
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
一手在腿间的支撑astride arm rest
人以上的技巧动作combined stunt
人以上的技巧动作combination stunt
列横队double rank
手交替抛接圆圈藤圈throw and catch the hoop
手依次拍球ball patted in order by two hands
手叉腰hands on hips
手叉腰上体左右变bend the trunk sideways with the hands on the hips
手叉腰两膝蹲下deep knee bending with hands on hips
手同时再抓杠recatch both grips
手同时脱手leave the grips simultaneously
手抱肩hands on shoulders
手抱胸hands to breast
手抱颈足跟提起grasp the neck with the heel raised
手放头上hands on head
手贴大腿hands on hips
手趋肩hands on shoulders
手趋胸hands to breast
手间向前滚动球ball rolled forward by two hands
手间左右滚动球ball rolled left and right by two hands
次交叉double scissors
次后转肩double dislocation
次直体后空翻2周double back layout
肋加异色条纹的女子体操服side panels
腿并拢legs joined
腿蹬杠柱屈伸上lazy man's kip
腿蹬杠柱屈伸上lazy man's skip
双杠腿蹬杠柱屈伸上lazyman's kip
臂上举arms upward raise
臂上举的结束姿势standing ovation
臂下伸arms downward stretch
臂交叉arms crossed
臂交叉跳绳rope skipping with hands crossed
臂伸展spreading of arms
臂伸直arms stretching
臂侧上举arms side-upward
臂侧举arms sideways
臂侧滑spreading of arms
臂前上举arms lift fore-upward
臂前斜上举arms obliquely fore-upward
臂前斜下举arms obliquely fore-downward
臂前斜下伸arms obliquely fore-downward
臂反向绕环reverse circle
臂后上举arms lift back-upward
臂头上屈hands in arch position
臂头后屈hands on the nape
臂挥摆arms swinging
臂斜下举oblique downward position
臂斜下举arms obliquely downward
臂滚球roll the ball from one arm to the other
韵律体操臂滚球roll the ball from one arm to the other
臂环绕mill circle of arms
臂绕环mill circle of the arms
俯平衡臂侧举free front support scale crossways
俯撑屈腿越杠下squat dismount
前空翻脚依次落地step out
后软翻腿剪绞backward walkover with change of legs
团身后空翻double somersault back tuck
团身向前空翻double forward somersault tucked
臂长度上滚圈circle rolling from the right arm to the left one
臂长度上滚球ball rolled from left arm to the right one
外侧坐越杠下outer seat on one bar, swing over the parallel bar
屈体空翻周下flyaway with 2 saltos piked
手翻转体handspring with 2 turns
挺身摆越杠下double front vault dismount
摆越杠直角上Kreiskehre (下)
摆越杠直角上直角下double rear vault
摆越杠直角跳下double rear out
支撑腿向前摆越成支撑support overswing forward with two legs to the original position
支撑后摆屈腿摆越杠转体180° 下front vault with ¹⁄₂ turn in tuck position to stand
支撑后摆屈腿绕越杠转体180° 下support overswing backward bent leg circling over the two bar with ¹⁄₂ turn dismount
杠外正撑挺身摆越杠侧下double flank vault dismount
空翻double salto
空翻周转体 360°double salto with full twist
连作execute twice in succession
连做execute twice in succession