
Terms for subject Ice hockey containing 一$ l0bn in the form | all forms
名替补队员one-man change
对一防守练习cut-off drill
条龙射中solo goal
次跨步滑行one-stride glide
级国际裁判员grade 1 international umpire
43-3 阵式four-three-three formation
两个胜队再赛决雌雄play off the two winners
主队第守门员goalkeeper team A, the first
再打场加赛play off an additional time
决定胜负的deciding strike
判中awarded goal
判中award a goal
人优势one-man advantage
守门员防守的近球门short side
客队第守门员goalkeeper team B, the first
成功封住deny a goal
犯规offending side
主力first player
协助first assist
防守较松的open side
防守队员为阻截排成checking line