
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一旦有新的货物,我们将马与你方联系As soon as fresh supplies are available, we'll contact you right away
一年度previous year
升价格boom prices
升能力ceiling capacity
午市morning session (与下午市 (afternoon session)相对)
好可销牌号good merchantable brand
好可销牌号商品G. ord. br (good ordinary brand)
好设备capital accommodations
层管理人员top managers
岸税landing tax
股票或证券市公司listed company
债券市日offering day
市证券stock exchange securities
preceding year
报数据reported data
期结转carry in
汇率float upward (与下浮(float downward) 相对)
海外贸公司Shanghai Foreign Trade Corporation
海大众汽车有限公司Shanghai-Volkswagon Co
涨的价格rising price
涨的市场价格rising market prices
甲板亦缩为 UDKupper deck
等债券first class paper
等品质qualité supérieure
等的de luxe
等票据gilt-edged bill
级的good middling
级的senior (a.)
法国自由贸易区萨瓦Upper Savoy
法国自由贸易区萨瓦Haute Savoie
财政年度结余surplus in preceding fiscal year
述条款above-mentioned clauses
述的above said
述的亦缩为 PRVSprevious
述货物报价为每公吨200美元The above mentioned article is quoted at USD 200 per M/T CIF London
门服务visiting service
superior limit (与下限 (inferior limit)相对)
面所述the above statement
面的indirect cost
不服仲裁而提出appeal against an arbitration
与合同所规定的质量标准相符comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract
东京海火灾保险公司Tokyo Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (1944)
两种商品在质量没有明显区别There is no marked qualitative difference between these two articles
保险仅适用海waterborne only
海启航驶往纽约depart from Shanghai for New York
从信用证中删去述词语delete the above-mentioned words from the L/C
从船卸下的ex ship
从船卸下货物unload cargo from a ship
从船卸货disembark the cargoes from the vessel
从船把货物卸下unload a ship
从那时起生产就一直没有倒退过Since that time there has never been any setback in production
代表同符号ditto (do)
代表工业最新发展的样品representative sample of the latest industrial development
价值升的外汇firm exchange
价格升到每打6.5美元The price ran up to USD 6.50 per dozen
价格price spike
价格涨百分之十The price has gained 1%
价格在慢慢Prices are rising slowly
价格已The price has appreciated
价格已Prices have adjusted upward
伦敦海保险协会Institute of London Underwriters
但事实,没几个卖家能在24小时内发货In reality, however, not many sellers can deliver goods within 24 hours
你方月二十八日来函Your letter of 28th ultimo
你方建议在支付条款是行不通的Your proposal is impracticable in terms of payment
使证券行情bull the market
促进我们在国际市场目标的实现promote the achievement of our goals in the world market
公司月宣告破产The company declared bankruptcy last month
刑法penal (a.)
劳氏海货物保险单Lloyd's S.G. policy
包件必须刷上我方通常使用的装船标志The packages shall be marked with our usual shipping marks
包件必须标上不易磨掉的唛头The packages must be well marked to withstand abrasion
半数以的外资majority foreign participation
半数以股票majority of share
卖方在"巨人号"轮订妥150公吨余数的舱位The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T
卡车交货价格FOB truck
只能勉强赶"王子"号轮There is scarcely sufficient time to catch S/S "Prince"
吊下方式lift on/lift off
重复符号ditto mark (")
折算reduction ascending (与向下折算(reduction descending) 相对)
向一个或一个以特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance
否则大部分多余小麦就必须出口到世界市场Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
启运港船交货价格free on board
升趋势The tea market is firm with upward tendency
商业原有价值commercial identity (指受损货物)
商业可行commercially viable
商业通行的be customary in trade
商业发票的规格说明必须与信用证致The description of the goods in the commercial invoice shall correspond with that in the L/C
商品总供给赶不总需求General supply of goods has not caught up with general demand
国际市场的反常现象abnormal phenomenon in the world market
国际市场的激烈竞争keen competition in the world market
国际市场的激烈竞争性keen competitiveness in the world market
国际海人命安全公约Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
in the preceeding part of
段中in the paragraph that precedes
拉丁语面提及之处ubi supra
拉丁语面提及的ubi supra
在 CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装船并交由船方保管时即告结束Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody
在其on which
在其on what
在其on that
指合同在前一部分,在文中in a preceding part of the same contract, etc.
