government
央政府资产property owned by central government
同"Huijin"央汇金投资有限责任公司Central SAFE Investment Ltd.
央汇金投资有限责任公司Central Huijin Investment Ltd.
央注册系统central registration depository
央流动资金机制central liquidity facility
央直属的国有独资企业enterprise directly under the central government with full state ownership
央结算体系central clearing system
央结算及交收系统Central Clearing and Settlement System
央结算对手指结算机构介于交易双方之间,充当买者的卖方和卖者的买方central counterparty
央结算对手central counter party
央结算的凭证式持股方法CCASS certificated holdings
央股份借贷系统centralised borrowing and lending system
央股份借贷系统centralized borrowing and lending system
央股票储存银行central scrip bank
央证券交收系统Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres
央证券存管central securities depository
央证券存管处central securities depository
央证券存管处国际会议Conference of Central Securities Depositories
央证券托管机构central securities depository
央证券登记有限公司Central Registration Hong Kong Limited
央证券结算系统Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres
央货币市场单位Central Money Markets Unit
央银行的中立性neutrality of the central bank
央银行贴现率bank rate
央限价指令记录central limit order book
小企业指数-最低SME Board Index-low (SZSE)
小企业指数-最高SME Board Index-high (SZSE)
小企业板small and medium-sized enterprise board
小企业板块深圳证券交易所small and medium enterprise board SME Board, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
小企业银行medium business bank
小型企业委员会small and medium enterprises committee
小投资者small and medium-sized investor
小投资者medium and small investor
小板交易型开放式指数基金深圳证券交易所SME Board ETF
小板市场创新SME Board innovation
层承销人mezzanine bracket
层管理intermediate management
式套利Chinese hedge
式套期Chinese hedge
心价值central value
心提纲executive summary
心资产账户central assets accounts
性利率neutral rate
性套期保值neutral hedge
性对冲neutral hedge
性日历价差neutral calendar spread
性股票neutral stock
性财政政策neutral financial policy
性货币制度neutral monetary policy
性货币理论neutral money theory
性趋势证券价格变动很小的平稳趋势neutral trend
文信息系统香港联交所Chinese News System
文译本审核工作小组Chinese Translation Review Working Group (香港联交所)
断业务discontinued operation
断协议break an agreement
断的市场discontinued market
断费break fees
断远期合约break forward contract
曲线利率合约midcurve interest rate contracts
期估价日interim valuation point
期信贷medium term lending
期债券2 ~ 10年之间到期的债务票据medium-term bond
期债券intermediate bond
期债券medium term gilts
期债券interim certificate
期债务medium term liability
期分红interim dividend
期利润interim profit
期变化平均线medium term moving average
期回报率interim rate of return
期国债Treasury note
期国债government note
期国库券Treasury note
期市场价格mid-market price
期市场前景intermediate term market outlook
期投资周期medium term investment cycle
期投资者medium-term investor
期报告semi-annual report
期报表interim statement
期报表interim account
期担保计划medium term guarantee program
期放款intermediate term credit
期放款人intermediate-term lenders
期数据interim figures
期有息证券美财政部Treasury certificates
期票据medium term note
期票据median term notes
期融资medium-term finance
期融资在种子资金之后,企业发展到又一阶段所进行的融资second round
期融资intermediate term financing
期计划medium-term program
期证券medium term security
期证券medium dated securities
期财务报告interim financial report
期贷款extended funds facility
期资产负债表interim balance sheet
期资金融通手段mean of financing medium term operation
期趋势intermediate trend
期金边证券medium gilts
期预测medium range forecast
winning a bid
标价bid price
标小组协议tender panel agreement
shut off
止交易trading halt
止交易委托suspended market order
止交易指令suspended market order
止占discontinuance of possession
止对方案的执行halt to the plan
止履行合同义务suspend performance of obligations
止岀售adjourned sale
止执行suspending performance
止执行合同suspending performance
止执行的专门决定stay of specified decisions
止条款severability clause
止汇率此汇率的远期外汇合同被取消break rate
止表决权suspend voting rights
止订单suspend an order
止账户break an account
止账目flag an account
止资格的经纪人suspended broker
LBO 的定价偏低underpricing in LBO
盘价jobber price
盘批发商service wholesaler
盘股mid-cap stock
盘股mid-cap share
盘股成长基金mid-cap growth fund
立价差neutral spread
立的金融机构impartial financial institutions
