
Terms for subject Microsoft containing trabalho | all forms | exact matches only
Acesso via Web à Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Web Access (A Remote Desktop Services role service that makes RemoteApp programs and a connection to the remote desktop server's desktop accessible to users from a Web browser)
Administração de Serviços de Fluxo de Trabalho Humano HWSHuman Workflow Services Administration (A set of activities including the installation, configuration, and deployment of HWS actions, and activity models. It also includes adding, removing, and updating constraints, and stopping, deleting, and archiving action instances or activity flows)
Agente de Anfitrião de Virtualização de Ambientes de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Virtualization Host Agent (A service that is running on any machine that has the RD Virtualization role service installed)
Agente de Conexão de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
Agente de Conexão de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
Agente de Host de Virtualização de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Virtualization Host Agent (A service that is running on any machine that has the RD Virtualization role service installed)
ambiente de trabalhodesktop (The work area on a computer screen that simulates the top of an actual desk. The desktop contains the Recycle Bin and other icons (shortcuts to programs, files, folders, and various types of documents such as letters, reports, or pictures) that you can arrange on the electronic desktop just as you would arrange real objects on top of a desk)
ambiente de trabalho expandidoextended desktop (A computer desktop area that extends across all displays that are connected to a computer)
ambiente de trabalho interativointeractive desktop (A Windows desktop session running with an interactive user's access token applied)
ambiente de trabalho pessoalpersonal desktop (A full desktop environment that is personalized for and "owned" by an individual user, as opposed to a shared desktop which does not carry much user personalization)
Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop (A Windows feature that allows users to connect remotely to a computer and access programs, files, and network resources as though they were sitting at the computer)
ambiente de trabalho segurosecure desktop (A desktop that is isolated from other processes running on the system. The secure desktop increases the security of the elevation prompt)
ambiente de trabalho virtualvirtual desktop (A client operating system that is deployed by using a virtual machine to provide a self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it were a separate computer)
ambiente de trabalho virtual pessoalpersonal virtual desktop (A virtual machine that is assigned to a specific user account in Active Directory Domain Services and made available to the user by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
ambiente de trabalho virtual preparado para RemoteFXRemoteFX-enabled virtual desktop (A virtual desktop on which RemoteFX can be run)
Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemote Desktops (A snap-in that allows users to manage Remote Desktop connections to remote desktop servers and computers that are running Windows Server)
Anfitrião de Sessões de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
Anfitrião de Virtualização de Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemote Desktop Virtualization Host (A Windows server that is running Microsoft Hyper-V Server)
aplic. da área de trabalhodesktop app (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
aplic. de ambiente de trabalhodesktop app (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
aplicativo da área de trabalhodesktop application (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
aplicativo de área de trabalhodesktop app (An app that runs on the desktop of Windows)
aplicação de ambiente de trabalhodesktop app (An app that runs on the desktop of Windows)
aplicação de ambiente de trabalhodesktop application (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
aplicação de dispositivo de ambiente de trabalhodesktop device app (A device app built in C++/Win32/COM)
arquivo de informações do grupo de trabalhoworkgroup information file (A file that Access reads at startup that contains information about the users in a workgroup. This information includes users' account names, their passwords, and the groups of which they are members)
ativação de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow activation (The process that occurs when a workflow host calls the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method)
atividade de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow activity (An elemental unit of a workflow that represents actions and provides functionality for control flow, conditions, event handling, state management, and communication with applications and services)
ação de escalonamento de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow escalation action (An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee)
ação de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow action (An element of workflow logic that specifies the event or task that should be performed by the workflow jobs started by the workflow)
barra da aplicação de ambiente de trabalhodesktop app bar (The workspace at the bottom of the application that displays alerts and notifications)
barra de aplicativo da área de trabalhodesktop app bar (The workspace at the bottom of the application that displays alerts and notifications)
barra de ferramentas da área de trabalhodesktop toolbar (A toolbar that docks to the desktop, similar to the taskbar)
browser de área de trabalhoworkspace browser (A component of the shell of Dashboard Designer. It holds available KPIs, data sources, indicators, report views, scorecards, and dashboards for use in the workspace)
CAL para Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRDS CAL (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
CAL por Dispositivo aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRDS Per Device CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
CAL por Usuário aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRDS Per User CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
carga de trabalhoworkload (A set of automated tasks that exercise the computer in a predefined, repeatable manner)
Central de Trabalho em EquipeTeam Work Center (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
centro de trabalhowork center (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
Centro de Trabalho da EquipaTeam Work Center (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
Chamar via TrabalhoCall via Work (A callback option whereby an outgoing call can be made by using the work number. The person who is receiving the call will see the work number of the caller, in their caller ID)
compactação de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow compression (A feature that helps users compress (or expand) the duration of a job without having to update the start and due dates of every task in the workflow)
compartilhamento de área de trabalhodesktop sharing (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants)
condição de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow condition (A logical "if-then" statement in a workflow that defines a specific situation and any actions that should be taken when that situation occurs)
Conexão de RemoteApp e Área de TrabalhoRemoteApp and Desktop Connection (A customized view of RemoteApp programs and virtual desktops that the administrator makes available to users that are using Windows 7 or RAD Web Access)
Conexão de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Connection (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
Conexão de Área de Trabalho RemotaRDC (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
Conexão Web de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Web Connection (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
configuração da área de trabalho do Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop setup (A program that downloads and installs Microsoft updates that are recommended for users running Microsoft Online Services services)
