
Terms for subject Lighting other than cinema containing | all forms
只可以和60瓦白炽灯亮度相媲美的 LED 灯泡只有8到12瓦An LED bulb with comparable brightness to a 60-watt incandescent bulb is only 8 to 12 watts
定要记得关闭断路器或熔断器面板处开关,从而切断将要工作处电路的电源Always remember to shut off the power at the breaker or fuse panel to the circuit that you'll be working on
般照明general lighting
与普通的石英灯相比,氙灯外部为陶瓷材质,并具有密封结构,是种更安全的产品With a ceramic body and seal construction, xenon lamps are a safe alternative to conventional quartz lamps
你能否将贵公司所供应的太阳能灯的种类目录给我们看下?Will you please let us have a list of the types of solar lamps that you supply?
使人时失明的眩光disability glare
安装灯具的第步是在需要照明的区域选择合适的安装位置The first step to install a light fixture is to select the proper location of the fixture for the area that requires illumination
般照明而言,人们需要更多的白色光源For general lighting, people need more white light sources
市面上现有种无极汞灯,可以瞬时开关Now there is a kind of electrodeless mercury lamp which can be instantaneously switch on and off
改用节能灯泡的用户每月获得同样的照明会立即省掉些能源开支Consumers who switch to the energy-saving bulbs will immediately spend less money on their monthly energy bills for the same amount of light
水晶灯是款高档的室内装饰灯具LED crystal lamp is a high-end interior lighting products. LED