
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
下子at a single blow
下子把人打昏knock sb unconscious at a single blow
on num
个人one pro
举成名者少Few people can rise to eminence at one bound
井定向通过一个立井进行的平面联系测量on-shaft orientation
2传爆药inside fleet angle
5内侧壳outside cutting charge
块巨石试样monolithic specimen
4外壳outside cutting charge
批燃烧时间差同批工业导火索燃烧时间测定数值中最大值与最小值之差batch burning time difference
揽子交易portfolio investment
揽子交易package investment
揽子合同lump contract
旦爆堆受到开挖、'运输或后续处理时扰动、这种物质就随时会释放到大气之中This material remains available to be released to the atmosphere whenever the muckpile is disturbed by excavation, transport or subsequent handling
次冲击single blow
次函数linear equation
次回采first working
次性付款lump-sam payment
次成井掘进、永久支护和井筒装备三种作业平行交叉施工一次到底的井筒施工方法simultaneous shaft sinking
次成井掘进、永久支护和井筒装备三种作业平行叉施工,一次完成的井筒施工方法simultaneous shaft-sinking
次成井掘进、永久支护和井筒装备三种作业平行交叉施工一次到底的井筒施工方法full completed shaft sinking
次成巷掘进、永久支护和水沟掘砌作业,在一定距离内,相互配合、前后衔接、最大限度地同时施工,一次到底的巷道施工方法full completed drifting
次成巷掘进、永久支护和水沟掘砌作业,在一定距离内,相互配合、前后衔接、最大限度地同时施工,一次到底的巷道施工方法simultaneous drifting
次成巷completion of drifting at one blow
次整付一笔资金在期中不支取利息而是到期末一次整付本利的做法single payment
次整付现值系数一次整付的终值资金换算为现值时所乘的系数single-payment present worth factor
次整付终值系数一次整付的现值资金换算为终值时所乘的系数single-payment compound amount factor
次爆破相对于二次爆破而言的首次爆破primary breaking
次爆破为持续生产而施行的主要爆破,目的是利于后续的运输和破碎。它是与二次爆破相对而言的primary blasting
次爆破成型on-shot modeling
次爆破炸药单位消耗量primary explosive ratio (of the unit consumption of explosive)
次爆破的深度depth of pull
次爆破进尺length of pull
次采样primary sample
吹,下子at one blast
氧化碳carbon monoxide
氧化碳无色无臭的有毒气体,是炸药爆轰的副产物。爆炸过程中氧含量的不足导致爆烟中一氧化碳含量的增加carbon monoxide
氧化碳流动CO migration
2炸药outside cutting charge
3炸药inside fleet angle
生致力于爆破工程事业lifelong devotion to the cause of blasting engineering
种铝粉 AL、硝铵 AN和燃油混合物a mixture of aluminium powder, ammonium nitrate AN and fuel oil (FO)
类炮烟炸药fume class I explosive
级危险品class one hazardous materials
组雷管的平均起爆时间一般稍微偏离标称的起爆时间。这种平均值对公称值的偏移则是第一个影响定时精确的因素。在平均值附近的起爆时间分布是第二个因素The mean or average firing time for any group of detonators typically is slightly offset from the nominal firing time. This shift of the mean from the nominal is the first timing accuracy factor. The distribution of the firing times around the mean firing time is the second factor
维固结on-dimensional consolidation
维平面对称on-dimensional plane symmetry
维数值计算on-dimensional numerical calculation
维标量波动方程on-dimensional scalar wave equation
维波动力学on-dimensional wave dynamics
维爆轰on-dimensional detonation
般危险物general hazards
般注意事项general precautions
般爆炸能力和起爆系统general performance characteristics, initiation systems
般的run-of-the mine
般的控制系统general control system
般责任general liability
3药型罩outside cutting charge
4药型罩inside fleet angle
触即发的问题an explosive issue
部分煤气被一些工厂燃烧以提供过程热、结果导致现场二氧化碳排放量进一步增加、而其他工厂可能用电或其他能源作为替代Some plants will combust a portion of the gas supply to provide process heat leading to farther onsite CO₂ emissions, while others may employ electricity or other sources of energy as an
阵大风把门刮开了A strong draft blew the door open
阶三角测量first-order angulation
阶反向速率函数inverse first order rate constant
阶模型first-order model
排扇形炮孔环形炮孔successive ring
致或劣质剥离inconsistent or poor quality stripping
不动刀一枪就占领了那个关口capture that pass without striking a blow
两个鸡蛋他就要美元He charges one dollar for only two eggs
临街的座建筑物a building abutting on the road
主管大户人家in charge of a big family
乳化类炸药与硝铵炸药和浆状炸药样、也适合随意散装As with ANFO and slurries, emulsions lend themselves readily to bulk loading
6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline 2.6-二氯硝基苯胺CAN
二苯胺苯胺一磷酸diphenylamine aniline phosphoric acid
人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas
仅用个点的数据推测振动extrapolating vibrations with only one data point
个极端走向另一个极端go from one extreme to another
从水下不同地点测到的诸多方位角的会聚有助于给某声源定位The of a series of bearing angles measured from different underwater locations can help locate a sound source