Configuração de Acesso via Web a RemoteApp e Área de TrabalhoRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Configuração de Acesso via Web a RemoteApp e Área de TrabalhoRAD Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Configuração de Acesso via Web à Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Web Access Configuration (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
configuração de ambiente de trabalho do Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop setup (A program that downloads and installs Microsoft updates that are recommended for users running Microsoft Online Services services)
Configuração de Servidor de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Server Configuration (A Remote Desktop Services management snap-in that you can use to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per-connection basis or for the server as a whole)
Configuração do Acesso Web a Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemote Desktop Web Access Configuration (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
Configuração do Acesso Web a Programas RemoteApp e Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Configuração do Anfitrião de Sessões de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Session Host Configuration (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
Configuração do Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Session Host Configuration (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
Configuração do Servidor de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Server Configuration (A Remote Desktop Services management snap-in that you can use to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per-connection basis or for the server as a whole)
conjunto de ambientes de trabalho virtuaisvirtual desktop pool (A group of one or more identically configured virtual machines. Users can connect to any virtual machine in the pool by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. Because the virtual machines are identically configured, users will receive the same virtual desktop regardless of which virtual machine they connect to. Only one user can use a given virtual machine at a time, but the user is not assigned to a particular virtual machine)
conjunto de trabalhoworking set (The set of pages in the virtual address space of the process that are currently resident in physical memory)
Console de Gerenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Management Console (A Server Manager component for Remote Desktop Services used to deploy, configure and manage RDS deployments)
consulta de item de trabalhowork item query (A specialized SELECT statement containing a WHERE clause, and COLUMN and SORT BY elements. Work Item Query is modeled after SQL queries)
consumo de trabalhos kanbankanban job consumption (The withdrawal of product components from inventory in order to complete the kanban production jobs)
conta de dashboard para ambiente de trabalhodesktop dashboard account (An account that is required to certify desktop apps for Windows)
conta de dashboard para área de trabalhodesktop dashboard account (An account that is required to certify desktop apps for Windows)
conta de execução de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow execution account (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)
conta Processos de Trabalho RFIDRFID Worker Process account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run worker processes that in turn execute event handlers and providers. This is applicable for Windows Server 2003 only)
custo orçado de trabalho agendadobudgeted cost of work scheduled (The earned value field that shows how much of the budget should have been spent, in view of the baseline cost of the task, assignment, or resource. BCWS is calculated as the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date)
custo orçado de trabalho realizadobudgeted cost of work performed (The earned value field that indicates how much of the task's budget should have been spent, given the actual duration of the task)
custo real do trabalho realizadoactual cost of work performed (The actual costs incurred for work already performed by a resource on a task, up to the project status date or today's date)
cálculo do trabalho em andamentowork in process calculation (The value (hours) posted to the balance sheet as a project progresses. The WIP calculation applies to fixed-price projects, time and material projets and investment projects)
célula de trabalhowork cell (A resource group that participates in a production flow activity)
dados de rastreamento de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow tracking data (The data that is logged during the execution of a workflow instance)
dashboard de ambiente de trabalho do Windows Dev CenterWindows Dev Center desktop dashboard (The entry point to the desktop section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify desktop apps for Windows, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
dashboard de hardware e ambiente de trabalho do Windows Dev CenterWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboard (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
dashboard para hardware e área de trabalho do Centro de Desenvolvimento do WindowsWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboard (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
dashboard para área de trabalho do Centro de Desenvolvimento do WindowsWindows Dev Center desktop dashboard (The entry point to the desktop section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify desktop apps for Windows, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
declaração de trabalhostatement of work (A detailed description of the work that needs to be completed within the scope of a contract)
declaração de trabalhoSOW (A detailed description of the work that needs to be completed within the scope of a contract)
definição de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow definition (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
definição de trabalhojob definition (A persistent container that defines and stores instructions for a job to be run on a server, server farm, or server cluster. To run, a job must have an associated job definition, and a definition must be associated with a service or a Web application)
descrição do trabalhostatement of work (A detailed description of the work that needs to be completed within the scope of a contract)
descrição do trabalhojob description (A statement of the essential responsibilities, duties, job functions, and requirements of a job)
Designer de Fluxo de TrabalhoWorkflow Designer (A graphical tool used to create a workflow visually by representing actions and constraints as shapes that can be connected to form a complete schedule)
dia de trabalhoworkday (A span of time that constitutes one shift. The workday includes hours worked, as well as interruptions in work, such as meals or break time)
Diagnosticador de Licenciamento de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
Diagnosticador de Licença da Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
Diagnosticador de Licença da Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
diretório de trabalhoworking directory (The directory in which Web server software is installed)
documento de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow document (A view of data that is submitted to workflow for processing)
doença do trabalhooccupational illness (An illness caused by exposure to environmental factors in the work environment)
Easy Print de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Easy Print (A printer driver in Remote Desktop Services that simplifies the administration overhead to enable printing to supported clients. It enables users to reliably print from a RemoteApp program or from a remote desktop server desktop session to the correct printer on their client computer. It also enables users to have a much more consistent printing experience between local and remote sessions)
elemento de decisão de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow decision element (A guard condition that controls the logical branching of task sequences within a workflow process. A workflow decision can be made by a user or by an automation rule)
