
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
下落whereabouts unknown
特别规定与一般规定一致inconsistency (between special provisions and general provisions)
上缴not be handed over to
fail to grant to
not grant to
予上市disapprove the listing
予保护do not protect
予修改refuse to make any amendment
予刑事处罚be not given criminal punishment
予取缔fail to clamp down
予受理refusal to entertain a case
予处罚not to be penalized
予查处fail to investigate into and handle
予登记deny registration
予立案do not file a case
予补正refuse to make supplementation or correction
以纯度折算not to be converted according to the purity
低于原来的标准no less favourable than before
作为侵权行为处理not be treated as an infringing act
作出复议决定fail to make a reconsideration decision
作否认表示fail to repudiate (sth.)
公开审理的案件not hear a case in public
具有相应资质等级lack the qualification commensurate with the task
再具备no longer meet
再具备上市条件fail to meet the requirement of listing
再变动no longer be altered
再执行cease to be executed
再符合cease to meet
准上诉may not be appealed against
准离婚disallow the divorce
出席人民代表大会会议两次be absent from two sessions of the people's congress
分民族regardless of ethnic status
分民族irrespective of ethnic status
分民族irrespective of ethnic background
分民族regardless of ethnic background
分胜负tie (with)
列赤字no deficit listed
利后果unfavorable consequence
利影响unfavorable effect
利影响negative influence
动产和动产immovables and movables
动产所在地place where the real estate is located
动产权利人owner of the immovable
动产权属证书right attribution certificate of the immovable
动产物权property right of the immovable
动产物权的消灭extinction of the property right
动产物权的设立creation of the property right of the immovable
动产界址boundary of the immovables
动产登记簿register of the immovables
动产的所有权ownership of the real estate
动产的所有权ownership of immovable property
动产纠纷dispute over immovables
动产纠纷dispute over real estate
及时出警fail to dispatch the police to the scene
发达地区under-developed areas
受任何外国势力的干涉subject to no interference by any outside forces
受任何干涉free from any interference
受侵犯not to be infringed upon
受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉subject to no interference by any other administrative organ or any public organization or individual
受到歧视be free from discrimination
受地域限制be not subject to regional restriction
受外国势力的支配be not subject to any foreign domination
受干涉be free from interference
受时效限制权imprescriptible right
受歧视be free from discrimination
受歧视not be discriminated against
受法律追究not be held legally liable for
受法律追究hold no legal liability (for)
受理do not accept
受逮捕not be subjected to arrest
受限制be not subject to
受限制be free from the restriction
可分离的部分inalienable part
可移动文物immovable cultural relies
可阻挡的历史潮流an irresistible historical trend (to)
合格产品sub-standard product
合格商品commodity that are not up to standard
合格的建筑材料unqualified construction materials
合格的武器装备substandard weapon or equipment
合格血液substandard blood
合理的危险unreasonable danger
inconsistent with
同层次的法律laws promulgated at different levels
同意见differing opinions
同文明相互促进mutual enrichment between different cultures
同方式管理varied control
同的证据proof to the contrary
同社会群体的特殊利益special interests of different groups in society
同约定different stipulation
同范围various circle
同范围的群众various sections of the people
听制止refuse to be stopped
听劝阻turn a deaf ear to dissuasion
在休假期in session
够刑事处罚not serious enough for criminal punishment
妨碍without prejudice to
安全因素insecure elements
安全因素和隐患risks and latent problems undermining the safety
定向抽样检査non-orientation sampling inspection
定期租赁lease without fixed term
定期航班运输non-scheduled air transport
宜交付审判not appropriate to hand over for trial
宜生育inappropriate for child-bearing
宜继续扣押not suitable for being arrested longer
not true to fact
容侵犯brook no infringement
中国的主权和领土完整容分割China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division
对国外人开放closed to aliens
少于not fewer than
少于全体议员三分之二多数not less than a two-thirds majority of all the members
属于not belonging to
属于other than
属于各部和各委员会do not fall within the jurisdiction of the ministries and commissions
属于自己管理not under one's jurisdiction
属于自治范围outside the limits of the autonomy
履行fail to discharge
履行调解协议fail to perform the agreement
平等待遇treat unequally
应有的损害undue damage
当之处inappropriate part
当利益improper benefits
影响该法律的生效not affect the entry into force of such law
征或者少征应征税款fail to collect or undercollect the tax payable
征税收入untaxed income
得从事never engage in