等回报median return
等定价股票medium priced stock
等市值medium capital
等市值medium cap
等市场市值median market cap
等收益median return
等期权middle-priced options
等规模medium duty
等规模经营medium duty
签率ratio of placement
签股lot-winning share
签认购原始股win the lot for IPO
签通知股票上市抽签认购lot-winning notice
美洲商品交易所MidAmerica Commodity Exchange
西部证券交易所Midwest Stock Exchange
西部证券交易所Midwest Stock Exchang MSE
西部证券交易所自动执行系统Midwest Stock Exchange Automated Execution System
证300价值指数CSI 300 Value Index
证公司债指数CSI Corporate Bond Index
证公司指数系列CSI Indices System
证300成长指数CSI 300 Growth Index
证200指数China Securities 200 Index
证500指数China Securities 500 Index
证100指数China Securities 100 Index
证300相对价值指数CSI 300 Relative Value Index
证300相对成长指数CSI 300 Relative Growth Index
证300风格指数系列CSI 300 Style Index Series
资控股公司PRC-funded holding company
转基金feeder fund
银国际中国银行国际控股有限公司Bank of China International Holding Limited
银国际中国银行国际控股有限公司Bank of China International Holdings Limited
银国际商品期货有限公司BOCI Commodities & Futures Limited
银国际证券有限公司BOCI Securities Limited
银集团Bank of China Group
长期信贷medium long term credit
长期国债价差notes over bonds spread
长期国库券Treasury note
长期国际商业贷款mid to long term international commercial loan
长期应收票据收购业务forfait finance
长期贷款medium and long term loans
间人折扣middleman discount
间人报酬finder's fee
间价in the middle
间价位期权middle-priced options
间价格middle rate
间价格卖价、买价之和被2除in between
间价格报价median quotes
间债务mezzanine debt
间债务intermediate debt
间办公室金融企业中负责资产评估和风险控制的机构。前台负责交易,后台负责结算行政,中台负责评估middle office
间商代理agent middleman
间商的赢利、赚头jobber's turn
间层的投资者mezzanine investor
间层融资mezzanine level finance
间市场套汇率middle market cross-rate
间市场类别middle market segment
间执行价middle exercise price
间承销人mezzanine bracket
间措施interim means
对证券价格走势持间立场middle-of-the-road stand
间融资mezzanine financing
间贷款mezzanine loan
间贷款人mezzanine lenders/fund
间资金mezzanine funds
间资金mezzanine capital
间阶段mezzanine level
丹麦结算FUTOP clearing center
丹麦证券Danish Securities Center
久期duration neutral
伦敦银行同业拆借间利率London interbank mean
佣金介机构commission agency
偏好集理论preferred habitat theory
偏离对交易中的一方有利的交易市场bias hub
先期贷款所开票据pre-finance bill
全国银行同业拆借National Interbank Funding Centre China
全球性投资组合global moderate portfolio
全球金融global financial center
共享升值收益的期票据shared appreciation note
共同清算joint clearing house
共同结算joint clearing house
利率市场的收益率曲线yield curve in interest rate market
利用国庞大资本市场take advantage of the huge capital market in China
北京票据结算Bill Clearing Center of Beijing
卖掉证券组合的一部分股票或债券lighten up
占有的受押债权人mortgagee in possession
卡塔尔金融心监管局The Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority
合同contractual intermediary
合资企业的多数股权控制majority control in joint venture
向金融介人发放许可证licensing financial intermediary
吸收资金向外放贷的离岸金融collecting center
国资本市场中占有显著地位occupying a prominent place in China capital market
间阶段进行直接股本投资direct equity investment at mezzanine stage
在公司治理加强执行力度strengthen the executive force during the corporate governance
在套期保值的应用hedging uses
在建项目已注人资产assets sunk in projects still under construction
在开户文件造假making false declaration in account opening documents
在掌握in hand
在清算过程in the process of liquidation
在股市对投资者威慑作用having deterrent effect on investors in stock market
在股票交易失手catch a cold
在订购on order
在证券交易有利害关系之处要回避withdraw where having interest in securities trade
在路途en route
在进行in hand
地区支票处理regional check-processing center
外国介机构foreign intermediary
外国资产的证券利息security interests in foreign assets
外币融资foreign currency funding center
华区Greater China Region
型企业large and medium enterprise
大摩MSCI国外资自由投资指数MSCI China Free Index
市场介机构market intermediary
市场介监管的第3号工作小组Working Party 3 on Supervision of Market Intermediaries IOSCO (国际证监会组织)
市场介者market intermediary
市场market neutral
市场性基金market neutral fund
市场立多空策略market neutral long-short strategy
市场间价middle market rate
一天内最大跌幅biggest one-day fall in a decade 10
复审mid-year review
审核mid-year review
5 年股市最大跌幅biggest fall in 5 years in stock market