elemento de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow element (A modeling element used to define workflow processes)
escopo do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow scope (The extent of activity controlled by a workflow process)
espaço de trabalhoworkspace (A user interface area in which users perform most tasks)
espaço de trabalho AtualizaçõesUpdates workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune that allows you to manage software updates)
Espaço de Trabalho ClássicoClassic Workspace (An enhanced version of the original peer-to-peer workspace in Groove. It offers users a more familiar alternative to the newer SharePoint Workspace)
espaço de trabalho de animaçãoanimation workspace (A user interface area where animations are composed)
espaço de trabalho de designdesign workspace (A user interface area where general authoring tasks are performed)
Espaço de Trabalho de DocumentoDocument Workspace (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document)
espaço de trabalho de metadadosmetadata workspace (A class that represents the metadata runtime service component that provides support for retrieving metadata)
Espaço de Trabalho de Processos ComerciaisBusiness Process Workspace (An interface that enables business managers to track and manage all the business processes from STS)
Espaço de Trabalho de ReuniãoMeeting Workspace (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
espaço de trabalho DimensõesDimensions workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that displays a summary of a specific dimension)
espaço de trabalho LicençasLicenses workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune and Asset Inventory Service that lets administrators add and manage license agreement information for software that was purchased through Microsoft Volume Licensing agreements, and for Microsoft or non-Microsoft software that was purchased by other means)
espaço de trabalho Regras de NegócioBusiness Rules workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that allows you to create and manage business rule sets, business rules, and model properties)
espaço de trabalho remotoremote workspace (A workspace offered by a publisher, consisting of applications, shared desktops, and personal desktops (at least some of which are accessed remotely). Each user gets a personally filtered view of the items in the remote workspace)
estado do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow status (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)
estação de trabalhoworkstation (A microcomputer or terminal connected to a network)
estrutura de detalhamento de trabalhowork breakdown structure (A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work)
estrutura hierárquica do trabalhowork breakdown structure (A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work)
estágio de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow stage (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
estágio do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow stage (A defined point in a workflow that is entered when specified conditions are met)
etapa do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow step (An individual stage defined in a workflow)
etapa do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow stage (A defined point in a workflow that is entered when specified conditions are met)
explorador de área de trabalhoworkspace explorer (The main window where users do most Groove activities, such as collaborating in workspaces)
expressão de atribuição de itens de trabalho à filawork item queue assignment expression (A statement that conditionally assigns work items to specific work item queues)
Extensão de Servidor de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Server Extension (A Windows Server feature that adds Remote Desktop Services-specific tabs to the Properties sheet of a user account)
Extensão de Servidor de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Server Extension (A Windows Server feature that adds Remote Desktop Services-specific tabs to the Properties sheet of a user account)
faixa de trabalhodeskband (A customized toolbar that can be added to the regular program taskbar and that contains shortcuts to frequently performed tasks)
farm de servidores de ambiente de trabalho remotoremote desktop server farm (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of sharing workload)
farm de servidores de Gateway de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Gateway server farm (A group of RD Gateway servers that have been configured to function correctly using a load balancing solution that is in place)
farm de servidores de Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Gateway server farm (A group of RD Gateway servers that have been configured to function correctly using a load balancing solution that is in place)
farm de servidores de Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Gateway server farm (A group of RD Gateway servers that have been configured to function correctly using a load balancing solution that is in place)
farm de servidores de área de trabalho remotaremote desktop server farm (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of sharing workload)
farm de servidores Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Session Host server farm (A group of computers, known as nodes or Remote Desktop Session Host servers, working together as a single system to ensure that mission-critical applications and resources remain available to clients. A failover cluster redirects an overloaded or failed resource to maintain system availability)
fase de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow stage (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
fax do trabalhowork fax (An Outlook contact's professional fax number)
ferramenta de preparação da área de trabalho para o Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop readiness tool (A program for Office 365 that assesses a computer's readiness for Office 365, prepares it for Office 365, and reports the state of the computer to a small business administrator and/or to Microsoft)
ferramenta de preparação de ambiente de trabalho do Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop readiness tool (A program for Office 365 that assesses a computer's readiness for Office 365, prepares it for Office 365, and reports the state of the computer to a small business administrator and/or to Microsoft)
ficha de trabalhojob card (A mechanism to provide feedback about the production process. A job card lists the individual job numbers of a specific operation, along with actual consumption statistics)
fila de itens de trabalhowork item queue (A list that contains workflow work items that are assigned to users)
fluxo de trabalhoworkstream (An activity that is composed of other activities. Workstreams are the simple building blocks of the process. They may be assigned to single or multiple roles)
fluxo de trabalhoworkflow (A sequence of activities, actions, or tasks through which documents or items are passed as part of an automated business process)
fluxo de trabalho a pedidoon-demand workflow (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
fluxo de trabalho automáticoautomatic workflow (A type of workflow that runs as soon as the conditions defined in the workflow logic are met. No user action is required to start the workflow)
fluxo de trabalho de item de linhaline item workflow (A workflow created for each line item in a workflow document)
fluxo de trabalho de privilégio elevadohigh-privilege workflow (Any workflow that either uses a tiered activity or contains a high privilege scope, regardless of the contents of that scope)
fluxo de trabalho de recomendaçãorecommendation work stream (A set of activities that are created for a fixed or variable compensation plan. These activities include calculating a guideline increase or award based on the algorithm associated with a specific compensation action, entering a recommended increase or award, presenting the recommendation for approval (if required), and loading the recommendation to the employee)
fluxo de trabalho declarativodeclarative workflow (A workflow that is defined by using workflow markup language contained in XAML-formatted files. The XAML files are deployed and stored in the database)
