
Terms containing efect | all forms | exact matches only
environ.absorbant de gaze cu efect de serăsink
environ.absorbant de gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas sink
environ.autorizație privind emisiile de gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas emissions permit
construct., environ.Cartea verde privind comercializarea certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră în Uniunea EuropeanăGreen Paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union
ecol.certificat de emisii de gaze cu efect de serăEuropean Union Allowance
ecol.certificat de emisii de gaze cu efect de serăemission allowance
ecol.certificat de emisii de gaze cu efect de serăEUA
environ.Coaliția pentru climă și aer nepoluat în scopul reducerii poluanților cu ciclu de viață scurt cu efect nociv asupra climeiClimate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
environ.Coaliția pentru climă și aer nepoluat în scopul reducerii poluanților cu ciclu de viață scurt cu efect nociv asupra climeiClimate and Clean Air Coalition
polit.Comitetul pentru mecanismul de monitorizare a emisiilor de CO2 și de alte gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul ComunitățiiCommittee on the monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
chem.concentrația cea mai scăzută pentru care este observat un efectlowest observed effect concentration
chem.concentrația cea mai scăzută pentru care este observat un efect adverslowest observed adverse effect concentration
chem.concentrație la care nu se observă niciun efectno observed effect concentration
chem.concentrație la care nu se observă niciun efect adversno observed adverse effect concentration
chem.concentrație predictibilă fără efectpredicted no-effect concentration
health., environ.concentrație previzibilă fără efectPredicted No Effect Concentration
transp., avia., environ.cont al operatorului de aeronave pentru certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră deținuteaircraft operator holding account
ecol.cont al operatorului pentru certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră deținuteoperator holding account
environ.Decizia nr. 406/2009/CE privind efortul statelor membre de a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră astfel încât să respecte angajamentele Comunității de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră până în 2020effort sharing decision
environ.Decizia nr. 406/2009/CE privind efortul statelor membre de a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră astfel încât să respecte angajamentele Comunității de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră până în 2020Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community's greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020
comp., MSdiagramă cauză-efectcause and effect diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
law, environ., ecol.Directiva 2003/87/CE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 13 octombrie 2003 de stabilire a unui sistem de comercializare a cotelor de emisie de gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunității și de modificare a Directivei 96/61/CE a ConsiliuluiEAT Directive
law, environ., ecol.Directiva 2003/87/CE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 13 octombrie 2003 de stabilire a unui sistem de comercializare a cotelor de emisie de gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunității și de modificare a Directivei 96/61/CE a ConsiliuluiEU Emissions Trading Directive
law, environ., ecol.Directiva 2003/87/CE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 13 octombrie 2003 de stabilire a unui sistem de comercializare a cotelor de emisie de gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunității și de modificare a Directivei 96/61/CE a ConsiliuluiDirective 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC
chem., met.efect acutacute effect
med.efect adversadverse health effect
med.efect adversuntoward health effect
med.efect adversadverse effect
transp., tech., lawefect al agențiilor atmosfericiweathering
environ.efect al nivelului de ocupare a locurilor de muncăemployment level effect The result or impact of a specific policy, action or event upon the number of working-age persons holding jobs in a specific region, nation or sector of the economy
environ.efect al poluăriipollution effect The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population
environ.efect al radiaţieiradiation effect Prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation from various sources can be harmful. Nuclear radiation from fallout from nuclear weapons or from power stations, background radiation from substances naturally present in the soil, exposure to X-rays can cause radiation sickness. Massive exposure to radiation can kill quickly and any person exposed to radiation is more likely to develop certain types of cancer than other members of the population
environ.efect al zgomotuluinoise effect
chem.efect anodicanode effect
comp., MSefect anti-aliasanti-aliasing (A software technique for smoothing the jagged appearance of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen. Methods of anti-aliasing include surrounding pixels with intermediate shades and manipulating the size and horizontal alignment of the pixels)
