
Terms containing nevratný | all forms | exact matches only
construct.nevratná deformacepermanent strain
construct.nevratná deformaceresidual strain
comp., MSnevratná DPHnon-recoverable sales tax (A sales tax levied on purchased products that is not deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party)
econ.nevratná pomocnon-refundable aid
construct.nevratná půjčkafree grant
chem.nevratná reakceirreversible reaction
construct.nevratná soustavaunrestorable system
construct.nevratná spotřeba vodywater consumption without recycling
construct.nevratný odpadnonrecovery waste materials
construct.nevratný procesirreversible process
transp.nevratný systém řízeníirreversible control system
construct.nevratný únos prachuirrevocable flue dust
environ.obal nevratnýnon-returnable container Any container for which no specific provisions for its return from the consumer or final use has been established