他使用了个旧名字He assumed an old name
他照强盗头上狠打He gave the robber a heavy blow on the bead
他靠发明种炸药而一举成名He bounded to fame by relying on the invention of an explosive
众所周知、所谓温室气体在大气中的浓度增加进而这种气体吸收反射的红外线、导致全球温度上升。据信、大气温室气体浓度的增加、正是近来测到全球气候变暖的原因之Increased atmospheric concentrations of so-called greenhouse gases GHGs are known to increase global temperatures by absorption of reflected infrared radiation and are believed to be contributing to the recently measured global warming
作为种常见的表面活性剂、烷基苯磺酸盐ABS被广泛用于许多领域ABS ABS is widely used in many fields as anionic surfactants
信教人士觉得为孤儿捐钱、或多或少、是慷慨大方的行为、同时也是种乐趣Religious persons feel that contribution, more or less,to orphans is a generous act and a duty as well
全断面次爆破井巷整个工作面上一个掘进循环的全部炮孔的装药一次起爆的爆破方法full-face firing
全断面次爆破井巷整个工作面上一个掘进循环的全部炮孔的装药一次起爆的爆破方法full-face blasting
全断面次爆破井巷整个工作面上一个掘进循环的全部炮孔的装药一次起爆的爆破方法full bottom round
内偏角。1雷管inside fleet angle
冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测定可以通过实验引人些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline
冲击波超压这术语仅指爆破作业时产生的、且超过无所不在的大气压力的一种压力The term airblast overpressure means simply a pressure generated during blasting operations above that of atmospheric pressure that is always present
况且、爆破人员不可假设在同作业中新一轮爆破与之前其他轮爆破状态都一样Furthermore, a blaster should not assume that a fresh shot being fired will behave like other shots previously fired at the same operation
包括切费用的作业all-expense operation
的变量定位传感器stand-alone single variable-location sensor
卤素或价阴离子any halogen or monovalent anion
又称主发药包。爆炸的炸药包产生冲击波引爆另个被“殉爆”的炸药包donor charge
又称主发药包。爆炸的炸药包产生冲击波引爆另个被“殉爆”的炸药包donor cartridge
又称主发药包。爆炸的炸药包产生冲击波引爆另个被“殉爆”的炸药包dominant donor
另外other pro
只有些规则可以用于这种情况Only some rules can be applied to this case
只有面临空的地段a section free of objects on only one side
可能引起争论的是、对实际现场条件所引起气体的浓度测量、可提供种改进的方法It might be argued that measurements of gas concentrations arising from real field conditions could provide an improved approach,however such programs would need to cover a wide range of conditions and explosives and could be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming
时期的of even data
向国家发改委申请给奶牛场的些补贴apply to the State Development and Reform Committee for some subsidy to a milk cow farm
咱们确定下开会的日期吧Let's decide on the data to hold a meeting
在山中炸开条10m宽隧道blast open a tunnel 10 meters across through the hill
在第章第二节提到的mentioned in Section 2, Chapter 1
地下爆破,般讨论underground blasting,general discussion
大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by aftercombustion during the expansion phase
大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by afterburning during the expansion phase
孔内延时起爆药是放在炮孔内与导火索用在起的起爆装置、以起爆各层非雷管起爆炸药Slider primers are in-the-hole delay initiating devices used with detonation cords to prime individual decks of non-cap sensitive explosive
安全导火索是用来将燃烧反应传递到雷管发火区的种介质Safety fuse is a medium through which a burning reaction is conveyed at a relatively uniform rate to the ignition area of the blasting cap
定期或不定期地给家双月刊撰稿contribute regularly or not to a bimonthly
二甲胺基苯重氮磺酸钠p-dimethylaminobenzenediazosodium sulphonate
小溪延伸到森林深处是个曲流拐弯的过程The extension of the small stream to the deep of the forest is a tortuous course
尽管爆破气体释放对于炸药用户来说感觉最为明显、但只是炸药生命周期中最少的次气体释放detonation emissions are the most obvious to explosive users, though they represent one of the smallest emissions in the life cycle
尽管用精确定时和微妙爆破方法获得些好处、但也出现一些问题Notwithstanding the benefits arising from good timing and millisecond delay, a number of problems arose
岩石爆破中由飞石造成的人身危险及财产损失,自采用爆破技术以来,直是个严重问题Danger and damage from flyrock in rock blasting has been a serious problem ever since blasting was introduced
巷道次支护巷道掘进后立即进行的支护。一次支护有时允许巷道产生较大变形first supporting
巷道次支护巷道掘进后立即进行的支护。一次支护有时允许巷道产生较大变形initial supporting
应力的第不变量first invariant of stress
废弃项条约abandonment of a treaty
引爆排炸药包fire a row of charges of explosive
