
Terms containing услуги на | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSАдминистриране на услуги на AccessAccess Services Administration (A feature that allows administration of Access services through an administration interface and powershell scripts)
econ.баланс на услугиinvisible trade balance
fin.възлагане на обществени поръчки за извършване на строителни работи, услуги и доставкиaward of public works, supplies and services contracts
fin.възлагане на обществени поръчки за извършване на строителни работи, услуги и доставкиaward of public supply contracts, public service contracts and public works contracts
law, fin.възмездна доставка на услугиsupply of services for consideration
law, fin.възмездна доставка на услугиsupply of services against payment
tax.вътреобщностна доставка на услугиintra-Community supply of services
gen.вътрешен пазар на услугиinternal market in services
gen.вътрешен пазар на услугиinternal services market
gen.вътрешен пазар на услугиinternal market for services
lawгенерален договор за предоставяне на услугиmaster services agreement (алешаBG)
commun.Група на европейските регулатори за електронни съобщителни мрежи и услугиEuropean Regulators Group
commun.Група на европейските регулатори за електронни съобщителни мрежи и услугиEuropean Regulators Group for Electronic Communications Networks and Services
polit.Дирекция за управлението на помощните и социалните услугиDirectorate for Management of Support and Social Services
social.sc.доброволна европейска рамка за качеството на социалните услугиVoluntary European Quality Framework for Social Services
comp., MSдомейнови услуги на Active DirectoryActive Directory Domain Services (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
insur.доставчик на здравни услугиhealth care provider (алешаBG)
ITдоставчик на интернет услугиInternet Service Provider
environ.доставчик на Интернет услугиinternet service provider (Бизнес или организация, които предоставят връзки до част от Интернет, често през телефонните линии)
logist.доставчик на логистични услугиprovider of logistics services (алешаBG)
logist.доставчик на логистични услугиlogistics services provider LSP (алешаBG)
comp., MSдоставчик на мобилни услугиmobile service provider (A company that provides text messaging services)
commun., ITдоставчик на мрежови услугиnetwork service provider
commun., ITдоставчик на мрежови услугиnetwork provider
comp., MSдоставчик на онлайн услугиonline service provider (A provider of online services like e-mail, messaging, and others (example: Windows Live, Yahoo, Google))
fin.доставчик на платежни услугиpayment service provider
comp., MSДоставчик на споделени услугиShared Services Provider (A logical grouping of shared services and their supporting resources)
ITдоставчик на услугиservice vendor
ITдоставчик на услугиservice provider
comp., MSдоставчик на услуги за данниdata service provider (A business entity, typically a company, that provides up to date data to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user)
comp., MSдоставчик на услуги за организиране на конференцииconferencing service provider (An organization that provides computer audio conference services, which allow more than two people to participate in a conference over their computer's Internet connection)
logist.доставчици на логистични услугиlogistics services providers LSPs (алешаBG)
logist.доставчици на логистични услугиsuppliers of logistics services (алешаBG)
logist.доставчици на логистични услугиproviders of logistics services (алешаBG)
econ., energ.ind.дружество за предоставяне на енергийни услугиenergy service company
econ., energ.ind.дружество за предоставяне на енергийни услугиenergy saving company
econ., patents.Европейска конвенция за законовата защита на услуги, базирани на или представляващи условен достъпEuropean Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access
social.sc.Европейски център на работодателите и предприятията с публично участие и предприятията, предоставящи услуги от общ интересEuropean Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public services
commun.Европейско звено за предоставяне на услуги по спътникови далекосъобщенияSatCom Procurement Cell
commun.Европейско звено за предоставяне на услуги по спътникови далекосъобщенияEuropean Satellite Communications Procurement Cell
comp., MSAPI за уеб услуги на WindowsWindows Web Services API (A native-code implementation of SOAP that provides a foundation for building Web services for internal Microsoft customers such as components of Windows and parts of Office)
insur.застраховател на пълен набор от застрахователни услугиfull service insurer (алешаBG)
logist.изнасяне на бизнес услугиbusiness process outsourcing BPO (алешаBG)
commun., ITинтероперативно предоставяне по електронен път на административни услуги на публичните администрации, бизнеса и гражданитеInteroperable Delivery of pan-European eGovernment Services to Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens
comp., MSинтерфейс на доставчик на услугиService Provider Interface (Calling conventions that back-end services use to make themselves accessible to front-end applications)
comp., MSинтерфейси за услуги на Active DirectoryActive Directory Service Interfaces (A directory service model and a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces. ADSI enables Windows applications and Active Directory clients to access several network directory services, including Active Directory)
comp., MSКoмпонентни услуги на MicrosoftMicrosoft Component Services (An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management)
econ.Консултантски услуги в сферата на управлениетоManagement consultancy services
econ.концесия на услугиservice concession
lawкорпорация за оказване на обществени услугиquasi-public corporation (алешаBG)
lawкражба на услугиtheft of services (алешаBG)
lawлиценз за предоставяне на услуги в сферата на безопасносттаsecurity license (алешаBG)
lawмаксимална сума на стойността на юридически услуги и разходиfee and expense cap (в контекста на юридическа фирма алешаBG)
commun., transp., avia.мобилни съобщителни услуги на борда на въздухоплавателни средстваmobile communication services on aircraft
commun., transp., avia.мобилни съобщителни услуги на борда на въздухоплавателни средстваMCA services
commun., transp., nautic.мобилни съобщителни услуги на борда на плавателни съдовеmobile communication services on board vessels