得假释no parole shall be granted
得公开的内容除外except for the content which may not be disclosed
得承运do not undertake transport
得无故迟延支付paid without undue delay
得牟利may not seek profits
得申请扣押船舶no application for arrest of a ship
得留置的动产movable may not be retained
得行使言论自由的权利exercise no right of freedom of speech
必要的检査unnecessary examination
愿协商not willing to have a consultation
愿泄露do not want other people to know
愿调解decline conciliation
懈努力make unremitting efforts
扩散核武器公约Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons
批准逮捕的决定decide to disapprove the arrest
按照规定的品种at variance with the variety prescribed
提出异议又不履行支付令neither dissented from nor complied with the order of payment
搞对抗avoid confrontation
支付加班费give no overtime pay
改正fail to correct
断完善uninterrupted improvement
断完善的法制环境constantly improving legal environment
断完善社会主义的各项制度steadily improve socialist institutions
断拓展合作范围, 充实合作内容be constantly expanding the scope of cooperation and enriching content
refuse to accept
服判决的上诉和抗诉appeal or protest against a judgment
服复议决定not satisfied with the review decision
正当价格行为illicit price behaviors
正当利益illegitimate benefits
正当地使用inappropriately exploit
正当目的improper purpose
正当竞争行为act of unfair competition
洁物unclean articles
溯及既往do not have retroactive force
特定对象non-specified object
生育的自由freedom not to bear any child
畏强暴defy brute force
白之冤unredressed injustice
白之冤unrighted wrong
直接抚养子女do not rear one's own children directly
立案的理由reason for not filing the case
符合录用条件unqualified for recruitment
符合本法规定fail to comply with the present Law
符合条件的罪犯criminal who does not meet the condition
符合法律规定条件fail to meet the conditions provided by law
给予行政处罚fail to impose administrative penalty
fail to
能免除not entitled to exoneration
能取得教师资格not be allowed to obtain qualification for a teacher
能安全使用cannot be used safely
能归责于质权人的事由due to no fault of the pledgee
能抗拒的灾祸irresistible disaster
能正常运行be impossible to operate normally
能独立实施的not be independently performed
能胜任工作unqualified for one's work
能自理unable to look after oneself
能行使选举权利的精神病患者mentally ill persons unable to exercise their voting rights
致发生社会危险性would not endanger society
良环境影响adverse effect on the environment
良记录bad record
被监听not be monitored
许可的决定decision not to grant permission
论其所属国籍irrespective of one's nationality
设下属的委员会dispense with the sub-committee
设区的市city not divided into districts
设区的市cities not divided into districts
设区的市人民代表大会the people's congress of cities not divided into districts
设区的市人民代表大会代表deputies to the people's congress of cities not divided into districts
设立公司not to establish the company
负刑事责任freed from criminal liability
负责任neglect of duty
负责任be irresponsible for
负责任neglect of responsibility
购买refuse to purchase
起诉nol pros
起诉fail to bring an action
足以not sufficient to
足的名额的另行选举another election for making up the difference
轻信 口供credence shall not be readily given to oral statement
辱使命do honor to our mission
适宜be not suitable for
适当的决定an inappropriate decision
适当的决定和命令inappropriate decision and order
适当的决议inappropriate resolution
适当的地方性法规inappropriate local decrees
适当的法律inappropriate law
适当的法律inappropriate laws
适当的规章inappropriate rules
通晓unfamiliar with
配备船员的船舶unmanned ship
采纳no adoption
采纳not adopt
附有船舶优先权no maritime lien is attached
正当竞争行为有关related to acts of unfair competition
与..... 相称not commensurate with
与本地经营者平等待遇treat unequally as compared with the local undertakings
世界并太平the world is far from peaceful
世界并太平the world is far from tranquil
严重良行为serious misbehavior
严重负责任gross neglect of duties
严重负责任serious neglect of responsibility
主要证据inadequate essential evidence
争取和平统一的努力决放弃will never give up our efforts to achieve peaceful reunification
争议dispute trivial in character
侵犯mutual non-aggression
干涉内政mutual non-interference in each other's internal affair
干涉内政mutual non-interference into in each other's internal affairs
交付动产deliver immovable property
享有动产物权enjoy the property right over the immovable
人身、财产安全受损害的权利right to the safety of person and property guaranteed
仍达still cannot reach
合格产品冒充合格产品use substandard product as a standard one
作为或者作为act or omission
作岀起诉决定make a decision not to initiate a prosecution
供认candid confession
供认confess everything
依法准上诉may not be appealed against according to the law
依法纠正有法依、执法不严、司法不公等问题redress according to law the problems of failure to observe the law, weak law enforcement and miscarriages of justice
