
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
亿one hundred million
a piece
台舱底水泵a bilge water-pump
号压载水舱液压试验hydraulic pressure test of No.1 ballast water tank
周产量weekly production
周实习weekly practice
周工资weekly wages
天的航程day's run
天航程day's run
式三份的协议triplicate agreement
12 个a dozen
打船用刷子a dozen ship's brushes
昼夜能力day-night capability
次付清pay off in one lump sum
次射线束的吸收absorption of primary beam
次性托盘expendable pallet
次性继电器primary relay
次配电盘primary switchboard
对…目了然tell at a glance
眼便知tell at a glance
程运费first carrier's freight
等品first-grade goods
等客舱first-class cabin
级水手able seaman
般物资供应船general store issue ship
你们定要在交货前 30 天把信用证送来达我方Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.
你们般采用什么付款方式?What is your regular practice concerning terms of payment?
你们般采用什么出口条件?What are your normal export terms?
你方能不能再提前点交货呢?Could you possible effect shipment more promptly?
保留切权利all rights reserved
原则上我们般不给折扣In principle we usually don't allow any discount.
受损害的injured party
可以给些你们出口船舶的资料吗?Could you give me some sales literature of your export ships?
同意赔偿切损失agree to recompense all losses
在这儿是不是应该加上这样句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.
如果你们答应提前个月交货,我们就同意开信用证We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.
它基本上包括经过谈判双方致同意的全部内容It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation.
对这种商品我们般不给折扣As a rule we don't allow any discount for this commodity.
希望你们报个旧金山的最低到岸价格。I'd like to have your lowest quotation CIF San Francisco.
希望贵方报个天津的到岸价格I 'd like to have your quotation CIF Tianjin.
当然可以,这里有些最新样本给你。Surely, here are some newest catalogs for you.
性能型号说明书performance-type specification
您能提出个贵方认为合适的价格吗?Could you give me your idea of an appropriate price for this commodity?
我们般按离岸价格出口We normally export FOB.
我们对全部条款已达成致意见We have reached an agreement on all the terms.
我们建议你们订购We suggest you to order some.
我们是家重要的机床出口商,有 20 年良好声誉的业务经验We are one of the leading exporters of machine tools and are enjoying an excellent reputation through twenty years business experience.
我们还要订购批不锈钢管,你们能供应多少?We want to order a lot of stainless steel tubes also, What quantity can you supply?
我想跟你们商量下折扣问题I'd like to discuss the matter of discount with you.
撤销项发盘withdraw an offer
整整吨铸铁件a round ton of iron casting
有效期为个月to be valid for one month
每月与银行结算settle with the bank once a month
消除切疑问resolve all doubts
生产第线first line of production
2% 的折扣是不是少了点儿?Don't you think a two percent discount is too little?
节锅炉筒boiler barrel of first course
签署式三份executed in triplicate
保险单条件uniform policy conditions
销售uniform sales
销售法uniform sales law
能否再多订些?Could you increase the quantity of your order?
螺旋桨和艉轴配键matching key on propeller and tail-shaft
让我介绍下,这位张先生是我们的销售经理Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhang, our sales manager.
质量uniform quality
这是我们做的合同,请您再仔细看Here is our contract. Would you please read it carefully again?
这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们考虑是不是多给些折扣。Would you consider increasing the discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours?
采取切办法resort to all kinds of method