
Terms for subject Microsoft containing fabryka | all forms | exact matches only
dokumentacja fabryki oprogramowaniasoftware factory documentation (The help and other narrative that describes the other assets and activities contained in the software factory)
fabryka klasclass factory (An object that implements the IClassFactory interface, which enables it to create objects of a specific class)
fabryka oprogramowaniasoftware factory (A structured collection of tools, templates, libraries, documents, and other assets. The factory extends an integrated development environment with a custom process used to build a specific type of software system, application, or component)
produkt fabryki oprogramowaniasoftware factory product (The instance of a specific type of software system, application, or component built by the software factory)
schemat fabryki oprogramowaniasoftware factory schema (The model that defines the structure of a factory. The schema organizes the assets and the custom process around a set of architectural views. The schema also describes the outputs of the factory)
zasób fabryki oprogramowaniasoftware factory asset (A resource or set of resources provided by a software factory and used in a development environment to build a software application. Assets can include documents, models, configuration files, build scripts, source code files, prescriptive guidance, localization files, deployment manifests, test case definitions, and so forth)