
Terms containing participantes | all forms | exact matches only
h.rghts.act.Acordo Europeu relativo aos Participantes em Processos Pendentes na Comissão e no Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do HomemEuropean Agreement relating to Persons participating in Proceedings of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights
comp., MS, Braz.arquivo participante do compartilhamentosharer file (A file using resources from another file, which can be another project file or a file containing only resource information, called a resource pool)
fin.ação participante com direitos preferenciaisparticipating preferred share
fin.ação participante com direitos preferenciaisparticipating preference share
fin.ação preferencial participanteparticipating preferred share
fin.ação preferencial participanteparticipating preference share
fin.banco central nacional participanteparticipating NCB
fin.banco central nacional participanteparticipating national central bank
gen.BCN participanteparticipating NCB
gen.BCN participanteparticipating national central bank
gen.cartão de participantecongress card
gen.cartão de participanteadmission card
comp., MS, Braz.chave de participanteattendee key (A meeting key that is used by attendees to join a meeting)
comp., MScódigo de participanteparticipant code (An access code that is required for a user to join a conference as a participant. This code is entered in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab, under Conferencing Information)
gen.declaração de organização participantedeclaration by a partner organisation
fin., econ.Estado-Membro não participante na área do euronon-participating Member State
fin., econ.Estado-Membro não participante na área do euronon-euro area Member State
fin., econ.Estado-Membro não participante na área do euronon-eurozone country
fin.Estado-membro participanteparticipating Member State
fin.Estado-membro participanteEurozone country
fin.Estado-Membro participanteparticipating Member State
fin.Estado-membro participanteEuro area member State
fin.Estado-membro participante à taxa de conversãoEurozone country
fin.Estado-membro participante à taxa de conversãoparticipating Member State
fin.Estado-membro participante à taxa de conversãoEuro area member State
pharma.exposição acumulada do participantecumulative subject exposure
gen.informador participanteparticipating informant
gen.informações aos participantesjoining instructions
fin., ITinterface de participanteParticipant Interface
comp., MSlista de participantespublic IM connectivity contact (A contact who uses an instant messenger client from AOL, Yahoo!, MSN, or the Windows Live network of Internet services)
comp., MSlista de participantesparticipant list (In a conversation window, this is the list of people who are currently participating in the conversation)
gen.lista de participanteslist of participants
gen.lista de participantesattendance list
comp., MS, Braz.Lista de Participantes/DestinatáriosAttendee/Recipient List (A special control that shows pictures, names and titles of people who are attending a meeting, or who are the recipients of an e-mail message)
comp., MS, Braz.Mais de 9 participantes9+ participants (An indicator that is displayed in the meeting roster when there are more than nine participants in the meeting)
fin.moeda de um Estado-membro não participantepre-in currency
fin.média ponderada das moedas participantesweighted average of EMS currencies
market.não participantenon-participant
pharma.Não participantesNon-participants
med.não participantesnon-participants
fin.obrigação participanteprofit-sharing bond
fin.obrigação participanteparticipating bond
fin.obrigação participanteincome bond
social.sc.observação participanteparticipant observation
lab.law.organização participantefeeder organization
ed., transp., polit.organização participanteparticipating organisation
comp., MS, Braz.painel ParticipantesAttendees pane (A client element that displays the list of participants for a Live Meeting session)
comp., MSpainel Quadro de ParticipantesSeating Chart panel (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Seating Chart for a Live Meeting session)
pharma.participante codificadocoded subject
nat.sc., agric.participante complementarcomplementary participant
comp., MS, Braz.participante da reuniãomeeting participant (A presenter or attendee in a meeting)
comp., MS, Braz.participante de acompanhamentotracking participant (A software component that consumes tracking records emitted by the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) runtime. Tracking participant implementations can send records to a storage location such as a log file or a database)
comp., MSparticipante de controlotracking participant (A software component that consumes tracking records emitted by the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) runtime. Tracking participant implementations can send records to a storage location such as a log file or a database)
comp., MSparticipante de reuniãomeeting participant (A presenter or attendee in a meeting)
comp., MS, Braz.participante dependentedependent party (A party who assumes a dependent role when it participates in a relationship with another party)
nat.sc., agric.participante designadodesignated participant
fin., ITparticipante diretodirect participant
fin.participante distanciadoremote participant
comp., MS, Braz.participante do fluxo de trabalhoworkflow participant (A person who assumes the role of user in a workflow process)
fin.participante emissorinstructing participant
bank.participante indiretoindirect participant
gen.participante no debatefloor speaker
gen.participante no debateperson speaking/who spoke from the floor
gen.participante no debatediscussant
fin.participante no mercadomarket participant
fin.participante no mercadomarket operator
fin.participante no mercado financeirofinancial market participant
market., agric.participante num cursoparticipant in a course
econ.participante num sistema ou esquemaparticipant in a system or scheme
econ.participante num sistema ou esquemaparticipant
comp., MS, Braz.participante opcionaloptional attendee (A person who is not required to attend a meeting)
market.participante que tenciona proceder ao alinhamentoparticipant intending to match
fin.participante remotoremote participant
comp., MS> 9 participantes9+ participants (An indicator that is displayed in the meeting roster when there are more than nine participants in the meeting)
econ.país não participantenon-participating country
econ.país participanteparticipating country
fin.país pré-participantepre-in country
fin.países participanteseuro-area countries
fin.países participantes"ins"
fin.países pré-participantes"pre-ins"
comp., MS, Braz.permissões de participantesattendee permissions (Permissions that control how attendees can participate in the meeting and that only presenters can change)
comp., MSQuadro de ParticipantesSeating Chart (A color-coded representation of the participants at a meeting and their statuses)
law, social.sc.ser participantehave a permanent stake in shaping -
transp.transportadora participanteparticipating carrier
IMF.Unidade do Sistema de Acompanhamento de Participantes e CandidatosParticipant Applicant Tracking System Unit
IMF.Unidade do Sistema de Acompanhamento de Participantes e CandidatosPATS Unit