在协议签字sign one's name to an agreement
在协议签字affix one's signature to an agreement
在协议书盖章append a seal to an agreement
在合同签字attach one's signature to a contract
在哪点in which
在哪点in what
美国1941年修订的"对外贸易定义",该定义把 FOB 价格分为下列6种在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具的交货价格,减除到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
在展览会展岀be shown at the exhibition
在工业利用副产品utilize byproducts for industrial purpose
在市场投机卖空speculate by taking a short position on the market
在平等互利基础on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
在平等基础与某人谈判treat with sb. on equal terms
在惯例基础on a regular basis
在报登广告place an advertisement in a newspaper
在报纸大做广告advertise extensively in newspapers
在指定的岀口地点指定的内陆运输工具的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at point of exportation
在支票签字sign one's name to a cheque
在支票背书endorse a check
在文件连署witness a document
在杂志做广告宣传advertising in magazines
在杂志插登广告insert ads in a magazine
在棉花市场大发横财clean up the profit in the cotton market
在此部件要做好几道不同的工序A number of different operations are to be done on the part
在每件商品贴价格标签attach price tags on each article
在每件货物贴上标签append a label to each piece of the goods
在物价涨前预先订购货物order the goods in anticipation of a rise
在瓶贴标签affix a label to a bottle
在票据盖章affix a seal to an instrument
在管理体制作一番改革make a change in the system of management
在货物加标签attach labels to the goods
在贸易条款达成一致看法reach unanimity of views on trade terms
法语在路亦缩为 e/ren route
在那on which
在那on what
在那 —点therein
在那点in that
交易人商品交易所中有经纪人(floor broker),投机者(speculator)floor trader (包括:当日交易人 (day trader)、期货买卖人(position trader)、小利买卖人 (scalper))
外形的瑕疵defect in form
大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的好质量The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products
大量购买很大程度影响了市场价格Considerable buying affected the market prices to a large extent
所示as shown above
所述as shown above
拉丁语所述ut supra
所述ut supra (示)
如果货物按"成本加运费并卸到岸"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码头捐,应由卖方负担If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller
官定汇率下限upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange
火险fire risk ashore
工业受限制性措施restrictive practices in industry
工业极为重要的自然资源natural resources that are of great importance to industry
巩固在市场的地位consolidate one's position in the market
市场的商业活动business activities in the market
市场的水果供应过多There has been a glut of fruit in the market
市场价格rise in market prices
干预的下限upper and lower limits of intervention
英国1906 年海保险法Marine Insurance Act of 1906
总体说来货物是令人满意的The goods are satisfactory as a whole
总计发票各个项目reckon up the invoice
我们希望有机会在交易会见到你方代表We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair
我们未预料到价格进一步We didn't expect any further advance in price
我们认为应在平等互利的基础达成交易We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
我公司已将此事报北京总公司批准We've already referred the matter to our Head Office in Beijing for their ratification
我方了解到你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附我方第2511号报价单,以供你方参考We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration
我方产品在质量可与其他任何产品竞争Our products can rival any others in quality
<-> 打标记brand
缩为 EF会计brought forward
技术的可能性engineering feasibility
技术的可行性technical feasibility
技艺与工作经验的差距gap in skills and experience
把10,000 美元登入借方账debit US$10 (000 to (against) a person's account)
把10,000 美元登入借方账debit a person's account with US$10,000 (000 to (against) a person's account)
把客户吸引到交易会attract customers to the fair
把工作重点转移到经济建设shift the focus of work to economic construction
把箱子从货盘卸下detach the box from the pallet
抢购引起市场价格急剧The panic buying triggers off a sharp advance in market price
按班轮条件船交货价格FOB liner terms
提单的目的港应写为"伦敦/鹿特丹/汉堡任选"The destination on the bill of lading is to be written "London/Rotterdam/Hamburg optional"
支票的签字不是我的而是伪造的The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery
?新商品何时市?When do these new articles come in
最近五年物价飞速Prices have zoomed in the last five years
最速steep est ascent (与最速下降(steep est descent) 相对)
登记 证券unlisted security
未在交易市场挂牌市的证券outside securities
未在证券市场挂牌市的证券outside securities
本保险承保述第一款所述由于捕获、拘捕、扣留、禁制、扣押所导致的损失This insurance covers loss or damage caused by capture, seizure, restraint or detainment arising from the events in section 1 above
本合约按照接受书所印交易条件而签订The contract is concluded subject to the conditions of sale printed on the letter of acceptance
根据述理由for reasons given
根据程序的理由予以拒绝reject on procedural grounds
每一包件必须标出毛重与净重Gross and net weights are to be marked on each package
卸货亦缩为 D/Adischarge afloat
船只surface ship
汇率波动的官定下限official upper and lower limit of fluctuation
法律承认的事实juristical fact
法律承认的事实juristic fact
法律无效的证据incompetent evidence
