
Terms containing Historique | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSBrowsing-Historiquebrowsing history (A user's private information such as temporary files, history, passwords, web form entries, and cookies that captures Internet surfing and other online activities)
comp., MSFichiers-HistoriqueFile History (A Windows feature designed to help users avoid data loss by automatically saving versions of files and copies of deleted files so that users can recover them)
comp., MSHistorique-AarbechtsblatHistory worksheet (A separate worksheet that lists changes being tracked in a shared workbook, including the name of the person who made the change, when and where it was made, what data was deleted or replaced, and how conflicts were resolved)
comp., MSHistorique vun der Versiounversion history (A feature that tracks and stores a record of a shared document when it is first created, and each time it is edited)