fluxo de trabalho dependentedependent workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
fluxo de trabalho duráveldurable workflow (A workflow whose state can be persisted to a storage medium to withstand system failures and to release memory, which improves the scalability of workflow execution)
fluxo de trabalho Human Workflow ServicesHuman Workflow Services workflow (Any action, activity flow, or activity model that performs a process for an actor)
fluxo de trabalho HWSHuman Workflow Services workflow (Any action, activity flow, or activity model that performs a process for an actor)
fluxo de trabalho HWSHWS workflow (Any action, activity flow, or activity model that performs a process for an actor)
fluxo de trabalho operacionaloperational workflow (A workflow that is synchronous and starts immediately)
fluxo de trabalho pós-operacionalpost-operational workflow (A workflow that is asynchronous or that starts at a later time, but does not have to wait for a previous workflow to finish)
fluxo de trabalho secundáriochild workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
fluxo de trabalho sob demandaon-demand workflow (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
fluxo de trabalho subordinadochild workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
formulário de lista de fluxos de trabalhoworkflow list form (A form that displays a list of workflows for a particular module, along with the versions of the workflow)
força de trabalhoworkforce (Users, facilities, and equipment that have configured a workschedule and are available for service activities)
Fração Justa de Rede de Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
Fração Justa de Rede dos Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
fundo de ambiente de trabalhodesktop background (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
função de trabalhoworker role (A cloud service role that provides a general-purpose environment for running application workloads. Typically, background processing for web applications running on web roles can be offloaded to instances of the worker role)
função de trabalhojob function (One or more tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are assigned to a job)
gadget de área de trabalhodesktop gadget (A gadget that users can display on their desktop, rather than on the Windows Sidebar. Examples are clocks, news headlines, slide shows, and weather forecasts)
Galeria de Miniaplicações de Ambiente de TrabalhoDesktop Gadget Gallery (An organizer used to add, uninstall, and search for desktop gadgets)
Gateway de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
gerenciador de espaços de trabalhoworkspace manager (A window that lists all your workspaces along with status information)
Gerenciador de Fluxo de TrabalhoWorkflow Manager (A tool used to create, customize, and edit workflow rules and rule templates, and sales process rules and rule templates)
Gerenciador de Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
Gerenciador de Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
Gerenciador de Janelas da Área de TrabalhoDesktop Window Manager (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
Gerenciador de Licenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
Gerenciador de Licenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
Gerenciador de Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management snap-in that is used to view information about and monitor users, sessions, processes, and devices on remote desktop servers that reside in trusted domains. You can also use Remote Desktop Server Manager to perform certain administrative tasks; for example, you can disconnect or log off users from their Remote Desktop Services sessions)
Gerenciamento de Conexão de RemoteApp e Área de TrabalhoRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
gerenciamento de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow management (A feature area of ILM 2 that deals with designing workflows, executing them and managing them. Workflow management consists of the Workflow Designer, request management and the workflow host)
gerente do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow manager (A user of the Response Group service who has the necessary user rights to create a workflow or to manage certain properties of a workflow)
gerente do grupo de trabalhoworkgroup manager (The person who creates and maintains the project schedule and uses workgroup messages to assign tasks to the workgroup members; also uses the workgroup features to update tasks in the project as members reply)
Gestor de Fluxos de TrabalhoWorkflow Manager (A tool used to create, customize, and edit workflow rules and rule templates, and sales process rules and rule templates)
Gestor de Gateway de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
Gestor de Janelas do Ambiente de TrabalhoDesktop Window Manager (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
Gestor de Licenciamento de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
gestor de áreas de trabalhoworkspace manager (A window that lists all your workspaces along with status information)
Gestão de Ligações de Programas RemoteApp e Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
grupo de carga de trabalhoworkload group (In Resource Governor, a container for session requests that are similar according to the classification rules that are applied to each request. A workload group allows the aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and a uniform policy that is applied to all the requests in a group)
grupo de computadores gerenciados por Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Gateway-managed computer group (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
grupo de servidores de ambiente de trabalho remotoremote desktop server group (A group of two or more remote desktop servers that you can manage via Remote Desktop Server Manager)
grupo de servidores de área de trabalho remotaremote desktop server group (A group of two or more remote desktop servers that you can manage via Remote Desktop Server Manager)
Grupo de TrabalhoWorkgroup (A privacy relationship setting that allows a large amount of information to be viewed, usually assigned to people on your team)
Grupo de trabalhoWorkgroup (A privacy relationship setting that allows a large amount of information to be viewed, usually assigned to people on your team)
grupo de trabalhoworkgroup (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
grupo de trabalho habilitado para segurançasecurity-enabled workgroup (An Access workgroup in which users log on with a user name and password and in which access to database objects is restricted according to permissions granted to specific user accounts and groups)
grupo de trabalhosjob group (A series of jobs that perform a complex action in Virtual Machine Manager, such as performing a physical-to-virtual machine conversion)
habilitado para fluxo de trabalhoworkflow-enabled (Automated in such a way that business documents and assignments are routed from one user to another for specific action)
histórico de trabalhosjob history (Log that keeps a historical record of jobs)
histórico do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow history (A view of the workflow tracking data generated by the workflow runtime)
horário de trabalhoworking hours (A user's work day hours as specified in Microsoft Office Outlook by the day of the week and the start and end times)
Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
host de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow host (The server component that deals with the execution of workflows)
host de serviço de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow service host (A component that is responsible for running all workflows, orchestrating, and dispatching them)
Host de Virtualização de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Virtualization Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that hosts the virtual machines that are made available to users by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
Host de Virtualização de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Virtualization Host (A Windows server that is running Microsoft Hyper-V Server)
ID de item de trabalhowork item ID (The unique identifier of a work item in the database)
ID do trabalhojob ID (A unique identifier that is associated to an employee's job)
identificação do grupo de trabalhoworkgroup ID (A case-sensitive alphanumeric string that is 4 to 20 characters long and that you enter when creating a new workgroup information file by using the Workgroup Administrator. This uniquely identifies the Admin group for this workgroup file)
implantação de desktop baseada em sessão dos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services session-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
implementação de ambientes de trabalho baseados em máquina virtualvirtual machine-based desktop deployment (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
implementação de ambientes de trabalho baseados em sessãosession-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
implementação de ambientes de trabalho baseados em sessão dos Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services session-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
Impressão Fácil de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Easy Print (A printer driver in Remote Desktop Services that simplifies the administration overhead to enable printing to supported clients. It enables users to reliably print from a RemoteApp program or from a remote desktop server desktop session to the correct printer on their client computer. It also enables users to have a much more consistent printing experience between local and remote sessions)
instância de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow instance (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)
instância de trabalhojob instance (A job that is running or is queued to run through the Windows Assessment Console or Windows Assessment Services)
Internet Explorer para estação de trabalhoInternet Explorer for the desktop (The web browser component of Windows that provides a traditional and familiar browsing experience)
Internet Explorer para área de trabalhoInternet Explorer for the desktop (The web browser component of Windows that provides a traditional and familiar browsing experience)
item de trabalhowork item (A user-defined object with unique fields, forms, and rules. Work items can be queried across the database)
item de trabalho de fluxo de trabalho de consultaqueue workflow work item (A workflow work item that is assigned to a work item queue)
item de trabalho de fluxo de trabalho de item de linhaline item workflow work item (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
janela Controle de Status do TrabalhoJob Status Tracking window (A window, opened by using the My Jobs command, that enables administrators to monitor detailed status of their current jobs while working in any view)
janela de alerta da área de trabalhodesktop alert window (A window that pops up on the Windows desktop in response to an event, for example, receiving email)
jornada de trabalhoworkday (A span of time that constitutes one shift. The workday includes hours worked, as well as interruptions in work, such as meals or break time)
Kit de Certificação de Aplicativos da Área de Trabalho do WindowsWindows Desktop Apps Certification Kit (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
Kit de Certificação de Aplicações de Ambiente de Trabalho do WindowsWindows Desktop Apps Certification Kit (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
lesão causada pelo trabalhooccupational injury (An injury resulting from an accident in the work environment)
Licenciamento de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
Licenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
Licenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
licença de acesso de cliente para Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services client access license (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
licença de acesso de cliente Por Dispositivo para Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services Per Device client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
licença de acesso de cliente Por Utilizador para Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services Per User client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
licença de acesso para cliente aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services client access license (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
licença de acesso para cliente por Dispositivo aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Per Device client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
licença de acesso para cliente por Usuário aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Per User client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
Ligação ao Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Connection (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
Ligação de Programas RemoteApp e Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemoteApp and Desktop Connection (A customized view of RemoteApp programs and virtual desktops that the administrator makes available to users that are using Windows 7 or RAD Web Access)
Ligação à Web do Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Web Connection (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
lista de trabalho unificadaunified work list (A list of all tasks, approvals, and alerts assigned to the current user)
Local de TrabalhoWorkplace (The page where users find cases and activities that are assigned to them. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. They can also check the public lists of activities and cases and accept those as well)
log de item de trabalhowork item log (A log that lists the current notes you are typing and the uneditable historical conversation that has already been saved)
Mediador de Ligações de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
miniaplicação de ambiente de trabalhodesktop gadget (A gadget that users can display on their desktop, rather than on the Windows Sidebar. Examples are clocks, news headlines, slide shows, and weather forecasts)
modelo de ambiente de trabalho virtualvirtual desktop template (A virtual machine that is configured as a template in a virtual desktop collection and is used to create new virtual desktops in that collection)
modelo de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow template (A template that serves exclusively as the basis for creating other workflows. Workflow templates cannot start workflow jobs)
modelo de trabalhojob template (A template that is used to define and store instructions for a job. A job template can be used to run a job more than once)
modelo de área de trabalho virtualvirtual desktop template (A virtual machine that is configured as a template in a virtual desktop collection and is used to create new virtual desktops in that collection)
modo de exibição Formulário de Item de TrabalhoWork Item Form view (The Visual Studio document window that shows the full form of a work item instance. You can open many work item forms as documents in Visual Studio)
modo de exibição TrabalhosJobs view (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator views status, details, and results of jobs. The view can be filtered by job status, owner, and start date)
modo de isolamento do processo de trabalhoworker process isolation mode (The Web process model for IIS 6.0)
modo de licenciamento de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop licensing mode (A mode that determines the type of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that a remote desktop server will request from a license server on behalf of a client that is connecting to the remote desktop server)
modo de licenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop licensing mode (A mode that determines the type of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that a remote desktop server will request from a license server on behalf of a client that is connecting to the remote desktop server)
Monitor de Fluxo de TrabalhoWorkflow Monitor (A tool used to view the status of workflow and sales processes in the organization)
Monitor de Fluxos de TrabalhoWorkflow Monitor (A tool used to view the status of workflow and sales processes in the organization)