保险公司marine insurance company
保险实用术语对照表Tables of Practical Equivalent in Marine Insurance
保险延伸条款marine extension clause
保险投保单marine insurance application
保险条件marine insurance conditions
保险索赔理赔部marine claim department
冒险adventure at sea
危险灾难perils of the ocean
打捞费salving expenses
打捞费salvage expenses
救助协议salvage agreement
救助费salvage expenses
救助费salving expenses
救助费salvage charges
救生国际公约International Convention for Saving of Life at Sea
留置权marine lien
货运单sea waybill
货运单不可转让,亦称记名运费收据ocean way bill
贸易ocean commerce
运输保险人marine insurer
风险perils of the ocean (包括:事故 (accidents),自然灾害 (natural calamities))
风险perils of the sea (包括:事故 (accidents),自然灾害 (natural calamities))
风险包括自然灾害与意外事故Perils of sea include natural calamities and accidents
美国海关与专利诉法院Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
火车交货价格free into wagons (亦用 free on rail, 缩为 FOR)
物价涨对固定收入的人们影响最大The price increases bore most severely upon the people with fixed incomes
物价涨趋势upward trend of prices
现寄这种料子的剪样We're sending you herewith a sample cutting of this material
理舱费及加固费包括在内的船交货价格FOB stowed and secured
理舱费及平舱费包括在内的船交货价格free on board stowed and trimmed
理舱费及捆扎费包括在内的船交货价格FOB stowed and lashed
生产成本an advance on the cost of production
生产逐步production built-up
生活费用advance on the cost of living
目前市场水果充斥At present, the market is glutted with fruit
目前我们经济承担不起它We can not afford it financially at present
目录印有许多商品介绍The catalogue embraces many articles
目的港船交货价格ex ship
目的港船交货价格free overside
目的港船交货价格free over side
码头交货价格free on board quay
研究的重复现象research overlapping
竞争对手在价格打百分之五的折扣Competitors are offering a 5% rebate on their prices
签名于支票sign a cheque
管理费用总涨率overall inflation rate of overhead costs
经济有利于我国be economically beneficial to our country
经营海产品deal in marine products
考虑物价涨因素allow for price rises
联合国1978 年海货物运输公约United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978 (汉堡规则)
联合国1978年海货物运输公约United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978
联想为客户提供门服务Lenovo offers visiting service for the customers
股票涨收盘closing high (与股票下跌收盘(closing low) 相对)
事件记载本deck log
交货franco á bord
交货ex ship
交货价格free on board (但在美国 F.O.B. 不仅用于船舶,而且用于火车、飞机、卡车等运输工具,故美国离岸价格应为 F. O. B. vessel)
交货价格free on ship (steamer)
交货价格ex ship
交货价格发票FOB invoice
交货加佣金价格FOB & C
交货并理舱价格FOB & S
剩余量remaining on board
燃料油bunker oil
燃料煤bunker coal
理货员a tally clerk
船只撞到礁石The ships collided against a rock
船牢牢搁浅在沙滩The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again
荷载可从刻度标读岀The load can be read off the scale
行市gaining market (与行市下跌 (falling market) 相对)
装在甲板的露天货物deck load
装载船用品海关单victualling bill
规定upper specification limit
记 ABC 公司账for account of ABC Co
证券未正式市前的先期交易beating the gun
该广告登在昨日报纸The advertisement appeared in yesterday's newspapers
该税会落在谁的身What is the incidence of the tax?
该股票涨20%The stock has appreciated 20%
该货价已急剧It has appreciated rapidly
请在虚线签字Please sign on the dotted line
谣传市场价格将The rumour is current that the price will go up
货物周转与月一样迅速Goods are moving as fast as last month
货物应标我方缩写名称并外加三角形Goods are to be marked with our initials in a triangle
货物必须按批货物同样的方式包装The goods must be packed after the manner of last shipment
货物装船前或卸岸后陆运输中发生损失的保险条款shore clause
货车交货价格free on wagon
货轮…船上交价格FOB per S/S
贸易发展在于平等互利基础的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
赶不该船miss the vessel
起运港船交货价格free on board in harbour
这个商人在季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season
这些商品的标签搞混了The price tags on these commodities are mixed
这些商品在国际市场供应紧张These articles are in tight supply in the world market
这些货物在市场获得畅销These articles command a ready sale in the market
这些货物必须妥当地加标签These goods must be properly label led
这导致价格It caused an advance in price
送货pickup and delivery
通货膨胀螺旋inflationary spiral
通货膨胀螺旋inflation spiral
造船公司派在新船以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程师guarantee engineer
那条不能航行的货轮的货物极其危险The goods on the disabled vessel were in great peril
酒席达成的交易Dutch wet bargain
金钱pecuniary (a.)
金钱的受益pecuniary benefits
防止海碰撞国际条例Reglement International pour Prevenir les Abordages en Mer
附于公债券或公司债券dividend coupon
货运收据cargo receipt
运输overland transportation
运输险overland transportation risks
风险land risks
集装箱海运输公司方式亦用 CMTS = container marine transference systemContainer Marine Lines System
需求在不断The demand is on the increase
飞机交货价free on plane (F.O. P.)
飞机交货价格free in aircraft
飞机交货价格free on plane
飞机交货价格FOB plane
飞机交货价格free delivered aircraft
飞机交货价格F.O.B. aircraft
飞机交货价格FOB aircraft
香港海汇丰银行Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
香蕉市场相当平静,市量不很多The market for banana is rather quiet, offerings are not very plentiful
驶下装运roll-on-roll-off shipment