保护公民的合法权利受侵犯protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from being infringed
保管negligence in storage
健全同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for mutual assistance and the support mechanism to ensure balance and interaction among different regions
健全同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for promoting cooperation
健全同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制improve the market mechanism
充分讨论、仔细推敲、断完善草案hold full discussion of all the details and constantly improve the draft law
公民的合法的私有财产受侵犯citizen's lawful private property is inviolable
辜负人民的期望live up to the expectations of the people
准予或者准予approving or disapproving
创造必可少的前提create the requisite premise (for)
制度健全institutional deficiencies
制止正当竞争行为stop acts of unfair competition
前事忘,后事之师if not forgotten, is a guide for the future
包装inadequacy of packing
协商cannot come to a settlement
协调consultation fail
正当法the Law Against Competition by Inappropriate Means
正当竞争法the Law Against Competition by Inappropriate Means
反对"台独"分裂活动决妥协will never compromise on our struggle against secessionist activities aimed at "Taiwan independence"
发言和表决受法律追究may not be held legally liable for deputies'speeches or votes
司法miscarriages of justice
各地政治、经济、文化发展平衡的状况the uneven economic, political and cultural development of different areas
同本法有同规定differ from provisions of this law
品行have improper conduct
国籍uncertain nationality
法规同宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的前提下the laws and the administrative regulations
法规同宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的前提下provided that such regulations do not contradict the Constitution
在一定期限内得起诉not be filed within a specified period
坚决制止良风气put a resolute stop to these unhealthy practices
坚决纠正损害人民群众利益的正之风be determined to rectify unhealthy conduct that affects the interests of the people
坚定steadfastly pursue
坚定firmly adhere to
坚定移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策steadfastly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace
坚定移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策firmly follow an independent and peaceful foreign policy
坚定移地走中国特色社会主义道路unswervingly take the road of Chinese socialism
坚定移地走和平发展道路persist unswervingly in taking the road of peaceful development
坚定移地走和平发展道路firmly adhere to the path of peaceful development
坚持一个中国原则决动摇will not waver on the one-China principle
坚持有所为、有所carefully decide which battles to fight and which not to fight
处理improper handle
处置fail to handle appropriately
顾身disregard personal safety
定期与定期的at regular or irregular intervals
实施正当竞争行为unfair competition
实施良行为perpetrate misbehavior
实施严重良行为perpetrate serious misbehavior
实行定期与定期的灵活多样合作方式adopt a variety of flexible means for cooperation at regular or irregular intervals
实行政治上承认、经济上封锁、军事上包围中国的全面遏制政策carry out a total-containment policy of political non-recognition, economic blockade and military encirclement against China
审判miscarriage of justice
审判管辖明的案件try a case over which jurisdiction is unclear
对下列具体行政行为protest the following concrete administrative action
对于公布的选民名单有同意见have an objection to the roll of voters
对仲裁裁决dissatisfy with the arbitral award
对处罚refuse to accept the penalty
对复议do not agree with the reconsideration
对复议决定disagree with the review decision
对治安管理处罚决定not satisfied with the decision on penalty for administration of public security
对法律草案中涉及的重大问题和同看法,采取慎重的态度adopt a cautious attitude in considering the major issues involved in the drafts and the different views on those issues
对行政处罚决定unsatisfied with the decision on administrative sanction
对行政复议决定dissatisfy with the decision made after administrative reconsideration
对裁定unsatisfied with the order
具备立法条件的议案bills that call for legislation where conditions are not yet ripe
构成犯罪not serious enough to constitute a crime
屡教refuse to stop doing sth. after repeated criticisms
应当占或者少占草原no grasslands, or as little grasslands as possible, may be occupied
废除帝国主义列强加给中国的一切平等条约abolish all unequal treaties which had been imposed on China by various imperialist countries
建筑工程质量合格inferior construction quality
异议登记inappropriate registration of disagreement
意见一致difference of opinion
所载相符合be not in conformity with what is stated in
执法weak law enforcement
执法lax enforcement of law
