
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
区一席选区制single-member constituencies
审二审法院first- and second-instance courts
次性的摊款或多年期特别摊款one-time assessment or multi-year special assessments
氧化一氮nitrogen monoxide
氧化一氮nitric oxide
氧化一氮mononitrogen monoxide
氧化二氮laughing gas
氧化二氮nitrous oxide
氧化二氮dinitrogen monoxide
等控制点primary control
级医疗支援level I medical support
级医疗设备都被视为"部队资产",因此可供联合国特派团所有成员利用level 1 medical facilities are considered "force assets", thus available to all members of a united nations mission
级医院level 1 hospital
般业务费general operating expenses
般临时助理General temporary assistance
般临时助理人员general temporary assistance
般事务其他职等员额general Service other level posts
般事务人员特等general Service Principal level
般事务人员General Service
般内科医生general physicians
般性观察:提供一般观察用的手持望远镜general observation: provide hand-held binoculars for general observation use
般样板generic template
般资源general resources
般运输、协调和通讯科General Transport, Coordination and Communications Section
触即发的备战状态hair-trigger alert
三方加联合委员会Tripartite Plus Joint Commission
中美洲体化体系Central American Integration System
为亚洲及太平洋残疾人努力缔造个包容、无障碍和以权利为本的社会琵琶湖千年行动纲要Biwako MIllennium Framework for Action Towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific
为亚洲及太平洋残疾人努力缔造个包容、无障碍和以权利为本的社会琵琶湖千年行动纲要Biwako Millennium Framework for Action
《二十世纪人人享有健康》Health for All in the Twenty-First Century
二十世纪预防犯罪和刑事司法国际合作International cooperation in crime prevention and criminal justice for the twenty-first century
亚洲及太平洋二十世纪社会发展议程Asian and Pacific Agenda for Social Development into the Twenty-First Century
亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会发展中成员国关于贸易谈判的第项协定First Agreement on Trade Negotiations among Developing Member Countries of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
任务地区的局势,该区局势直维持平静稳定Mission area, which has remained calm and stable
《伙伴关系建设和资源筹集统路线图》Generic Road Map for Partnership Building and Resource Mobilization
促进联合国在政府间级对非洲和平、安全与发展这些相互关联的问题作出协调一致的反应coordinated and coherent United Nations response
保留联合国向东道国借12亿美元的选择权,但又不要求联合国定要借任何数额preserve the Organization’s option to borrow the $1.2 billion from the host country without binding the United Nations to borrow any part of the $1.2 billion
充分体化的、具有人情味的社会fully integrated, humane societies
全球化学品统分类标签制度专家小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球化学品统分类标签制度专家小组委员会GHS Subcommittee
全球统分类和标签制度globally harmonized system of classification and labelling
全球统制度小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球统制度小组委员会GHS Subcommittee
关于犯罪与司法:迎接二十世纪的挑战的维也纳宣言Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century
军人的冒险性格和行为,这是任何士兵气质的部分risk-taking ethos and behaviour in the military, which is part of the make-up of any soldier
利用非车辆装载的高频通信器材提供个指挥控制网command-and-control net using non-vehicular-mounted HF communications equipment
加强亚洲及太平洋区域经济合作迈向二十世纪德里宣言Delhi Declaration on Strengthening Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific towards the Twenty-first Century
医用次性物品污染的收集和处理系统medical disposables contaminated collection and disposal system
协同操作武器界定为个以上指定士兵操作的任何武器crew-served weapon: any weapon operated by more than one designated soldier
主权和国际身份、单一公民身份, 具有single sovereignty and international personality and a single citizenship, with a
发电机即不平行发电的single generators i.e., not running in parallel
阶段政府间审议方案预算和中期计划single-stage intergovernmental review of the programme budget and MTP
危险货物运输和全球化学品统分类标签制度专家委员会Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
发展形势下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面新德里致意见New Delhi Consensus on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development
变动最大maximum maximorum
国家级的文官机构State-level Civil Service Agency
国际大米谷物贸易和统国家计划专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Intraregional Trade in Rice and Cereals and Harmonization of National Plans
国际环境法般原则General Principles of International Environmental Law
在分队at the unit level
在《千年发展目标》的基础上制定个战略框架strategic framework based on the Millennium Development Goals MDGs
在单位级使用适当检测装备检测和查明核生化物剂detect and identify NBC agents with appropriate detection equipment at the unit level
"在城市级促进环境保护-行动战略和方法"国际专家会议International Experts' Conference: "Promotion of Environmental Protection at Municipal Level - Strategies and Approaches for Action"
在部队on a force level
地方级的应急意识和准备Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at the Local Level