我们在图书馆查到同时期的有关文献In the library we have found the relevant literature of even data
所有对环境造成影响的排放、从原料开采直到最后的处理的整个生产周期、都要予以量化All emissions with the potential to cause environmental impacts are quantified along the entire life cycle from raw material extraction through to final disposal
fire a shot
条直线分为几段divide a straight line into several sections
把几篇爆破工程的论文投给个杂志contribute papers about blasting engineering to a magazine
抛掷是破碎岩石在爆炸区内形成爆堆的种根据计划安排的前向运动T-is a planned forward movement of rock fragments that form the muckpile within the blast zone
排水量为万吨的核动力货轮A nuclear power-driven cargo ship with a displacement of 10, 000 tons
时间位移曲线time-displacement curve
昨天的场严霜令植被枯萎A heavy frost of yesterday blasted vegetation
量一利分析volume-profit analysis
个变量的实验方法on-variable-at-a-time experiment approach ―
此外、对爆生气体的实地测量受上述所有因素变化无常的影响、所以测量结果是组范围值Furthermore, field measurements of detonation gases are subject to variability in all the factors mentioned before, and at best could provide a certain range of results
次气体释放的量级取决于每一阶段的具体过程、但可能有大的变化The magnitude of each of these emissions is dependent on the specific process at each stage, with large variations possible
汤姆周把所有积蓄都乱花光了Tom blew all his savings in a week
炸药:第类、第二类、第三类一种炸药分级法,其中,炸药按起爆感度 <使用一种特殊刺激物的结果〉递减排序。现在已经得出了一个几乎连续的级别排列顺序。起爆炸药被称作第一类炸药,高威力炸药为第二类炸药。第三类炸药中包括了硝酸铵这样的接近感度表低端的材料explosive: primary, secondary and tertiary
然而、在实际爆轰条件下、热甲烷只要高于较低的可燃界限、旦与大气的氧接触就会燃烧However, under actual detonation conditions the hot CH₄ is likely to combust on contact with atmospheric oxygen provided it is above the lower flammability limit
照明弹。工业火雷管用导火索的火焰冲能激发的工业雷管,参见 plain detonator, fuse detonatorflashed
燃料、般是柴油、与硝酸铵混合、要么乳化制成防水炸药、要么吸收到多孔粒状硝酸铵中去Fuel, generally diesel, is blended with the ammonium nitrate, either in emulsions for water resistant explosives or absorbed into porous ammonium nitrate pills
爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast
爆破人员在采矿及建筑拆除爆破过程中所面临的个最大难题、是准确算岀爆破安全区的范围One of the greatest challenges, which a blaster faces in mining and contruction blasting, is to accurately determine the bounds of the blast safety area
爆破区最后排炮孔爆破final wall blasting
爆破区最后排炮孔爆破安全safety for final wall blasting
爆破区最后排炮孔爆破设计final sail blast design
爆破是露天采矿作业采掘矿物和矿石的种主要手段Blasting is a primary means of extracting minerals and ores at surface mining operations
爆破设计的个重要的基本原理是炸药分布。这一原理一般是通过炮孔布置来实现的An important fundamental principle of blast design is explosive distribution. This is normally achieved by hole placement
父母昨天答应圣诞节送给我个礼物My parents undertook yesterday to give me a present on the Christmas Day
由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents
百万分之的机会on chance in a million
监测炮孔的压力时间变化monitoring of pressure-time history in monitoring boreholes
直径长度比diameter-to-length ratio
硝化甘油碰就炸Nitroglycerin explodes on impact
硝酸纤维素乙酸纤维素cellulose nitrate-cellulose acetate
确定炮孔间距是靠经验和试验、二是由钻孔直径来定spacing determined by experience and trial, and again depends on the drill hole diameter
序列关系first-order relationship
类危险源根据能量意外释放论,事故是能量或危险物质的意外释放,作用于人体的过量的能量或干扰人体与外界能量交换的危险物质是造成人员伤害的直接原因。于是,把系统中存在的、可能发生意外释放的能量或危险物质称作第一类危险源source of primary hazard
粒度size consistency
约翰逊库克张性破坏强度Johnson-Cook principal tensile failure strength
家报社斜短评contribute short comments to a paper
给湿孔装药时,用以控制炸药密度和感度的化学气泡法是爆破作业种常见的方法chemical gassing to control product density and sensitivity when loading wet holes is now common in the industry
给电池充夜电Leave the battery on charge all night
老板有意辞退些雇员、因为他有雇佣权和解雇权The boss intends to fire some of his employees, for he has the right to hire and fire
至于拆除爆破、安全压倒As concerns demolition blasting in residential areas,safety is an overriding issue
至少从19世纪初开始、炸药制造商业已例行测量到炸药起爆速度所用时间为百万分之Since at least the 1900s, explosives manufacturers have routinely measured time to one millionth of a second for determining the detonation rate of explosives
