
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Access | all forms | exact matches only
Access appaplikasi Access (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
Access app for SharePointaplikasi Access untuk SharePoint (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
access codekode akses (A string of characters entered by a user to verify his or her identity to a network or to a local computer, device, or client, or to sign in to an account, app, and so on)
access controlkontrol akses (A security mechanism that determines which operations a user, group, service, or computer is authorized to perform on a computer or on a particular object, such as a file, printer, registry subkey, or directory service object)
access control entryentri kontrol akses (An entry in either a securable object's discretionary access control list (DACL) or an object's system access control list (SACL). In a DACL, the entry grants or denies permissions to a user or group. In a SACL, the entry specifies which security events to audit for a particular user or group or controls the Windows Integrity Level for the object)
access control listdaftar kontrol akses (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
Access database engineMesin database Access (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
access keykunci akses (Any combination of keys that must be pressed sequentially)
access maskpelindung akses (In Windows-based computers, a 32-bit value (a bitmask) that specifies the permissions that are assigned in an access control entry (ACE). An access mask is also part of the access request when an object is opened. The access mask in the request is compared to the access mask in each ACE to determine whether or not to grant the request)
access methodmetode akses (In programming, the means by which an application can read from or write to a resource)
access numbernomor akses (A phone number that subscribers can dial to reach online services)
access permissionsizin akses (Authorization to perform operations associated with a specific shared resource, such as a file, directory, or printer. Permissions must be granted by the system administrator to individual user accounts or administrative groups)
access pointtitik akses (A device used to connect wireless computers and other wireless devices to a wired network)
access providerpenyedia akses (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
Access ServicesLayanan Access (A scalable Web platform that enables users to publish an Access database application to a SharePoint site. Data in these databases can then be viewed and edited in a Web browser. This enables browser-based viewing and interaction with the databases on machines that do not have a database application installed)
access URLURL akses (The internal URL that is used by a crawler to identify and access an item)
access violationpelanggaran akses (An attempt to run a memory operation that the underlying page protection does not allow. An access violation applies to memory operations, but does not apply when the security manager checks user-mode access rights to objects)
alternate access mappingpemetaan akses alternatif (An alternate URL mapping that Windows SharePoint Services preserves in the mapping table. It is the URL a user would see, but is not a URL that IIS would give to WSS)
Client Access serverserver Akses Klien (A set of components and services that enable users to access their Exchange mailboxes through the Outlook Web Access application)
Client Access server roleperan server Akses Klien (A set of components and services that enable users to access their Exchange mailboxes through the application Outlook Web Access and the protocols Exchange ActiveSync, Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), and Internet Message Access Protocol 4rev1 (IMAP4). The Client Access server role also includes Web services that are used by other Exchange 2007 server roles)
code access securitykeamanan akses kode (A mechanism provided by the common language runtime whereby managed code is granted permissions by security policy and these permissions are enforced, helping to limit the operations that the code will be allowed to perform)
content access accountakun akses isi (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
Data Access ObjectsObjek Akses Data (A programming interface to access and manipulate database objects)
data access pagehalaman akses data (A Web page, published from Access, that has a connection to a database. In a data access page, you can view, add to, edit, and manipulate the data stored in the database)
discretionary access control listdaftar kontrol akses kewenangan (An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the object)
dynamic access controlkontrol akses dinamis (The ability for IT pros to define how users access a system based on dynamic qualities, such as a user's location or role)
Ease of Access CenterPusat Kemudahan Akses (An area within the Control Panel that provides accessibility options and settings to help users interact more easily with the computer)
Information Access ServiceLayanan Akses Informasi (A part of an IrDA infrared communication protocol used so that devices can learn about the services offered by another device)
international access codekode akses internasional (The prefix that is used to direct a call internationally. The International Access Code is 011 in the United States and 00 in much of the rest of the world)
Internet access providerpenyedia akses internet (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
Internet Message Access ProtocolProtokol Akses Pesan Internet (A method computers use to send and receive e-mail messages. It allows you to access e-mail without downloading it to your computer)
Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolProtokol Akses Direktori Ringan (The primary access protocol for Active Directory. LDAP is an industry-standard protocol, established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), that allows users to query and update information in a directory service. Active Directory supports both LDAP version 2 and LDAP version 3)
Microsoft Access data fileFile data Microsoft Access (A database or project file for Microsoft Access)
Mobile Access for Windows SharePoint ServicesAkses Seluler untuk Windows SharePoint Services (A feature that enables mobile devices, such as cellular phones, to access some SharePoint services)
Outlook Web Access Web PartKomponen Web Outlook Web Access (A piece of the user interface (UI) in Outlook Web Access that can be hosted in iframes as part of other Web applications such as SharePoint Portal Server portals. Outlook Web Access exposes a set of Outlook Web Access Web Part URLs that allow other applications to request certain portions of the Outlook Web Access UI. For example, another application can load the Outlook Web Access Web Part URL for the Inbox, Calendar, or Contact folder into an iframe hosted in that application)
outside line access codekode akses jalur luar (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
Quick Access ToolbarBilah Alat Akses Cepat (A customizable toolbar that provides one-click access to commands)
random access memorymemori akses acak (The temporary storage area the computer uses to run programs and store data. Information stored in RAM is temporary and is designed to be erased when the computer is turned off)
role-based access control roleperan kontrol akses berbasis peran (The user role that is assigned to a user account, which determines the options that are visible to that user and the tasks that the user can perform in the management interface for Exchange Labs)
subscriber access numbernomor akses pelanggan (A number that is configured in a Private Branch eXchange (PBX) that allows a subscriber to access their Microsoft Exchange mailbox over the telephone)
system access control listdaftar kontrol akses sistem (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
UM access telephone numbernomor telepon akses UM (A telephone number that points to a hunt group and is the access number for calls that are routed to Unified Messaging servers)
Visio Web Access Web PartKomponen Web Akses Web Visio (A Web Part that enables users to view (in full fidelity) and share Visio files in SharePoint Server without having the Visio client installed)