
Terms for subject Microsoft containing FIELD | all forms | exact matches only
active fieldактив кыр (The field on a form in which the cursor or pointer is positioned)
calculated fieldисәпләнүче кыр (A field defined in a query that displays the result of an expression rather than displaying stored data. The value is recalculated each time a value in the expression changes)
category fieldкатегория кыры (A field that is displayed in the category area of PivotChart view. Items in a category field appear as labels on the category axis)
column fieldбаганалар кыры (A field that's assigned a column orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a column field are displayed as column labels)
custom fieldкөйләүле кыр (A field you can create. A custom field can be a blank, combination, or formula field)
custom group fieldкулланучылар төркеме кыры (A field in the row or column area that contains custom groups as its items)
data fieldмәгълүмат кыры (A field that contains the result of a query to an external data source)
depth of fieldачыклык тирәнлеге, дәрәҗәсе (The measurement of the area in front of and behind the subject that is in focus)
detail fieldМәгълүмәтләр кырын (A field that displays all rows, or records, from the underlying record source)
facility fieldҗайланма коды (One of four fields of an SCODE that indicates the system service responsible for the error. It consists of a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or warning)
field buttonкыр төймәсе (A button that identifies a field in a PivotTable or PivotChart report. You can drag the field buttons to change the layout of the report, or click the arrows next to the buttons to change the level of detail displayed in the report)
field codeкыр коды (Placeholder text that shows where specified information from your data source will appear; the elements in a field that generate a field's result. The field code includes the field characters, field type, and instructions)
field nameкыр исеме (" The name of a category of information in a mail-merge data source. For example, "City," "State," and "PostalCode" are commonly used field names in an address list.")
field resultsКыр нәтиҗәләре (Text or graphics inserted in a document when Microsoft Word carries out a field's instructions. When you print the document or hide field codes, the field results replace the field codes)
field typeкыр төре (The name that identifies the action or effect the field has in the document. Examples of field types are AUTHOR, COMMENTS, and DATE)
filter fieldсөзгеч кыры (A field in the filter area that you can use to filter data displayed in PivotTable or PivotChart view. Filter fields perform the same functions as page fields in Microsoft Excel PivotTable reports)
form fieldформа кыры (A data-entry field on a page. A site visitor supplies information in a field either by typing text or by selecting a field)
hyperlink fieldгиперсылтама кыры (A field that stores hyperlink addresses)
Lookup fieldисәпләнүче кыр (A field in a table that draws data from another table)
merge fieldберләштерелгән кыр (A placeholder for text or pictures that you insert into your document)
page fieldбит кыры (A field that is assigned to a page orientation in a PivotTable or PivotChart report. You can either display a summary of all items in a page field, or display one item at a time, which filters out the data for all other items)
property fieldsүзлек кырлары (independent attributes associated with items, or members, in an OLAP cube. For example, if city items have size and population properties stored in the server cube, a PivotTable report can display the size and population of each city)
query fieldэзләү кыры (A field that can contain a value that is used in a query)
rich text fieldФорматланган текст кыры (A field that can show formatting and graphics, such as an embedded object, and not just text)
row fieldюл кыры (A field that's assigned a row orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a row field are displayed as row labels)
series fieldрәтләр кыры (A field that is displayed in the series area of a chart and that contains series items. A series is a group of related data points)