虽说采矿现场爆炸的实际气体释放量要小些、但由于气体释放量随着爆炸条件的变化而变化、所以依然是个问题、而且难以准确予以量化Though of a lesser magnitude, the actual mine site emissions from detonation may be problematic as they could vary according to detonation conditions and are difficult to quantify precisely
规划个全面的安全方案planning a comprehensive safety program
论及人工制品、般要考虑所谓的自始至终的生命周期Generally, for manufactured products a so-called Cradle-to-Grave life cycle is considered
调查结果表明、飞石事故是由以下个以上的因素促成的: 地质及岩石结构的非连续性、炮孔布置和装药量不适当、抵抗线不足、炸药能量高度集中、填塞不足Investigations of flyrock accidents have revealed one or more of the following contributing factors: I discontinuity in the geology and rock structure,II improper blast hole layout and loading, III insufficient burden, IV very high explosive concentration, and V inadequate stemming
质量第原则quality-first principle
资本产岀增量比incremental capital-output ratio
跨度厚度比span-to-thickness ratio
过程是全球大多数生产设备所采用的、体现了硝酸铵生产的各个方面This process is typical of most global production facilities and reflects different aspects of production of ammonium nitrate
这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员会来说可能是小事This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee
这些门第道上黄漆The doors will be primed with yellow paint
这些颗粒溶解后、多孔颗粒中封闭的空气得以释放、且不再有使炸药敏化的效力。此外、溶解后的硝铵与水起处于液态、在爆轰时不再具有起反应的效力When the prills dissolve, the air entrapped inside the porous prills is released and is no longer available to sensitize the composition. Also, the dissolved ammonium nitrate stays in solution with water and is no longer available to react in the detonation
这是份过时的文件This is an out of data document
这是国两制的先例This is a precedent far preserving two social systems in one country
这里需要应用预测抛物体在同高程时的最大抛掷距离的弹道公式The general trajectory formula needs to be applied here for the prediction of the maximum horizontal throw of a projectile to a point at the same elevation
通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height
通常说来、常温下含有很少液体或没有液体的多孔固体炸药、般不受商业爆破中常见的低温的影响Typically, explosives that are porous solids at normal temperatures and contain little or no liquid are relatively unaffected at the normal low temperatures experienced in commercial blasting
重要的是合理地实现了炸药及其辅助商品揽子计划、相应地节省股票持有费用、致使包装简便、并达到库存要求Significant rationalization of the explosives and accessories commodity basket has been achieved with concomitant savings in costs of stock holding and simplification of packaging, transport and storage requirements
鉴于这点、为了研究爆破飞石、我们在挨着居民区的磷矿作了实地考察Keeping this in view, field investigations were conducted at a phosphate mine to study the flyrock from blasting
钻孔控制得当则能减少不合格的炮孔、二则有可能减少每个炮孔的装药量Good drilling control also helps to reduce the subgrade drilling and may make it possible to make some reduction in the total charge per hole
附近有家农业银行There is a bank of agriculture in the vicinity
除了与地质和距离有关的因素外、还有些因素与爆破作业设计直接相关。其中最重要的是每次延迟的最大装药量、即每次要爆炸的炸药最大量有时标明为每8毫秒间隔爆炸的炸药量In addition to factors that are related to geology and distance are those factors that are related directly to the design of blasting operations. The most important of these is the maximum charge weight per delay: that is, the maximum quantity of explosive that detonates at one time sometimes specified as being that which detonates within any eight millisecond period of time
集中于converge 的 ing 形式converging
需要考量的是爆破可能产生的温室气体、包括二氧化碳、甲烷、可能还有氧化二氮The likely GHGs from detonation that require consideration are CO₂, CH₄ and possibly N₂O
露天爆破作业产生的飞石已对工作人员和居民造成严重伤亡、所以这是爆破人员始终关切的重大事情之Flyrock from surface blasting operations has caused serious injury and death to employees and habitants,and it is always known as one of the major concerns far the blasters
露天矿沿边坡方向第个炮孔至最后一个炮孔之间的距离length of shot
次反射non-primary reflection
革命性技术变革虽然能使煤炭开采率逐渐上升、意义重大、但距今尚有段距离R-technologic reforms, which can bring about profound, step-junction increases in coal recovery, are still way off
验收拒收标准acceptance-rejection standards
黑火药是种低爆速炸药Gunpowder is a low explosive