
Terms for subject Economy containing 不对 | all forms | in specified order only
不反对no objection
不可撤销的对出票人无追索权的信用证irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit
不对称分布the asymmetrical distribution
不对称分配asymmetrical distribution
不得将宝贵的技术诀窍透露给我们的竞争对手Don't impart the valuable know-how to our rivals
不用说,这一措施将对彼此有利It goes without saying that this measure will be mutually beneficial
世界经济中不对称形势asymmetrical position in world economy
世界经济中的不对称形势asymmetrical position in world economy
买主对货物的质量欠佳表示不满Buyers have lodged a complaint for defective quality
买主已对原料价格大幅下降不再抱有希望The buyers have relinquish-ed their hope for a sharp fall in the price of material
从他们的话中,我们推断出他们对工资和津贴不满意We gather from what they have said that they are not satisfied with their wages and allowances
从对男式西服的需求不断扩大这一事实来看,我们可以增加供应Judging from the fact that demand for the mans suit is ever expanding, we will be able to increase the supply
他们对产品的质量非常不满They are dissatisfied with the poor quality of the products
他们对此协议保密,不让所有对手知道They have kept the agreement secret from all their rivals
他们认为不投保平安险而保水渍险会对他们有好处They consider it would be their advantage to have W.A. cover instead of F.P.A
他在申请书中作了些虚假陈述,这对他不利He has made some false statements in his application, which is unfavourable to him
任何背离合同的行为对今后的业务都不利Future business will be prejudiced by any deviation from the contract
你方对我方索赔处理不公You act to the prejudice of our claim
兹通知你方如不能在规定时间内付款,我方将对你方提出索赔We wish to inform you that if you fail to effect payment within the stipulated time, we shall lodge a claim with you
制造商对这些机器可能发生的正常损耗不负责任The manufacturers are not responsible for the normal wear and tear that may occur to the machines
单独海损绝对不赔free from particular average absolutely (FPA ab)
只有事先得到工程师对你的修改图纸的同意,你才可以不遵照已批准的原图纸You can depart from the approved drawing only if you have first obtained the approval from the engineer for your amended drawing
在生产阶段不接受对该合同的撤销No cancellation of this contract can be accepted at the stage of manufacture
如果我们没有弄错的话,对我方产品的需求将会不断增加If we mistake not, there will be an increasing demand for our products
如果损坏的主要原因不是由于他们的疏忽,他们对损坏不负主要责任They will bear no major responsibility for the damage if the primary cause of the damage isn't due to their negligence
对… 不利to the disadvantage of
对… 不利to one's disadvantage
对 …充耳不闻turn a deaf ear on
对… 处置不当misconduct
对… 置之不理wave aside
对…不利to the disadvantage of (sb.)
对…不利to the detriment of ...
