
Terms containing шаблон | all forms | exact matches only
construct.билен шаблонridge templet
construct.боядисване чрез шаблонstencil painting
construct.дооформяне с шаблонstencil finishing
construct.кабелен шаблонcable pattern
construct.люсповиден шаблонangle templet
construct.моделен шаблонmodel pattern
construct.огъване по шаблонpattern bending
construct.остроъгълен шаблонtongue templet
construct.перфокарта-шаблонpattern card
construct.перфокарта-шаблонduplication punched card
construct.печат с шаблонstencil printing
comp., MSфайл с XML шаблонXML template file (An XML file that contains the sample data that is displayed in the fields of a form before a user fills it out)
comp., MSфайл с шаблон за формулярform template file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
comp., MSформулярен шаблон за браузърbrowser-enabled form template (A browser-compatible form template that has been published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services, and that has been browser-enabled so that users can both display and fill out the form in a Web browser)
comp., MSформулярен шаблон, съвместим с браузърbrowser-compatible form template (A form template that is designed in InfoPath by using a specific compatibility mode. A browser-compatible form template can be browser-enabled when it is published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services)
comp., MSчаст за шаблонTemplate Part (A customized set of controls that can be saved for reuse in multiple form templates. Template parts are saved as custom controls in the Controls task pane)
construct.чертожен шаблонirregular curve
construct.чертожен шаблонdrawing pattern
construct.чертожен шаблонFrench curve
comp., MSшаблон за договорcontract template (A template that contains the standard attribute of a contract such as billing frequency and allotment type)
comp., MSшаблон за документdocument stencil (A stencil stored in a drawing file that contains an inventory of the masters used in all of the drawings in the file. Masters on the document stencil are linked to their instances in the drawings)
construct.шаблон за мазилкаarchitectural detail serving as a pattern for restoration
comp., MSшаблон за одобрениеapproval template (A table with a list of templates that the user can select to set up which documents he wants to be included in an approval process)
comp., MSшаблон за потребителски формулярuser form template (A browser-enabled form template that has been published from InfoPath, and that does not need to be uploaded by an administrator to a server running InfoPath Forms Services)
comp., MSшаблон за праватаrights template (The saved settings for file usage rights for the RM Services server in a specified domain. The administrator sets these in the Administration Console, and saves them for use by the client applications)
logist.шаблон за рентгенова литографияx-ray mask (алешаBG)
comp., MSшаблон за сертификатcertificate template (A Windows construct that specifies the format and content of certificates based on their intended usage. When requesting a certificate from a Windows enterprise certification authority (CA), certificate requestors can select from a variety of certificate types that are based on certificate templates)
comp., MSшаблон за съдържание от родителски типparent content type template (A type of content that exists prior to the association with an actual Windows SharePoint Services list. This distinction is made since items cannot use a type until it is associated with a WSS list)
comp., MSшаблон за формат на съдържаниеcontent master (A slide template that defines default formatting or the position of placeholders for one or more slides in a presentation)
comp., MSшаблон за формулярform template (A file or set of files that defines the data structure, appearance, and behavior of a form)
comp., MSшаблон за формуляр, одобрен от администратораadministrator-approved form template (A browser-compatible form template that has been uploaded by an administrator to a server running InfoPath Forms Services. An administrator-approved form template can include code)
comp., MSшаблон на план за обслужванеservice plan template (An XML file used to define the elements of a service plan or a mailbox plan)
comp., MSшаблон на работен потокworkflow template (A template that serves exclusively as the basis for creating other workflows. Workflow templates cannot start workflow jobs)
tech.шаблон тип ВОХbox-system