
Terms for subject Microsoft containing n | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishChinese Taiwan
At Least N Matches至少 N 符合 (A menu item that allows the user to search for any pattern A that is represent in pattern B at least n times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc)
At Most N Matches最多 N 符合 (A menu item that allows the user to search for any pattern A that is represent in pattern B at most n times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc)
Exactly N MatchesN 完全符合 (A menu item that allows the user to search for any pattern A that is represent in pattern B exactly n times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc)
n-ary Pertaining to an operator that can hold an arbitrary number of arguments, or to a function that can hold an arbitrary number of operators多元 (Nary)
n-ary associationn 元關聯 (In a static structure diagram, an association among three or more classes (a single class may appear more than once). Each instance of the association is an ordered set of values from the respective classes)
N.T. dollar新台幣 (The official currency of Taiwan)
n-tier Pertaining to something with n layers多層式架構 (N-Tier)
N to M MatchesN 到 M 符合 (A menu item that allows the user to search for a pattern A to be represented in pattern B between N and M times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc)