
Terms containing مميز | all forms | exact matches only
econ.ابتكار مميزoriginality
comp., MSاسم مميزdistinguished name (A name that uniquely identifies an object by using the relative distinguished name for the object, plus the names of container objects and domains that contain the object. The distinguished name identifies the object as well as its location in a tree. Every object in Active Directory has a distinguished name)
econ.اعتماد مميّزpremium credit
comp., MSالاشتراك برمز مميّزtoken subscription (A subscription that can only be paid with a prepaid card)
food.serv.تحليل مميِّزdiscriminant analysis statistics
soil.تُربَة جافَّة ذات أُفُق مُمَيِّز تَراكُميorthic
radioتردد مميزللبثcharacteristic frequency of an emission
el., acoust.تشكيل موجي مميزformant
telegr.تشوه مميزcharacteristic distortion
anim.husb.حمل مُمَيَّزsingle lamb
econ.دائن مضمون مميزsecured creditor
econ.دائن مميزprivileged creditor
econ.دائن مميزpreferred creditor
acrid.ذو علاقة بمنطقة معينة أو مميز لهاgeographic
comp., MSرمز مميّزtoken (The unique, 25-character code on a prepaid card that adds computer use time to your prepaid computer or that pays for your subscription)
comp., MSرمز مميزtoken (Any nonreducible textual element in data that is being parsed. For example, the use in a program of a variable name, a reserved word, or an operator. Storing tokens as short codes shortens program files and speeds execution)
comp., MSرمز مميز أساسيprimary token (An access token assigned to a process to represent the default information for that process. It is used in security operations by a thread working on behalf of the process itself rather than on behalf of a client)
comp., MSرمز مميز للانتحالimpersonation token (" An access token that captures the security information of a client process, allowing a service to "impersonate" the client process in security operations.")
comp., MSرمز مميز للوصولaccess token (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority)
econ., amer.سعر فائدة مميزprime rate (لكبار المقترضين)
econ.سعر مميزfavourable rate
econ.سعر مميز خاصspecially favourable rate
radiol.إشعاع مميزcharacteristic radiation
bot.صنوبر مميز Pinus radiata, Pinus insignisknob cone pine
bot.صنوبر مميز Pinus radiata, Pinus insignisradiata pine
bot.صنوبر مميز Pinus radiata, Pinus insignisinsignis pine
bot.صنوبر مميز Pinus radiata, Pinus insignisMonterey pine
acrid.طقس مميزclimate change
metrol.عدد مميزcharacteristic number
gen.عمل فني مميزmasterpiece
med.غَيرُ مُمَيِّزindiscriminate
biotechn.مجس مُمَيَّز إشعاعياradiolabelled probe
comp., MSمجلد مميزdistinguished folder (A folder in a mailbox that can be referenced by Web services requests to identify a folder by name)
acrid.مكيف لـ أو مميز بالوثبsaltatorial
el.مميّز سعة الاشارةamplitude discriminator
med.مُمَيِّزٌ للمَفْعولِ السُّمِّيّtoxignomic
railw., sec.sys.مميز السرعةspeed discriminator
telegr.مميز إبراقtelegraph discriminator
vet.med.مميز مرضيpathognomic
vet.med.مميز مرضيpathognomonic
comp., MSمنتج مميزdistinct product (A uniquely identifiable product)
rem.sens.منحنى مُمَيّزsensitometric curve
rem.sens.منحنى مُمَيّزH and D curve
rem.sens.منحنى مُمَيّزcharacteristic curve
rem.sens.منكب بمنحنى مميزshoulder of the curve
comp., net.نطاق كامل مميزfully qualified domain name
gen.نَوْع مميَّز حَصْريexclusive species
pulp.n.paperوَرَق مميزcultural paper