módulo Local de TrabalhoWorkplace module (The Microsoft CRM module that contains the work a user has been assigned, is currently working on, and is available in queues to which the user has access. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. Users can also access their calendars and the Knowledge Base)
módulo Área de TrabalhoWorkplace module (The Microsoft CRM module that contains the work a user has been assigned, is currently working on, and is available in queues to which the user has access. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. Users can also access their calendars and the Knowledge Base)
navegador de espaço de trabalhoworkspace browser (A component of the shell of Dashboard Designer. It holds available KPIs, data sources, indicators, report views, scorecards, and dashboards for use in the workspace)
navegador de espaços de trabalhoworkspace explorer (The main window where users do most Groove activities, such as collaborating in workspaces)
Não Estou a TrabalharOff Work (An item on the user's My Status drop-down menu. This is a status the user can select to say that he or she is not working right now, but is on personal time)
objeto de trabalhojob object (A system-level structure that allows processes to be grouped together and managed as a single unit)
observador de presença do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow presence watcher (A user account that the Response Group service creates in order to subscribe to the presence status of agents)
opção de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow option (A parameter for a workflow that includes settings that determine which records it acts on and how it is triggered)
padrão da área de trabalhodesktop pattern (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
padrão do ambiente de trabalhodesktop pattern (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
painel de trabalhoworkpane (The area of the workspace that contains the options you select for a given task. Workpanes appear at certain times, such as when a document is opened, or when you click certain items on menus and toolbars)
painel de trabalhowork pane (In Exchange 2007, the bottom middle pane of the Exchange Management Console. The work pane provides detailed information about the specified Exchange server)
participante do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow participant (A person who assumes the role of user in a workflow process)
partilha do ambiente de trabalhodesktop sharing (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants)
passo de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow step (An individual stage defined in a workflow)
pasta de trabalhoworking folder (The folder in which your documents appear when you open or save them. If you select another folder when opening or saving, that folder becomes the working folder. You can set the startup location of this folder in most applications)
pasta de trabalhoworkbook (One matrix, or a collection of matrixes, that use a single model site as a data source)
pasta de trabalho compartilhadashared workbook (A workbook that is configured to allow multiple users on a network to view and make changes at the same time. Each user who saves the workbook sees the changes that are made by other users)
pasta de trabalho PowerPivotPowerPivot workbook (An Excel 2010 workbook that contains PowerPivot data)
Pastas de TrabalhoWork Folders (The enterprise-oriented feature which enables organizations to provide their users with access to data and documents stored on their corporate computers from anywhere)
perfil de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop profile (A user profile that is specifically created for remote desktop server sessions)
perfil de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop profile (A user profile that is specifically created for remote desktop server sessions)
período de cortesia de Licenciamento de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Licensing grace period (The grace period during which you must purchase and install the appropriate number of RDS CALs for each device or user that needs to connect to a remote desktop server)
Período de TrabalhoWorking Time (The time that a resource is in the office, and that is not dedicated to project tasks or effort. Represents a resource's true availability)
plano de trabalhojob schedule (The optimal dates and times for performing jobs at a work center)
política de autorização de conexão de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop connection authorization policy (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
política de autorização de ligações de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop connection authorization policy (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
política de autorização de recursos de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop resource authorization policy (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
política de autorização de recursos de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop resource authorization policy (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
política de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow policy (A group of rules for a workflow)
pool de área de trabalho virtualvirtual desktop pool (A group of one or more identically configured virtual machines. Users can connect to any virtual machine in the pool by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. Because the virtual machines are identically configured, users will receive the same virtual desktop regardless of which virtual machine they connect to. Only one user can use a given virtual machine at a time, but the user is not assigned to a particular virtual machine)
porcentagem do trabalho concluídapercent work complete (A percentage value that indicates the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed)
preços no mercado de trabalhojob market pricing (A method of determining compensation by comparing individual jobs to market benchmark data for similar jobs in order to identify a value-relative basis. With this method, a specific pay range is associated with an individual job, but not with a compensation level (grade or band). Job market pricing is a feature of broad-banding compensation structures, but not of grades or steps)
processo de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow process (A series of interrelated action steps and the workflow rules that drive the transition between these steps. A workflow process defines the actions the workflow should take at each step, and the workflow rules the workflow should use to evaluate when to proceed to the next step)
processo de trabalhoworker process (The implementation of the core Web server in IIS. Worker processes run in W3wp.exe)
produto de trabalhowork product (A discrete deliverable or artifact, such as a document, spreadsheet, changeset, and so forth)
programa de ambiente de trabalhodesktop program (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
programa de área de trabalhodesktop program (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
propriedades limitadas de centros de trabalholimited properties of work centers (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
Recuperação de Instância de Fluxo de TrabalhoWorkflow Instance Recovery (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
Recuperação de Instâncias de Fluxos de TrabalhoWorkflow Instance Recovery (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
rede de trabalhowork network (A private network of computers, printers, and other devices located at your workplace (for example, an office building))
registo de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow registration (A registration process that occurs when you add a workflow definition to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database)
registro de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow registration (A registration process that occurs when you add a workflow definition to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database)
regra de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow rule (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)