并购分析的快速定价指标shorthand valuation ratios used in M&A analysis
恒生国企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
恒生国企业指数期货Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures
恒生国内地流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
恒生国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
恒生型股指数Hang Seng Midcap Index
恒生50型股指数Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
恒生型股指数成分股Hang Seng Midcap Index Constituent stock
恒生资企业指数期货Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index futures
恒生资企业指数期权Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index options
恒生新50型股指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
恒生流通国内地 25Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
恒生香港型股指数Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
恶意poison pen
无现款money out of hand
打击证券交易违法违规行为crack down on behaviors breaking laws or regulations in securities trade
执行stay of execution
持照介人licensed intermediary
指数化的最小方差法variance minimization approach to indexing
间价位发行issue by middle price
按年计算关联期收益把中期收益换算为复利年率annualized linked .median return
振兴国有大型企业invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
损益报表具有非持续经营记录的公司companies with discontinued operations in income statement
搞活国营大型企业revitalizing state owned large and medium sized enterprise
摩根士丹利资本国际国指数Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCIChina Index
收人立原则revenue neutral
收款过程的现金cash items in process of collection
收购协议in acquisition agreement
收购守则规定的准则guideline laid down in the takeover code
收购要约的前期费用front-end loading in tender offers
收购计划的组成部分component of acquisition plan
收费适moderate cost
有关股份权益过分集的公告announcements concerning high concentration of shareholdings
有足够的资源在金融动荡生存adequate resources to survive in the turmoil
服务止费breakup fees
买人purchase at interim date
评估interim valuation
账目interim account
期货保证金监控futures margin monitoring center
期货行业的惯例custom in futures business
期限maturity intermediation
未注册介机构unlicensed intermediary
杆杠收购定价过低underpricing in LBO
杠杆收购的管理优势management advantages in LBO
来源于国的股利dividend with a source in China
标普型股400指数S&P Midcap 400 index
欧洲期债券Euro-medium-term note
欧洲期票据Euro median-term note
欧洲长期信贷Euro-medium long term credit
欧洲银行票据清算交易Euroclear operation Center
期货现货交易价格等级strict middling
蛇形浮动snake in the tunnel (规定幅度内上下浮动)
流通的证券security in circulation
流通的货币active circulation
流通货币量money in circulation
清算过程的分配distribution in liquidation
瑞士银行同业清算Swiss Interbank Clearing
破产清理担保债权人的权力secured creditors'right in bankruptcy proceedings
破产的介机构failed intermediary
确保交易的策略性优势secure a tactical advantage in transaction
票据交易的各方parties of bill
第二类介机构type 2 intermediary
第1类介人type 1 intermediary
簿记避税离岸金融中心booking center
网络投资资源eIRC (electronic investor resources centre)
网络投资资源electronic Investor Resources Centre
联营基金pooled fund media
联通央结算及交收系统log-on CCASS
联邦介信贷银行Federal intermediate credit bank
行业的旗舰flagship of the industry
行业的龙头老大flagship of the industry
衍生期债券derivative medium term note
调剂adjustment centre
财务分析的会计数据矩阵和分析工具matrix of accounting data and analytical tools for financial analysis
财团syndication center
资本市场的不法和犯罪行为illegal and criminal behaviors in capital market
资本结构负债比率高的公司high-gearing company
资本结构重组所购人的证券securities acquired in recapitalization
资本集或分散centralization or decentralization of capital
资源配置利率调节作用role of interest rates in resource allocation
资金集concentration of capital
资金集风险concentration risk
转变为股份公司的大型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
适度集的行业moderately concentrated industry
account in transit
通知需载有的内容particulars to be contained in notification
通道channel intermediary
防止金融市场出现恐慌情绪head off panic in financial markets
介债务市场non-intermediated debt market
非正常交易可疑的证券账户securities account suspicious of abnormal trading
非银行金融介机构non bank financial intermediary
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