备战标准是指每个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
多用途般病房general multidiscipline wards
安圭拉统运动Anguilla United Movement
将人类配子与另种动物的配子混合在一起fusion of human gametes with those of another animal
巴黎俱乐部债务的进步免除write-offs of their Paris Club debts
2000年大会第二十四届特别会议关于社会发展的进步倡议Further Initiatives for Social Development of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly 2000
建议性接种:是指卫生组织或维持和平行动部建议旅行到个地区时要做的接种如甲型肝炎、日本脑炎、脑膜炎vaccination that is recommended by WHO or the department of peacekeeping operations for travel to a region e.g. hepatitis A, japanese encephalitis, meningitis
开设并营运个实施防治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户establishment and operation of a special account for financing the implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
总部连,个轻步兵连,一个侦察连headquarters company, one light infantry company, one reconnaissance company
房地连成contiguous space
抵达检查:在抵达后即刻执行,并在个月内完成arrival inspection is to take place immediately upon arrival and to be completed within one month
拟定项打击有组织跨国犯罪国际公约问题非正式会议informal meeting on the question of the elaboration of an international convention against organized transnational crime
拟订项具有法律约束力的国际文书以对某些持久性有机污染物采取国际行动政府间谈判委员会Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for an International Legally Binding Instrument for Implementing International Action on Certain Persistent Organic Pollutants
敌对行动是指交战方或多方的行动引起的、对部队/警察部队派遣国的人员和/或装备造成直接和重大负面影响的事故hostile action means an incident from the actions of one or more belligerents, which has a direct and significant negative impact on the personnel and/or equipment of a troop/police contributor
新军队的统高级指挥部integrated High Command of the new army
最后次有效检查last validated inspection
杂项般用品miscellaneous general stores
标准作业报告:标准作业报告由部队/特遣队每月使用标准表格在部队/特遣队级进行standard operational reporting. standard operational reports are performed at the unit/contingent level by the unit/contingent on a monthly basis using a standardized form
欧洲共同体委员会关于共同体内环境和自然资源状况资料的收集、协调和确保致问题试验项目的工作方案Commission Work Programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
海外私人投资公司已给予项保证Overseas Private Investment Corporation guarantee
消耗品包括战斗用品、般和技术性储备、防御储备、弹药/爆炸物和其他支持主要装备和次要装备及人员的基本商品consumables include combat supplies, general and technical stores, defence stores, ammunition/explosives and other basic commodities in support of major equipment as well as in support of minor equipment and personnel
消耗品是指日常使用的般性用品consumables means supplies of a general nature, consumed on a routine basis
"特种"主要装备应当是价值超过500美元一套装备中所有物品的总价,且预期使用寿命超过special case" major equipment should be of a value greater than US$ 500 collective value of all items in the set, and with a life expectancy greater than one year
环境紧急情况般信托基金General Trust Fund for Environmental Emergencies
环境规划署地方级的应急意识和准备手册APELL-程序UNEP Handbook on Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level APELL - Process
个连词,将两个构成部分联系起来conjunction as a connective
由两个现存主权国家创建个塞浦路斯邦联Confederation of Cyprus founded by two pre-existing sovereign states
禁欲、专、避孕套ABC approach
禁欲、专、避孕套ABC Approach Abstain, Be faithful, use a Condom
套方法first approach to vacate as much of the site as possible and perform the work as quickly as possible
次缴付first call debt service of the bond
线和第二线保养first and second line maintenance
第七届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会区域间筹备会议知名人士会议主题: 发展情况下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面Interregional Preparatory Meeting Meeting of Eminent Persons for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders on topic I: New Dimensions of criminality and crime prevention in the context of development: challenges for the future
经济体化economic integration
和扩大的国家惯例uniform and extended State practice
消耗臭氧层物质生产和进出口数据的特设法律和技术专家工作组Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts for the Harmonization of Data on Production, Imports, and Exports of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
的行政系统unitary system of administration
维也纳保护臭氧层公约缔约国第次会议Meeting of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟进步裁减和限制进攻性战略武器条约Treaty on the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
负责拟订项关于管制危险废物越境转移的全球公约的特设法律和技术专家工作组Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts with a Mandate to Prepare a Global Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
麻醉品单公约Single convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961