
Terms for subject Microsoft containing się | all forms | exact matches only
dynamicznie powiększający się wirtualny dysk twardydynamically expanding virtual hard disk (A virtual hard disk that grows in size each time it is modified. This type of virtual hard disk starts as a 3 KB .vhd file and can grow as large as the maximum size specified when the file was created. The only way to reduce the file size is to zero out the deleted data and then compact the virtual hard disk)
formant zawartości sekcji powtarzającej sięrepeating section content control (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
Gra w trybie online - akcja może się zmieniaćOnline – Experience Can Change (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
grupa powtarzająca sięrepeating group (A group in the data source that can occur more than once. Controls such as repeating sections and repeating tables are bound to repeating groups)
lista osób nie zgadzających się na uczestnictwoopt-out list (A list of users who have chosen to opt-out of a mailing list)
możliwość wyparcia sięrepudiation (The ability of a user to falsely deny having performed an action that other parties cannot prove otherwise. For example, a user who deleted a file can successfully deny doing so if no mechanism (such as audit files) can prove otherwise)
nakładanie sięoverlap (To extend over and cover a part of something)
nie zgadzać się na uczestnictwoopt out (To explicitly decline to participate. Typically used in marketing programs and offerings, whereby an action (such as the use of personal information beyond the original, primary purpose for which it was collected) is undertaken unless an individual explicitly declines. An element of choice)
niemożność wyparcia sięnonrepudiation (The use of cryptography to ensure that someone performing an action on a computer cannot falsely deny that they performed that action. A system with nonrepudiation provides undeniable proof that a user took a specific action such as transferring money, authorizing a purchase, or sending a message)
odwołująca się domenareferring domain (On the Internet and intranets, the address of a network location from which site visitors follow a hyperlink to your Web site)
odwoływać się doreference (To relate to another entity)
oferta zapisania się do usługodawcy internetowegodesktop ISP sign-up offer (A set of HTML pages that offer the end user the opportunity to sign up for Internet access. To view the offer, the end user clicks a link from the OEM link on the Start menu)
podszywać sięspoof (To make a transmission appear to come from a user other than the user who performed the action)
pole powtarzające sięrepeating field (A field in the data source that can occur more than once. Controls such as bulleted, numbered, and plain lists; repeating sections; and repeating tables can be bound to repeating fields)
połączyć się ręczniedial in manually (Dial in to the audio conferencing provider from your physical telephone when the audio conferencing provider service cannot call you)
Promieniowy rozchodzący sięDiverging Radial (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show relationships to a central idea in a cycle. The first Level 1 line of text corresponds to the central circular shape. Emphasizes the surrounding circles rather than the central idea. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
Promieniowy zbiegający sięConverging Radial (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show relationships of concepts or components to a central idea in a cycle. The first line of Level 1 text corresponds to the central circular shape and the lines of Level 2 text correspond to the surrounding rectangular shapes. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
przedawniać sięage (To become mature or past due, as in a mature account or a past due account)
Przesuwające się tytuły, warstwowoMoving Titles, Layered (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
przełączać sięswitch (To change the modality of a conversation from, say, voice call to video, starting from a pop-up notification)
sekcja powtarzająca sięrepeating section (A control on a form that contains other controls and that repeats as needed. Users can insert multiple sections when filling out the form)
Strzałki rozchodzące sięDiverging Arrows (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show ideas or concepts that progress outward from a central source. Works best with Level 1 text only)
Strzałki zbiegające sięConverging Arrows (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show ideas or concepts that converge to a central point. Works best with Level 1 text only)
tabela powtarzająca sięrepeating table (A control on a form that contains other controls in a table format and that repeats as needed. Users can insert multiple rows when filling out the form)
użytkownicy mogący się logowaćsign-in allowed users (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in privileges allowed. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
użytkownicy nie mogący się logowaćsign-in blocked users (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in priveleges blocked. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
zameldować sięcheck in (" To indicate that a user is in a certain place or location. Users "check in" to a physical place to share their location with their friends. ")
zgadzać się na uczestnictwoopt in (To explicitly consent to participate. Typically used in marketing programs and offerings, whereby an action (such as the use of personal information beyond the original, primary purpose for which it was collected) is not undertaken unless an individual explicitly consents. An element of choice)