comp., MSefect artisticartistic effect (An effect that a user can apply to an image to achieve a specific artistic look)
law, commer.efect asupra comerțului dintre statele memmbreeffect on trade between Member States
environ.efect asupra mediuluieffect on the environment Resultant of natural or manmade perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environment
environ.efect asupra omuluieffect on man No definition needed
environ.efect asupra sănătăţiieffect on health
environ.efect biologicbiological effect Biological effects include allergic reactions, respiratory disorders, hypersensitivity diseases and infectious diseases and can be caused by a variety of contaminants and pollutants
environ.efect biologic al poluăriibiological effect of pollution Effects of pollution on living systems
health., anim.husb.efect citopaticcytopathic effect
environ.efect climaticclimatic effect Climate has a central influence on many human needs and activities, such as agriculture, housing, human health, water resources, and energy use. The influence of climate on vegetation and soil type is so strong that the earliest climate classification schemes where often based more on these factors than on the meteorological variables. While technology can be used to mitigate the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, climate fluctuations that result in significant departures from normal cause serious problems for modern industrialized societies as much as for primitive ones. The goals of climatology are to provide a comprehensive description of the Earth's climate, to understand its features in terms of fundamental physical principles, and to develop models of the Earth's climate that will allow the prediction of future changes that may result from natural and human causes
comp., MSefect 3-D3-D effect (A diagramming capability that shows charts in three dimensions)
comp., MSefect de animațieanimation effect (A special visual or sound effect added to text or an object. For instance, a user can have the text bullet points fly in from the left, one word at a time, or hear the sounds of applause when a picture is uncovered)
immigr.efect de atracțiepull effect
immigr.efect de atracțiecall effect
econ.efect de balastdeadweight effect
fin.efect de blocarelock-in effect
construct.efect de coincidență a undelorwave coincidence effect
environ.efect de combinarecombination effect A combined effect of two or more substances or organisms which is greater than the sum of the individual effect of each
forestr.efect de comerțbill of exchange
fin.efect de contagiunecontagion effect
econ.efect de degajareeffect of release
account.efect de diluaredilutive effect
insur.efect de diversificarediversification effect
econ.efect de dominoknock-on effect
commer.efect de frontierăborder effect
life.sc.efect de inhibare a creșterii bacterienebacterial growth inhibitory effect
fin.efect de leviergearing effect
fin.efect de levierleveraging effect
fin.efect de levierleverage effect
fin.efect de levierleverage ratio
fin.efect de pârghiegearing
fin.efect de pârghieleverage
fin.efect de pârghiefinancial leverage
med.efect de reboundrebound effect (recrudescentia)
med.efect de reboundrebound phenomenon (recrudescentia)
med.efect de reboundrebound (recrudescentia)
econ.efect de rețeanetwork effect
comp., MSefect de schițăoutline effect (An effect that applies to the exterior border around each character of your text or shape)
environ.efect de serăgreenhouse effect The warming of the Earth's atmosphere caused by the increasing concentration of atmospheric gases, such as water vapour and carbon dioxide. These gases absorb radiation emitted by the Earth, thus slowing down the loss of radiant energy from the Earth back to space
econ.efect de serăgreenhouse effect
transp., avia.efect de solground effect
comp., MSefect de strălucireglow effect (An effect that applies a halo of color around the perimeter of an object)
fin.efect de substituțiesubstitution effect
construct.efect de tensionarestrain effect
comp., MSefect de tranzițietransition effect (An animation effect that specifies how the display changes as a user moves from one item (such as a slide or Web page) to another)
comp., MSefect de umbrireshadowing effect (A diagramming capability that creates shadows behind a chart for better visual effect)
comp., MSefect de umplerefill effect (An effect that applies to the appearance of the interior of an enclosed text character or other shape)
gen.efect directdirect effect
gen.efect directimmediate effect
gen.efect directimmediate applicability
gen.efect directdirect applicability
forestr.efect elasticrubber band effect
phys.sc.efect electrocaloricJoule effect
construct.efect electrohidraulicelectrohydraulic effect
construct.efect electronicelectro phonic effect
pharma.efect farmacodinamicpharmacodynamic effect
pharma.efect farmacologicpharmacological effect
environ.efect fotochimicphotochemical effect The result or consequence of a chemical reaction caused by light or ultraviolet radiation
environ.efect geneticgenetic effect Inheritable change, chiefly mutations produced by chemical substances, herbicides, radiations, etc.
