
Terms for subject Statistics containing | all forms
人家庭one-person household
段抽样single-stage sampling
维简图linear diagram
维简图one-dimensional diagram
致估1/4屏consistent estimator
致估计值consistent estimate
致估计量consistent estimator
致性指数consistency index
致性1/4煅consistency check
致性系数coefficient of consistence
致性系数coefficient of agreement
致性试验uniformity trial
致最佳不变风险估计量UBCR estimator
致最佳不变风险估计量uniformly best constant risk estimator
致最佳无偏估计量uniformly best unbiased estimator
致最大功效1/4煅UMP test
致最大功效1/4煅uniformly most powerful test
致统1/4屏consistent statistic
致统计量consistent statistic
致谱uniform spectrum
般动差general moment
般势差general moment
般多重回归方程multiple regression equation
般多重回归方程equation of multiple regression
般多重回归*1/2程multiple regression equation
般多重回归*1/2程equation of multiple regression
般多项式形式polynomial in generalized form
般多项式形式generalized polynomial
般多项式形式generalized form of the polynomial
致估1/4屏inconsistent estimator
以上累计more than cumulation
因子unique factor
uniqueness of a variate
抽样unitary sampling
抽样计划single sampling plan
性检验test of identity
性1/4煅test of identity
uniqueness of a variate
时间time correlation (相关)
杜宾-华生统计数Durbin-Watson statistic
格位姆查利尔C型数列type C series
格位姆查利尔B型数列type B series
格位姆查利尔数列type A series
生产者风险, 第类错判producer's risk
真原点次3/4first moment about the true origin
真原点次矩first moment about the true origin
四分位数first or lower quartile
型极值分布Gumbel distribution
型极值分布type I extreme value distribution
型风险type I risk
极限定理first limit theorem
极限定论Lévy's theorem
1/4薅ɡfirst limit theorem
结果之间的致程度closeness of agreement between results
化木材能源术语 简写为UWETunified wood energy terminology