lawмясто за предоставяне на услугиplace of service (алешаBG)
lawмясто за предоставяне на услугиplace of rendering of services (алешаBG)
tax.място на доставка на услугиplace where a service is supplied
tax.място на доставка на услугиplace of supply of services
lawневъзможност за предоставяне на услугиabsence of delivery of a service (алешаBG)
comp., MSосновен доставчик на криптографски услуги за смарт картиBase Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
bank.основни услуги на TARGET2core TARGET2 services
polit.Отдел за библиотечни услуги, предоставяни на място и онлайнOn-site and Online Library Services Unit
logist.пазар на логистични и транспортни услугиmarket for logistics and shipping services (алешаBG)
logist.пазар на логистични услугиlogistics services market (алешаBG)
econ.пазар на услугиservices contract
lawполитика на взаимни услугиgive and take principle (алешаBG)
econ.предоставяне на услугиprovision of services
logist.продажби на логистични услугиlogistics services sales (алешаBG)
logist.продажби на стоки и услуги на бизнес клиентиbusiness-to-business B2B (алешаBG)
logist.продажби на стоки и услуги на физически лицаbusiness-to-consumer B2C (алешаBG)
logist.продажби на транспортни услугиtransportation services sales (алешаBG)
gen.работна група "Право на установяване и предоставяне на услуги"Working Party on Establishment and Services
econ.свободно предоставяне на услугиfreedom to provide services
account.себестойност на материалните запаси на доставчик на услугиcost of inventories of a service provider
environ.сектор на услугиservice area (Област, обслужвана от публична институция като училище, библиотека, полицейски участък, парк и др)
fin.сектор на финансовите услугиfinancial services sector
comp., MSсертификатни услуги на Active DirectoryActive Directory Certificate Services (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority (CA). It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
comp., MSСпоразумение за услуги на MicrosoftMicrosoft Services Agreement (The agreement between Microsoft and its customers for the use of certain online consumer services provided by Microsoft)
comp., MSсправочни услуги на NetWareNetWare Directory Services (On networks running Novell NetWare 4.x and higher, a distributed database that maintains information about every resource on the network and that provides access to these resources)
comp., MSсътрудничество при доставяне на услугиcollaboration service provider (A company which provides online collaboration services (sharepoint sites, message boards, etc) to businesses or organizations)
comp., MSТаблица на доставчиците на услуги за IMIM service providers table (A table configured on an Access Edge Server or Access Proxy containing the names and FQDNs (fully qualified domain names) of IM service providers, including public IM service providers, allowed to connect to that Access Edge Server or Access Proxy. These providers typically are responsible for routing to multiple domains)
econ.транснационално предоставяне на услугиtransnational provision of services
logist.търсене на логистични услугиdemand for logistics services (алешаBG)
comp., MSуеб услуги на ExchangeExchange Web Services (A set of features that provides a programming interface for accessing Microsoft Exchange data through the Client Access server role by using Web services)
lawусловия за размяна на услуги без заплащанеmutual terms (алешаBG)
comp., MSУслуги за автоматизиране на OfficeOffice Automation Services (Collectively, the SharePoint service applications that write to ULS logs using shared code for automated document processing)
comp., MSУслуги за интеграция на SQL ServerSQL Server Integration Services (A feature of Microsoft SQL Server used to import, export, and transform data from different data sources)
comp., MSуслуги за конференция на ExchangeExchange Conferencing Services (A service that allows users to meet in virtual rooms on a server running Exchange)
comp., MSуслуги за превод на SharePointSharePoint Translation Services (A collection of extensible features that allows customers to use machine translation or external translation vendors to translate their website content)
comp., MSуслуги за разширяване на приложенияapplication extension services (In Silverlight, classes that extend the application model by providing services that can participate in the application life cycle)
comp., MSуслуги за управление на правата на достъп в Active DirectoryActive Directory Rights Management Services (A Microsoft technology designed to help enterprise customers control and protect critical digital information by offering easy-to-use, flexible, and persistent policy expression and enforcement)
comp., MSУслуги на PerformancePointPerformancePoint Services (A collection of services for Microsoft SharePoint Server that enables users to monitor organizational goals, to analyze performance information through up-to-date content and context-rich dashboards and scorecards, and to use that information to make business decisions)
comp., MSУслуги на MicrosoftMicrosoft services (The category of services that includes SkyDrive, Outlook.com, and Skype)
comp., MSУслуги на PerformancePoint в Microsoft SharePoint ServerPerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server (A collection of services for Microsoft SharePoint Server that enables users to monitor organizational goals, to analyze performance information through up-to-date content and context-rich dashboards and scorecards, and to use that information to make business decisions)
ITуслуги на електронното правителствоgovernment on-line services
ITуслуги на електронното правителствоeGovernment services
comp., MSуслуги на Active Directory за улесняване на достъпаActive Directory Federation Services (A component that provides Web single-sign-on (SSO) technologies. AD FS provides SSO by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries. AD FS supports the WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP))
environ.услуги на кораби, свързани с почистване на замърсени водиanti-pollution ship services
lawуслуги на трети лицаthird-party services (алешаBG)
logist.фулфилмънт услуги за обслужване на онлайн търговски магазиниfulfilment services for distribution to online retail stores (алешаBG)
lawцена на предоставяните услугиprovided services price (алешаBG)