承担利后果bear the unfavorable consequence
投资动产invest in real estate
抗诉inappropriate protest
上交refuse to hand over
到庭refuse to appear in court
召回refuse to recall
履行判决、裁定refuse to implement the judgment or decision
执行refuse to execute
报送或者提供refuse to report or provide
改正refuse to make correction
缴纳税款refuse to pay taxes
颁发refuse to issue
拖延delay report
同意见hold differing opinion
完全统计incomplete statistics show that
完全统计incomplete statistics indicate that
完全统计according to incomplete statistics
授权unclear authorization of power
授权not clear as to the authority conferred
操纵execution or nonexecution of a manoeuvre
改变或者撤销适当的决定决议alter or annul inappropriate resolutions
改变或者撤销适当的决定决议alter or annul inappropriate decisions
政企non-separation of government administration and enterprise management
故意完成intentionally not accomplish
数量insufficient in quantity
数量not adequate
数量not adequate in quantity
明显具有清偿能力noticeably unable to make repayment
明显obviously inappropriate
显属公平obvious inequity
付表决not to put the bill to vote for the time being
付表决vote on the bill may be postponed
付表决not be voted on for the time being
付表决间隔两年two years have lapsed without a vote
收监temporarily not be put in prison
良行为的未成年人juvenile involved in misbehavior
有法依、执法不严、司法不公failure to observe the law, weak law enforcement and miscarriages of justice
有法依、执法不严、违法不究Non-observance and lax enforcement of law and failure to punish law breakers
有能力执行而拒执行have the ability to execute but refuse to do so
有证据证明具有have evidence to the contrary
期满起诉no litigation is initiated at the expiration of the prescribed time limit
来之not come by easily
根据实际情况in light of the specific circumstances
根据同情节according to the circumstances of the case
检测结果untruthful results of a test
检疫合格failed the quarantine
检验合格failed the inspection
歧视信仰宗教的公民和信仰宗教的公民discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion
死因died for some unknown cause
污秽contaminated and dirty
没有同约定in the absence of different provisions
没有约定或者约定明确absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed provision
法定起诉not to prosecute statutory
法定起诉legal non-prosecution
清理、修订现行抑制消费的合理规定和政策eliminate or revise unsuitable regulations and policies that discourage consumption
理由能成立untenable reasons
生活能自理unable to look after oneself in everyday life
监督fail to do a good job in supervision
监管到位poor oversight
相邻动产neighboring immovables
禁止酷刑和其他残忍、人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约Convention Against texture and other Quel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
私人动产物权individual persons' rights to immovables
管辖unclear jurisdiction
约定使用或者使用agree to use or not to use
经济结构合理an unfavorable economic structure
统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和同群体的特殊利益give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society
致使工作能正常进行make it impossible for work to go on normally
行为与其所任职务相称behavior incompatible with his or her post
行贿谋取正当利益offer bribes to secure illegitimate benefits
起诉人person who is not to be prosecuted
裁定予受理rule not to accept
要约可撤销irrevocability of the offer
认为抗诉consider the protest inappropriate
许可或者许可grant or not to grant permission
证据insufficient evidence
证据inadequate evidence
证据足不构成犯罪lack of evidence of crimes
说明立案的理由state the reason for not filing the case
诸多稳定不确定的因素many factors of instability and uncertainty
调解fail to reach settlement through mediation
调解mediation effort fails
调解mediation fails
谋取正当利益secure illegitimate benefits
谦虚谨慎、骄不躁的作风guard against an arrogant and rash work style (free from arrogance and rashness in work)
谦虚谨慎、骄不躁的作风remain modest and prudent
质级quality not matching the grade
身份明的客户client whose identity is unclear
fail to meet
进行了长期懈的探索和矢志不渝的奋斗had unswervingly probed into and fought (for)
违法failure to punish law breakers
连续三个月出席会议absent from meeting for three consecutive months
连续任职得超过两届serve no more than two consecutive terms
逾期予赔偿fail to pay the compensation within the prescribed period
逾期作决定fail to make a decision within the legal term
采取强制措施adopt inappropriate compulsory measures
采取强制措施compulsory measure adopted is inappropriate
重要的同意见major dissenting views
长期亏损、资抵债企业enterprises that have long operated in the red with debts surpassing their assets
长期得到解决的问题longstanding problems (in)
隐匿cover up
隐瞒concealed and unreported
集体所有的动产和动产immovables and movables property owned by the collective