RemoteFX para Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho RemotaRemoteFX for RD Session Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Session Host server)
RemoteFX para Host de Virtualização de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemoteFX for RD Virtualization Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Virtualization Host server)
roteiro de trabalhoroute job (A detailed list of all the jobs for each operation, including setup, process, queue and transportation times)
servidor de Anfitrião de Sessões de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
servidor de Gateway de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
servidor de Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
servidor de Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
servidor de licenças de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop license server (A computer on which the RD Licensing role service is installed. A license server issues RDS CALs to users or devices that connect to a remote desktop server)
servidor de licenças de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop license server (A computer on which the RD Licensing role service is installed. A license server issues RDS CALs to users or devices that connect to a remote desktop server)
servidor Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
servidor Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
servidor Host da Sessão da Área de Trabalho Remota executado em modo de redirecionamentoRD Session Host server running in redirection mode (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
serviço Ambiente de Trabalho Virtual PessoalPersonal Virtual Desktop service (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)
serviço de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow service (A WCF service that is implemented as a workflow. The workflow contains messaging activities that send and receive WCF messages)
Serviço de Gerenciamento do TrabalhoWork Management Service (A SharePoint shared service that aggregates tasks that systems such as SharePoint, Project Server, and Exchange assign to users)
serviço de Gestão de Fluxos de TrabalhoWorkflow Management service (A Windows service that manages the execution of instance control commands, the recovery of workflow service hosts, and the resumption of instances in the event of expired timers)
Serviço de Gestão de TrabalhoWork Management Service (A SharePoint shared service that aggregates tasks that systems such as SharePoint, Project Server, and Exchange assign to users)
serviço Estação de TrabalhoWorkstation service (The system service that provides network connections and communications)
serviço Gerenciamento de Fluxo de TrabalhoWorkflow Management service (A Windows service that manages the execution of instance control commands, the recovery of workflow service hosts, and the resumption of instances in the event of expired timers)
serviço Web Conexão de RemoteApp e Área de TrabalhoRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web service (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
Serviço Web de Ligações de Programas RemoteApp e Ambientes de Trabalho RemotosRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web service (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
serviço Área de Trabalho Virtual PessoalPersonal Virtual Desktop service (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)
Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services (A server role that provides multi-user access to applications and desktops for non-admin purposes; provides technologies that enable users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a remote desktop server, or to access the Windows desktop itself, from almost any computing device)
Serviços de Fluxo de Trabalho HumanoHuman Workflow Services (A set of workflow services consisting of actors that create or participate in an action, an activity flow, or an activity model that performs some process for an actor)
Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services (A server role that provides multi-user access to applications and desktops for non-admin purposes; provides technologies that enable users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a remote desktop server, or to access the Windows desktop itself, from almost any computing device)
Sincronização de Tarefas de Gerenciamento do TrabalhoWork Management Task Sync (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)
Sincronização de Tarefas de Gestão de TrabalhoWork Management Task Sync (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)
site de espaço de trabalhoworkspace site (A subsite based on the Document Workspace or Meeting Workspace site templates)
Site de Trabalho em GrupoGroup Work Site (A team site template that provides group collaboration capabilities based on standard business practices. Integrated functions include a group calendar, Whereabouts, Announcements, Phone Call Memo, and Schedule and Reservations)
site Espaço de Trabalho de DocumentoDocument Workspace site (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document)
site Espaço de Trabalho de ReuniãoMeeting Workspace site (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
site Licenciamento de Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Licensing Web site (A secure Microsoft Web site that is designed to help you manage your Windows 2000 or later license server and for you to obtain Remote Desktop Services client access license tokens. All information collected at this site is used to help you manage your Remote Desktop Services resources)
status do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow status (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)
tarefa de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow job (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)
tarefa do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow job (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)
tela de fundo da área de trabalhodesktop background (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
Telefonar via TrabalhoCall via Work (A callback option whereby an outgoing call can be made by using the work number. The person who is receiving the call will see the work number of the caller, in their caller ID)
Telefone de TrabalhoWork Phone (A button in the Options dialog box, on the Phones tab, that users click to enter their work phone number. The Work Phone button is disabled if the work phone number has been supplied through the corporate directory)
tema da área de trabalhodesktop theme (A collection of visual elements and sounds for your computer desktop or device User Interface. A theme determines the look of the various visual elements of your User Interface, such as windows, icons, fonts, and colors, and it can include sounds)
tema de ambiente de trabalhodesktop theme (A collection of visual elements and sounds for your computer desktop or device User Interface. A theme determines the look of the various visual elements of your User Interface, such as windows, icons, fonts, and colors, and it can include sounds)
tempo de execução de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow runtime (A software component that activates and executes workflow instances using Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation)
thread de trabalhoworker thread (A thread commonly used to handle background tasks that the user should not have to wait for to continue using your application. Tasks such as recalculation and background printing are typically executed on worker threads)
tipo de fluxo de trabalhoworkflow type (A set of metadata and event handlers in the Application Object Tree (AOT) that defines a workflow design template)
tipo de item de trabalhowork item type (A named definition associated with a project in a Team Foundation Server. Types are composed of fields, a form and work flow. They are defined using XML. Definitions are portable between Team Foundation Servers)
tipo de trabalhojob type (A classification of jobs based on the sequence in which they occur, from the time a job enters the work center to the time it leaves the work center)
Trabalhar em qualquer lugarWork on the go (" Refers to being able to do your work from anywhere with your mobile device, whether you are in your office, at home, or traveling ("on the go").")
