
Terms for subject Microsoft containing eroare | all forms | exact matches only
cod de eroareerror code (One of four fields of an SCODE. It is a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or warning)
consistență la eroare fatalăcrash consistency (A feature of shadow copy backups that ensures all files are backed up, regardless of their state)
eroare de paginăpage fault (" The interrupt that occurs when software attempts to read from or write to a virtual memory location that is marked "not present.")
eroare de sincronizaresync error (A problem that prevents sync from completing. Sync errors are typically caused by problems with the device, network folder, or other computer you are trying to sync with)
eroare la depășire debit de datedata-overrun error (A state in which the sending computer is transmitting characters faster than the receiving computer can accommodate them. If this problem persists, reduce the bits-per-second (bps) rate)
eroare semanticăsemantic error (An error in meaning; a statement in a program that is syntactically correct (legal) but functionally incorrect)
eroare SMARTSMART error (An error returned by the SMART test)
eroare SOAPSOAP fault (A collection of elements in a SOAP message that identify the code and cause of an error)
eroare standardstandard error (An output stream typically used by programs to output error messages or diagnostics)
heap tolerant la eroareFTH (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
heap tolerant la eroarefault tolerant heap (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
număr de eroareerror number (A whole number in the range 0 - 65,535 that corresponds to the Number property setting of the Err object. When combined with the Description property setting of the Err object, this number represents a particular error message)