
   Sesotho sa leboa
Terms for subject Microsoft containing mothopo | all forms | exact matches only
Sesotho sa leboaEnglish
data ya mothoposource data (The list or table that's used to create a PivotTable or PivotChart report. Source data can be taken from an Excel list or range, an external database or cube, or another PivotTable report)
Etšwa go Mothopo wa HTMLExit HTML Source (An option that switches the view from the display of HTML source code to the display of Web page content)
faele ya mothoposource file (A file that contains the data that a program will process and store in a destination file)
lefelo la mothoposource area (A cell range that you consolidate in the destination area you specify)
Leina la Mothopo wo SwanagoUniform Resource Name (A scheme for uniquely identifying resources that may be available on the Internet by name, without regard to where they are located)
mothopo wa datadata source (In communications, the portion of a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device that sends data)
mothopo wa data wa ODBCODBC data source (Data and the information needed to access that data from programs and databases that support the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) protocol)
mothopo wa datha wa ka ntle ga inthaneteoffline data source (A secondary data source that is accessible to users who fill out forms offline. When a user is online, data from the data source is stored on the user's computer so that it can appear in controls when the form is offline)
mothopo wa dipoeloresult source (A source that returns a set of search results for a given search query. The source can be a search service in the local server farm or another server farm, or another search engine that is compliant with the OpenSearch protocol)
mothopo wa hlogwanaheader source (A document that contains the header row (or header record) to be used with the data source specified for a mail-merge main document)
mothopo wa khonferentsheconference resource (A Microsoft Exchange mailbox that allocates a specific number of connections. The resource serves as a virtual room for your online meeting. You invite the resource to an online meeting just as you would reserve a room for a meeting)
mothopo wa peeletšosource subscription (A subscription that is canceled to create a new subscription as a result of a conversion or merge)
mothopo wo botegagotrusted source (The developer of a macro that is trusted by you on your computer. The trusted publisher is identified by the certificate that they used to digitally sign the macro)
ponagalo ya mothoporesource view (A view that displays resource information. Resource views include the Resource Sheet, the Resource Graph, the Resource Usage, and the resource forms views)
tekanyetšo ya mothoporesource budget (The amount of system resources that are allowed to be used by a block of code. Usage that exceeds this amount results in an error)