
Terms for subject Economics containing 业主 | all forms | in specified order only
业主property owner
业主proprietary (的)
业主business entrepreneur
业主产权the owner equity
业主产权资本对资产总额比率owner equity to total assets ration
业主会计a proprietorship accounting
业主和租户landlord and tenant
业主对该公司的建筑物已投了保险The owner has effected and maintained fire insurance upon the buildings of the company
业主将最后一笔款子付给了承包商The final payment was made by the owner to the contractor
业主将迅速调査这项预算This budget will be investigated promptly by the owner
业主平衡权proprietary equity
业主应与其雇员维持良好的合作关系The owner should maintain good cooperative relation with his employees
业主应提供一切可能的帮助使承包人完成合同The owner shall render all assistance available to enable the contractor to fulfil the agreement
业主想以优惠税率从公司提取现金The owner is looking to get cash out of the firm at favorable tax rates
业主所得proprietor’s income
业主所有制owner occupation
业主所有权owner occupation
业主投资额amount of capital invested by the owner
业主掷掉传票,到香港去度假The owner threw away the summons and went on holiday to Hongkong
业主提供的设备owner furnished equipment
业主收入a proprietor's income
业主收益proprietor’s income
业主有权再出口、 销售或处理自己的产品The owner has the right to reexport, sell or dispose of his own products
业主权益the owner equity
业主权益owner's equity
业主权益比率proprietary ratio
业主权益账equity accounting
业主权益账户an owner equity account
业主权说proprietorship theory
业主澄清了引起争议的各项事宜The owner cleaned the objectionable matters
业主自用owner occupation
业主责任保险单owner's liability policy
业主账户a proprietor account
业主账户a proprietorship account
业主账户a proprietary account
业主资产收益率return on equity
业主违反合同造成了施工的中断The owner's contractual default caused the interruption in the performance of the works
业主风险损失由货主负责owner's risk
业务主任managing director
个人业主individual proprietor
主干企业parent enterprise
主要业务main business line
主要作业key operation
主要作业控制master operations control
主要农业产品种植面积及产量area and output of principal agricultural products
主要商业区main shopping center
主要就业primary office
主要就业primary employment
主要工业major industries
主要工业产品major industrial products
主要工业产品产量output of principal industrial products
主要工业的国有化有助于政府统筹规划The nationalization of key industries helps the government make an overall planning
主要工业部门产品集市major trade fair
主要工矿业生产价值production value of principal mining and manufacturing industries
主要职业key occupations
业主体论entity theory
业主利润entrepreneur's income or profit
业主利润所得entrepreneur’s income
业主报酬entrepreneur’s salary
工会内业主的秘密代理人track man
业主簿记proprietorship bookkeeping
业主责任法Employer's Liability Act
外资 企业自主权right of autonomy for the enterprise (with foreign investment)
会计报表在互相方便的时候可提供给业主The accounting statement shall be available to the owner at mutually convenient time
估计费用在业主付款以前已用证明文件证实Documentary evidence prior to payment by owner had already substantiated estimated expenses
住宅业主费用residence owners expenses
借贷资本与业主资本之比为 2 : 1The ratio between the loan capital and the proprietary capital is 2 to 1
全国工商业主联盟National Alliance of Businessmen
全国建筑业雇主联合会national federation of building trades employers
业主导技术leading agricultural technologies
农业保护主义integration protection
农业保护主义agricultural protectionism
农业社会主义agrarian socialism
业主文件business master file
国防科学技术工业委员会主任minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence
国际主要专业服务有限公司Main Services International, Inc.
在外业主absentee landlord
大企业主big owner of private enterprises
她被任命为总经理,全权主管亚洲业务She was made managing director with full executive powers over Asian operation
如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land
如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
业主闭厂停工造成的损失,承包人概不负责The contractor shall not be liable for damage resulted from lockout by the owner
业主small proprietor
业主free holder
业主small owner
业主petty proprietor
小企业主利益保护局the small business administration
工业上的排斥沙文主义industrial chauvinism
工业工会主义industrial unionism
工人参与企业管理工业民主industrial democracy
工程师将尽力维护业主的利益,使其不受承包商给工程造成的损失An engineer shall manage to guard the owner against loss or damage to the work of the contractor
工程师应与业主商量确认后者的要求The engineer shall consult with the owner to confirm the latter's requirements
建筑公司同意让业主经常了解有关施工的进展情况The building company agrees to keep the owner informed of any developments relating to the construction
我们与纺织业的主要经销商联系得非常好We are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles
我们正在同该国经营这一行业的主要商号之一打交道We are dealing with one of the leading firms in this country dealing in this line
我方将把根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post
手工业主the master handicraftsman
手工业主master hand
支配商品销售的一切价格与条件应由业主来决定All prices and conditions governing the sale of products shall be determined by the owner
政府主办型企业government sponsored enterprise
未经业主许可,该房产不得转让给他人Without the permission of the owner the house premises shall be non-assignable
油矿业主经济联合体Oil Producer's Economic Cartel
业主任命的人有权在任何时候监督工程的完工状况The owner's nominees are entitled at any time to supervise the works as it is done
由于承包商的破产,已指派了一名清算人,业主便终止了该承包The owner terminated the employment of the contractor because a receiver has been appointed on account of contractor's insolvency
码头业主责任the wharfowner's liability
社会主义企业socialist enterprise
社会主义国营企业socialist state run enterprise
社会主义建设事业work of building socialism
私有企业主owner of private enterprise
管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给雇用的经理人员The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers
自主企业经理autonomous business manager
管.业主sale manager
业主circulation manager
营业个体主义个体学说理论,企业主体论entity theory
业主管部门relevant leading departments of their trades at the central level
该国主要通过旅游业获得无形输入This country gains invisible imports mostly by tourism
该店主拥有一切经营其业务所需的许可证、执照和特许权The shopowner owns all permits, licenses and franchises necessary for operation of its business
资本主义企业capitalist enterprise
资本主义实业capitalistic industry
资本主义工业capitalistic industry
资本主义工业国capitalistic industrial nation
这位老板把整个商店转给新业主,包括商号名称、专利和版权等The boss conveyed to the new owner his entire business, including the name, patents and copyright
这家业主请求放宽期限偿还贷款The owner asked for more time to repay the loan
这家公司的所在地及主要营业地点在坎布里奇市花园街The domicile and principal place of business of this corporation is located at Garden Street, Cambridge
这是业主与建筑师之间的综合协议This is an integrated agreement between the owner and the architect
这种招标书事先交给业主,请他书面表示同意Such invitations were handed to the owner for his prior written approval
通常对于小项目,业主要进行可行性研究,同时业主也可能邀请一些专家协助Usually for a small project, the owner will carry out a feasibility study, meanwhile, the owner may invite some specialists to help
非公司企业主所得entrepreneurial income of unincorporated enterprises