
   Serbian Latin
Terms for subject Law containing teretiti | all forms | exact matches only
Serbian LatinEnglish
dodatno teretitipress new charges
formalno teretiticharge formally
teretiti imanjeencumber an estate
teretiti nečiji računcredit someone's account
teretiti računcharge to account
teretiti računcredit the account
teretiti račundebit an account
teretiti računcharge an account
teretiti koga zacharge smb. with (smth., što)
teretiti za krivično delocharge with a crime
teretiti koga za krivično delocharge smb. with an offence
teretiti za krivično delocharge for an offence
teretiti za troškovecharge for expenses
teretiti koga za zločintax smb. with a crime
teretiti koga čimedebit a person with (smth.)