trabalho de digitalizaçãoscan job (A scan that has a unique ID associated with it for reporting and tracking purposes)
trabalho de envio de logslog shipping job (A job performing one of the following log-shipping operations: backing up the transaction log of the primary database at the primary server (the backup job), copying the transaction log file to a secondary server (the copy job), or restoring the log backup to the secondary database on a secondary server (the restore job). The backup job resides on the primary server; the copy and restore jobs reside on each of the secondary servers. See also: primary database, primary server, secondary database, secondary server)
trabalho de exportação de dadosdata export job (The movement of data that is generated in Planning Business Modeler to a specified external database)
trabalho de impressãoprint job (All of the information and the command that the printer needs from the computer to print. For example, the information about the layout, font, and spacing of a file is contained in the print job)
trabalho de sincronizaçãosynchronization job (A scheduled synchronization task)
trabalho de sincronizaçãosync job (A scheduled synchronization task)
trabalho do sistemasystem job (A process whose execution can proceed independently or in the background. Other processes may be started before the asynchronous process has finished)
trabalho em andamentowork in progress (Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory)
trabalho em andamentowork in process (Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory)
trabalho em cursowork in progress (An item under current assets in the balance sheet that represents work in progress in some stage of the manufacturing process)
trabalho em cursowork in process (Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory)
trabalho em lotesbatch job (A set of computer processes that can be run without user interaction)
trabalho em processamentowork in process (An item under current assets in the balance sheet that represents work in progress in some stage of the manufacturing process)
trabalho kanbankanban job (A process or transfer activity in a production flow that is triggered by a kanban)
trabalho liberadoreleased work (Work that is authorized for released orders)
Trabalho móvelWork on the go (" Refers to being able to do your work from anywhere with your mobile device, whether you are in your office, at home, or traveling ("on the go").")
trabalho planejadoplanned work (Work that is anticipated to meet planned orders)
trabalho por tarefapiecework (Work that is paid per unit made or completed)
trabalho realactual work (The amount of work that has been performed on a task or assignment)
trabalho restanteremaining work (The amount of work, in terms of a time unit such as hours or days, that is left to be completed on a task. This is calculated as follows: Remaining Work = Work - Actual Work)
unidade de trabalhounit of work (An object that uses referential integrity constraints to sequence database reading and writing operations in one atomic work process)
Utilitário de Consulta de Servidor de Área de Trabalho RemotaQuery Remote Desktop Server Utility (A utility that identifies remote desktop servers on the network)
Utilitário de Consulta de Servidores de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoQuery Remote Desktop Server Utility (A utility that identifies remote desktop servers on the network)
Virtualização de IP de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop IP Virtualization (A feature of Remote Desktop Services that enables administrators to assign virtual IP addresses to specific programs running on the remote desktop server or to client sessions running on the remote desktop server)
Virtualização de IP de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop IP Virtualization (A feature of Remote Desktop Services that enables administrators to assign virtual IP addresses to specific programs running on the remote desktop server or to client sessions running on the remote desktop server)
Web site de Licenciamento de Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services Licensing Web site (A secure Microsoft Web site that is designed to help you manage your Windows 2000 or later license server and for you to obtain Remote Desktop Services client access license tokens. All information collected at this site is used to help you manage your Remote Desktop Services resources)
área de trabalhodesktop (The work area on a computer screen that simulates the top of an actual desk. The desktop contains the Recycle Bin and other icons (shortcuts to programs, files, folders, and various types of documents such as letters, reports, or pictures) that you can arrange on the electronic desktop just as you would arrange real objects on top of a desk)
Área de TrabalhoWorkplace (The page where users find cases and activities that are assigned to them. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. They can also check the public lists of activities and cases and accept those as well)
área de trabalhoworkspace (A user interface area in which users perform most tasks)
Área de Trabalho ClássicaClassic Workspace (An enhanced version of the original peer-to-peer workspace in Groove. It offers users a more familiar alternative to the newer SharePoint Workspace)
área de trabalho DimensõesDimensions workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that displays a summary of a specific dimension)
área de trabalho estendidaextended desktop (A computer desktop area that extends across all displays that are connected to a computer)
área de trabalho interativainteractive desktop (A Windows desktop session running with an interactive user's access token applied)
área de trabalho pessoalpersonal desktop (A full desktop environment that is personalized for and "owned" by an individual user, as opposed to a shared desktop which does not carry much user personalization)
área de trabalho protegidasecure desktop (A desktop that is isolated from other processes running on the system. The secure desktop increases the security of the elevation prompt)
área de trabalho Regras de NegócioBusiness Rules workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that allows you to create and manage business rule sets, business rules, and model properties)
área de trabalho remotaremote workspace (A workspace offered by a publisher, consisting of applications, shared desktops, and personal desktops (at least some of which are accessed remotely). Each user gets a personally filtered view of the items in the remote workspace)
Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop (A Windows feature that allows users to connect remotely to a computer and access programs, files, and network resources as though they were sitting at the computer)
área de trabalho virtualvirtual desktop (A client operating system that is deployed by using a virtual machine to provide a self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it were a separate computer)
área de trabalho virtual pessoalpersonal virtual desktop (A virtual machine that is assigned to a specific user account in Active Directory Domain Services and made available to the user by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
Áreas de Trabalho RemotasRemote Desktops (A snap-in that allows users to manage Remote Desktop connections to remote desktop servers and computers that are running Windows Server)