对不动产的资助financing of real estate
对…不满意be unsatisfied with
对…不适合be unsuitable for
对业主闭厂停工造成的损失,承包人概不负责The contractor shall not be liable for damage resulted from lockout by the owner
对买方的所有付款总计不得超过五万英镑的最高额The aggregate of all payments to the seller will not exceed a maximum sum of £50.000
对于任何由于不可保的风险而造成的推迟交货或不能交货,卖方概不负责The seller shall not be responsible for late delivery or non-delivery resulting from any uninsurable risks
对于本协议的任何更新而造成的损失,第一方概不负责The first party shall not bear responsibility for the loss upon any renewal of Ms agreement
对任何不合理要求,他们有权进行辩护They have the right to defend against any unreasonable claims
对劳工不公平的做法unfair labor practices
对家用电脑的旺盛需求使其价格保持不落Keen demand for home computers kept prices up
对延迟交货一事,我方不承担任何责任We undertook no obligation for this late delivery
对故意的不端行为的诉权claim based on wilful misconduct
对本合同各项条款的解释不得与国家的法律相矛盾The interpretation of the provisions of the contract shall not be inconsistent with the laws of the country
对申请就业者由于肤色或原国籍等原因而对其加以歧视是没有道理的,因而也是不能允许的The discrimination against any applicant for employment because of his color or national origin is unreasonable and therefore impermissible
对装卸货不负责任free in and out of ship
对规模的报酬不变constant return to scale
对该公司我们还是不表示意见为好We would rather not express an opinion of this company
货主对非目的港不负责任条款free harbour clause
建筑师对施工质量表示不满The architect expressed dissatisfaction with at the quality of the construction
我们不得不对费用总额提出异议We have to challenge the sum of the costs
我们双方对装船日期这一点不能达成一致意见We are not identical in our views of the shipment date
我们发现这些账目有的地方相互对不上We found there were discrepancies in the accounts
我们对你方关于皮鞋的报盘不感兴趣Your offer on leather shoes is not interesting to us
我们对因暴动而迟交货物的事不负责任We shall not be responsible for the late delivery of the goods because of the riot
我们对由于不可避免的意外事故而造成损失或损坏不负责任We shall not be responsible for losses or damages caused by unavoidable accidents
我们对质量和包装要求很严,不能马虎一点We are very particular about the quality and packing
我们应该公平对待所有顾客,不论其种族、信仰、肤色或国籍如何We should fairly deal with all customers in spite of race n., creed, color or national origin
我方不会放弃对短重、质次和滞留费的索赔We shall not relinquish any claim for short weight, inferior quality and demurrage
我认为该协议的条款和条件不会对购买者有何不利之处I don't think the terms and conditions of such agreement will be unfavourable to the purchaser
承保人保证我们不受损害,并对损害予以赔偿Insurer holds us harmless and indemnifies us against damages
最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products
本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
根据合同,我方能对各该项目分别付款,但不保留手续费According to the contract, we can make payment separately for each separate project without retention of a percentage
根据该协议,由于故意疏忽而造成货物的损坏,卖方对此概不负责According to the agreement, the seller shall not be liable for any damage to the goods caused by wilful neglect
此条款不应被认为是解除承运商对运输中造成货物损坏应负的责任This clause shall not be construed to release the carrier from responsibility for causing damage to the goods in transit
没有设计人的书面同意,不允许对既定的设计做任何变动It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer
派代表们去实验室,对性能测试进行昼夜不停的观察The representatives are sent to the lab for around-the-clock observation of the performance test
由于你方不遵守合同,我方对仓储费和利息损失提出索赔,共计人民币2000元Because you don't conform to the contract, we claim compensation for the losses suffered in paying storage and interest, which amount to RMB ¥2000
由于我方始终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed
由于最近陶瓷餐具的销售下降,我们对此感到有些不安We fell somewhat perturbed by the recent fall in our sales for porcelain tablewares
由于机器本身质次所造成的损坏,承租人不必对物主进行赔偿No reparation shall be made by the tenant to the owner for damages resulting from the inferior quality of the machine
美国州政府对地方政府不指定用途的财政补贴unconditional state grants
船主不对短重负有责任,因此应尽快从仲裁程序中解脱出来The owner of the ship is not responsible for short-weight and therefore he should be released from the arbitration proceeding at once
虽然对此事极为注意,仍造成不少麻烦,实为抱歉We are regretful to have given you so much trouble through having paid great attention to the matter
该公司不太关注对外贸易This company doesn't pay enough attention to external trade
该公司对于任何政府禁运所造成的损失不负任何责任The company has no liability for damages from embargoes on freight of any government
谢谢6月18日来函时对TB₄₄₆型电动锯的询价,但我方现已不再生产这一型号Thank you for your inquiry of June 18 for our electric saws TB₄₄₆ but we are not manufacturing this type any more
资源不同使用的相对效果relative efficiency of different uses of resources
鉴于你方违约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained
雇主不应对雇员实行种族歧视An employer should not discriminate against any employee because of his race