
Terms for subject Microsoft containing depósito | all forms | exact matches only
depósito de quarentenaquarantine warehouse (The place where items are stored while in quarantine)
depósito de trânsitotransit warehouse (" An intermediate location between a "from" warehouse and a "to" warehouse for warehouse transfers. Items in a transit warehouse are in the process of being transferred to a different warehouse (transfer order) and therefore cannot be picked for other orders during transportation.")
guia de depósitodeposit slip (A form that shows the date and the items that make up a deposit, including receipt and payment information, the currency, check and coin totals and the amount of cash received)
instituição financeira de depósitosdepository financial institution (The bank or financial institution that the payment format file is transmitted to for processing)
instituição financeira de recebimento de depósitosreceiving depository financial institution (The bank or financial institution that represents the customer or vendor who receives the payment)
pasta-depósitodrop folder (In the Macintosh environment, a folder for which you have the Make Changes permission but not the See Files or See Folders permission. You can copy files into a drop folder, but you cannot see what files and subfolders the drop folder contains)