agric.efect genetic al radiațieiradiogenetical effect
med., life.sc.efect genotoxicgenotoxic effect
med., life.sc.efect genotoxicgenotoxic activity
mech.efect giroscopicgyroscopic effect
med.efect imunotoxicimmunotoxic effect
med.efect imunotoxicimmunotoxic action
proced.law.efect juridiclegal effect
econ.efect la nivelul economiei naționalenational economic effect
econ., commer.efect legat de alegerea locațieilocation effect
construct.efect marginaledge effect
environ.efect mentalmental effect
environ.efect microclimaticmicroclimate effect
econ., fin.efect multiplicatormultiplier effect
comp., MSefect negru și albblack and white effect (One of a group of photo modifications someone can make to a color photo that mimic different effects that would be achieved by taking the same photo using black and white film stock. One effect uses strict conversion to monochrome by throwing away all of the color information. Others mimic the result when a black and white photo is taken through a colored filter-orange, red, or yellow-to enhance or suppress certain color information. Two effects perform strict conversions to monochrome and then apply a color tint-sepia or cyan-in one step)
med.efect neurotoxicneurotoxic effect
med.efect neurotoxicneurotoxic action
construct.efect nociv al zgomotelorharmful effect of noise
med.efect nociv pentru sanatateuntoward health effect
med.efect nociv pentru sanatateadverse health effect
med.efect nociv pentru sanatateadverse effect
environ.efect opus al substanţelor toxiceantagonistic effect of toxic substances
pharma.efect parasimpaticparasympathetic effect
environ.efect patologicpathologic effect
environ.efect pe termen lunglong-term effect Effects which will last long after the cause has ceased
environ.efect pe termen lung al poluanţilorlong-term effect of pollutants
agric.efect prelungitafteraction
agric.efect prelungitaftereffect
agric.efect prelungitresidual effect
lawefect probatoriuprobative weight
lawefect probatoriuprobative value
lawefect probatoriuevidential value
lawefect probatoriuevidentiary value
lawefect probatoriuprobative force
lawefect probatoriuevidentiary weight
lawefect probatoriuevidentiary effect
lawefect probatoriuconclusive force
fin.efect prociclicpro-cyclical effect
environ.efect psihicpsychic effect A result or consequence stemming from mental processes that create or influence human consciousness and emotions
environ.efect psihologicpsychological effect
environ.efect psiho-somaticpsychosomatic effect Any result pertaining to the influence of the mind or higher functions of the brain upon the operations of the body, particularly bodily disorders or diseases
agric.efect rezidualafteraction
agric.efect rezidualaftereffect
agric.efect rezidualresidual effect
environ.efect secundarside effect Any secondary effect, especially an undesirable one
med., pharma.efect secundarside effect
environ.efect secundar al medicamentelorside effects of pharmaceutical drugs
med., pharma.efect sinergicsynergistic interaction
med., pharma.efect sinergicsynergy
med., pharma.efect sinergicsynergistic effect
med., pharma.efect sinergicsupra-additive interaction
med., pharma.efect sinergicsynergistic action
med., pharma.efect sinergicsynergism
med., pharma.efect sinergicsupra-additive effect
environ.efect sinergic al substanţelor toxicesynergistic effect of toxic substances 1. A state in which the combined effect of two or more substances is greater than the sum of the separate effects. 2. An effect whereby two toxic substance together have more of an impact than anticipated
commer.efect stimulativincentive effect
light.efect stroboscopicstroboscopic effect
immigr.efect suspensivright to remain pending the decision
immigr.efect suspensivright to remain pending the examination of an application
immigr.efect suspensivsuspensive effect
immigr.efect suspensiv automatautomatic suspensive effect
comp., MSefect tematictheme effect (One of a set of visual attributes that is applied to elements in a file. Theme effects, theme colors, and theme fonts compose a theme)
anim.husb., chem.efect teratogenteratogenic effect
construct.efect termicthermal effect
comp., MSefect texttext effect (A visual effect that colors, tweaks, or otherwise graphically alters fonts)
environ.efect toxictoxic effect A result produced by the ingestion or contact of poisonous materials
chem.efect TyndallTyndall effect
fin.efect în cascadă disproporționatcliff effect
fin.efect în cascadă disproporționatcliff edge effect
med.efect întârziatdelayed effect
construct.efect întîrziataftereffect
life.sc., environ.emisie de gaze cu efect de serăGHG emissions
life.sc., environ.emisie de gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas emissions
comp., MSexcepție cu efect rapidfail fast exception (An exception that cannot be caught by any exception handler and that immediately causes the application to terminate and launch error reporting)
fin.fond cu efect de levierleveraged fund
environ.gaz cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas
environ., chem.gaz fluorurat cu efect de serăfluorinated greenhouse gas
environ., chem.gaz fluorurat cu efect de serăF-gas
econ.gaz generator de efect de serăgreenhouse gas
environ.gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas A collective expression for those components of the atmosphere that influence the greenhouse effect, namely carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, ozone, CFCs and water vapour, GHG
environ., UNGrupul consultativ privind gazele cu efect de seră al UNEPAdvisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
environ., energ.ind.intensitate a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăGHG intensity
