
Terms containing àdreèsì | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSadreesi ịntaneètInternet address (An address for a resource on the Internet that is used by Web browsers to locate Internet resources. An Internet address typically starts with a protocol name, followed by the name of the organization that maintains the site; the suffix identifies the kind of organization it is)
comp., MSadreesị nzipụ ozimailing address (The primary address that is used in mail merges)
comp., MSadreèsi ndịnuchèvirtual address (In a virtual memory system, the address the application uses to reference memory. The kernel and the memory management unit (MMU) translate this address into a physical address before the memory is actually read or written)
comp., MSadreèsì IPIP address (A binary number that uniquely identifies a host (computer) connected to the Internet to other Internet hosts, for the purposes of communication through the transfer of packets)
comp., MSadreèsị behome address (The postal address at which a person is normally resident)
comp., MSadreèsị ebenzìgashipping address (The location to which products that have been ordered should be sent)
comp., MSadreèsị ebenzìgamailing address (The location to which products that have been ordered should be sent)
comp., MSadreèsị m̀meremeevent address (An address similar to a URL that provides network access to an event, such as a live broadcast. Attendees go to this address to view the event from their computers)
comp., MSakwụkwọ adreesị anọghị ịntanetịoffline address book (A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender)
comp., MSAkwụkwọ AdreèsịAddress Book (A directory that you can use to store names, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists)
comp., MSAkwụkwọ Adreèsị KeonwePersonal Address Book (A customizable address book used to store personal e-mail addresses you use frequently. However, Contacts offers more advanced features for this function. Personal Address Book files have a .pab extension and can be copied to disk)
comp., MSAkwụkwọ Nsìrìdịị AdreèsịOutlook Address Book (An address book that is automatically created from contacts in the Contacts folder. The contacts can be people inside and outside of your organization. When you update your contacts, the Outlook Address Book is updated as well)
comp., MSakwụkwọ àdreèsịaddress book (A collection of contact information for particular individuals, groups or organizations)
comp., MSmgbati adreèsì kèahùrụanyaphysical address extension (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
comp., MSNdesịta Adreèsi NzùrumbaGlobal Address List (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
comp., MSndesịta adreèsị nzùrumbàglobal address list (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
comp., MSngalaba ahà na adreèsịform field (A data-entry field on a page. A site visitor supplies information in a field either by typing text or by selecting a field)
comp., MSnsònọkwa akwụkwọ adreesịhierarchical address book (A feature of Outlook that allows members of an organization to be displayed in a tree view control, grouped by department)
comp., MSOgwē Adreèsiaddress bar (A navigational element, usually appearing at the top of a window, that displays, and allows users to change, their current location)
comp., MSàdreèsì ozi-ee-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the
comp., MSàdreèsì weèbụweb address (An address that uniquely identifies a location on the Internet. A URL is usually preceded by http://, as in http://www.microsoft.com. A URL can contain more detail, such as the name of a page of hypertext, often with the file name extension .html or .htm)
comp., MSàdreèsì òfèsiforeign address (Any address type that the MS Mail postoffice does not have a gateway or access component installed for routing)
comp., MSàdreèsị nzighàchireturn address (The sender's address, to which a letter or parcel can be returned if undeliverable)