
Terms for subject Fishery fishing industry containing | all forms
上层小鱼small pelagic species
上层延绳钓渔业pelagic longline fisheries
上层拖网pelagic trawl
上层棘鳍类鱼pelagic percomorphs
上层渔业pelagic fishery
上层渔业pelagics fishery
上层渔业pelagic fisheries
上层鱼类pelagic species
型渔业medium-scale fisheries
型渔业medium-scale fishery
型渔业medium-scale fishing
型渔业medium fishery
型渔业medium fisheries
层拖网船midwater trawler
层水捕捞midwater fishing
水层双拖网midwater pair trawl
水层拖网midwater trawl
等营养状况mesotrophic conditions
部分区Central subarea
间产物transitional substance
偏离心未处理图象off-centre raw videa
几内亚湾Central Gulf of Guinea
海海洋哺乳动物保护区Pelagos Sanctuary
海海洋哺乳动物保护区Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean Marine Mammals
海渔业总委员会工作日志GFCM logbook
大型上层物种large pelagic species
大型上层物种large pelagics
小型上层和底层鱼类品种small pelagic and demersal species
小型上层和底层鱼类品种demersal and small pelagic species
小型上层鱼种small pelagic species
小型上层鱼类种群small pelagic fish stock
底层-上层种类bentho-pelagic species
底层和上层小鱼small pelagic and demersal species
底层和上层小鱼demersal and small pelagic species
某世代的个体数量number of individuals of a stock
某世代的个体数量number of individuals of a cohort
某年龄组的数量number of individuals of a stock
某年龄组的数量number of individuals of a cohort
某种群或股群的数量number of individuals of a stock
某种群或股群的数量number of individuals of a cohort
横向集horizontal concentration
横向集horizontal integration
渔业的领土使用权territorial use rights
渔业的领土使用权territorial use rights fisheries
渔业的领土使用权territorial use rights in fisheries
社区捕鱼community fishing centre