environ., energ.ind.intensitate a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas intensity
environ., energ.ind.intensitate a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăemissions intensity
environ.inventar anual al gazelor cu efect de seră al UECommunity greenhouse gas inventory
environ.inventar anual al gazelor cu efect de seră al UEAnnual European Union greenhouse gas inventory
obs., environ.inventar comunitar al gazelor cu efect de serăCommunity greenhouse gas inventory
obs., environ.inventar comunitar al gazelor cu efect de serăAnnual European Union greenhouse gas inventory
environ.inventar național al emisiilor antropice prin surse și al absorbțiilor prin absorbanți ale tuturor gazelor cu efect de seră nereglementate de Protocolul de la Montrealnational inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
environ.inventar național al emisiilor antropice prin surse și al absorbțiilor prin absorbanți ale tuturor gazelor cu efect de seră nereglementate de Protocolul de la Montrealnational greenhouse gas inventory
environ.inventar național al gazelor cu efect de serănational inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
environ.inventar național al gazelor cu efect de serănational greenhouse gas inventory
environ.mecanism de monitorizare a emisiilor de CO2 și de alte gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunitățiimonitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
environ.mecanism de monitorizare a emisiilor de CO2 și de alte gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunitățiimonitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States
environ.mecanism de monitorizare a emisiilor de CO2 și de alte gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunitățiimechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community
environ.mecanism de monitorizare a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunității și de punere în aplicare a Protocolului de la Kyotomechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
econ.măsură cu efect echivalentmeasure having equivalent effect
chem.nivel calculat cu efect minimderived minimal effect level
law, chem.nivel calculat fără efectderived no-effect level
chem.nivel la care nu se observă niciun efectno observed effect level
chem.nivel la care nu se observă niciun efect adversno observed adverse effect level
chem.nivelul cel mai scăzut pentru care este observat un efectlowest observed effect level
chem.nivelul cel mai scăzut pentru care este observat un efect adverslowest observed adverse effect level
environ., energ.ind.obiectiv de reducere a intensității emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas intensity target
environ., energ.ind.obiectiv de reducere a intensității emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăintensity target
environ., energ.ind.obiectiv de reducere a intensității emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăemissions intensity target
gen.plan național de alocare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de serăNational Allocation Plan
gen.plan național de alocare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de serănational allocation plan for the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances
ecol.platformă de tranzacționare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de serătrading platform
ecol.platformă de tranzacționare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de serăexternal trading platform
environ.poluant cu ciclu de viață scurt cu efect nociv asupra climeishort-lived climate pollutant
environ.poluant cu ciclu de viață scurt cu efect nociv asupra climeishort lived climate forcer
environ., chem.precursor al unui gaz cu efect de serăprecursor of a greenhouse gas
environ., chem.precursor al unui gaz cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas precursor
econ.reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăreduction of gas emissions
ecol.Registrul unic al emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră al Uniunii EuropeneUnion registry
ecol.Registrul unic al emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră al Uniunii EuropeneUnion KP registry
environ.relaţia doză-efectdose-effect relationship The relation between the quantity of a given substance and a measurable or observable effect
environ.relaţie cauză-efectcause-effect relation The relating of causes to the effects that they produce
chem.relația dintre doză și efectdose response relationship
pharma.relația expunere-efectexposure-response relationship
sec.sys.stimulent cu efect de descurajare a căutării unui loc de muncăjob-search disincentive
environ.substanță care are efect de distrugere a stratului de ozonsubstance that depletes the ozone layer
environ.substanță care are efect de distrugere a stratului de ozonozone-depleting substance
environ.substanță care are efect de distrugere a stratului de ozonozone killer
environ.total al emisiilor antropice de gaze cu efect de seră exprimate în bioxid de carbon echivalentaggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
math.variabilă efectresponse variable
math.variabilă efecteffect variable
math.variabilă efectregressand
math.variabilă efectdependent variable
agric.îngrășămînt cu efect indirectindirect fertilizing
environ., energ.ind.țintă de reducere a intensității emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăintensity target
environ., energ.ind.țintă de reducere a intensității emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăgreenhouse gas intensity target
environ., energ.ind.țintă de reducere a intensității emisiilor de gaze cu efect de serăemissions intensity target