
Terms for subject Environment containing on | all forms | exact matches only
1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtokoll għall-Konvenzjoni tal-1979 dwar it-Tniġġis Transkonfini tal-Arja Fuq Distanza Twila rigward Materjal Organiku Persistenti li Jniġġes
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial PolicyPjan ta' Azzjoni dwar il-Konsum u l-Produzzjoni Sostenibbli u dwar Politika Industrijali Sostenibbli
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto ProtocolGrupp ta' Ħidma Ad Hoc dwar Impenji Ulterjuri għall-Partijiet tal-Anness I taħt il-Protokoll ta' Kjoto
Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the ConventionGrupp ta' Ħidma Ad Hoc dwar Azzjoni ta' Kooperazzjoni fit-Tul taħt il-Konvenzjoni
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced ActionGrupp ta' Ħidma ad hoc dwar il-Pjattaforma ta' Durban għal Azzjoni Msaħħa
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local CommunitiesLinji Gwida Akwé: Kon
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local CommunitiesAkwé: Kon Linji Gwida volontarji għat-twettiq ta' valutazzjonijiet tal-impatti kulturali, ambjentali u soċjali tal-proġetti ta' żvilupp li jsiru jew li aktarx iħallu impatt fuq siti sagri u fl-artijiet jew fl-ilmijiet okkupati jew użati tradizzjonalment mill-komunitajiet indiġeni u lokali
arrangement for a deposit on packaging Agreement to provide refunds or payments in exchange for used bottles or packaging materialsftehim għal skambju ta' depożitu fuq l-imballaġġ
assessment of the impact on the environmentvalutazzjoni tal-impatt ambjentali
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeRapport ta' Valutazzjoni tal-Grupp Intergovernattiv ta' Esperti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of DisastersĊentru għar-Riċerka dwar l-Epidemjoloġija tad-Diżastri
Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentKummissjoni tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli
Committee for implementation of the Directive on establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-using productsKumitat għall-implimentazzjoni tad-Direttiva dwar it-twaqqif ta' qafas għall-iffissar tar-rekwiżiti għall-eko-disinn ta' prodotti li jużaw l-enerġija
Committee on the ecodesign and energy labelling of energy-using productsKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
Committee on the Ecodesign of Energy-using ProductsKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
Committee on Trade in Wild Fauna and FloraKumitat dwar il-Kummerċ tal-Fawna u l-Flora Selvaġġi
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKonferenza tal-Partijiet
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKonferenza tal-Partijiet għall-Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-NU dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeCOP
Conference on the Planet EarthSummit dwar id-Dinja
Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Resulting from Activities Dangerous to the EnvironmentKonvenzjoni dwar ir-Responsabbiltà Ċivili għal Ħsara li tirriżulta minn Attivitajiet Perikolużi għall-Ambjent
Convention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC
Convention on Climate ChangeKonvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextKonvenzjoni tan-NU dwar il-valutazzjoni ta' l-impatt ambjentali f'kuntest transkonfinali
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextKonvenzjoni Espoo
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraKonvenzjoni dwar il-Kummerċ Internazzjonali fl-Ispeċijiet ta' Fawna u Flora Selvaġġi fil-Periklu
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air PollutionKonvenzjoni dwar it-Tniġġis Transkonfini tal-Arja fuq Distanza Twila
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesKonvenzjoni dwar il-konservazzjoni tar-riżorsi marittimi ħajjin tal-Antartiku
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeKonvenzjoni ta' Rotterdam
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeKonvenzjoni ta' Rotterdam dwar il-Proċedura ta' Kunsens Infurmat minn Qabel għal Ċerti Kimiċi u Pestiċidi Perikolużi fil-Kummerċ Internazzjonali
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeKonvenzjoni PIC
Convention on the Protection of the AlpsKonvenzjoni Alpina
Convention on the Protection of the AlpsKonvenzjoni għall-Ħarsien ta' l-Alpi
Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal LawKonvenzjoni dwar il-Ħarsien tal-Ambjent permezz tal-Liġi Kriminali
data on the state of the environment No definition neededdata dwar l-istat tal-ambjent
Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community's greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020Deċiżjoni Nru 406/2009/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tat- 23 ta' April 2009 dwar l-isforz tal-Istati Membri biex inaqqsu l-emissjonijiet tagħhom tal-gassijiet serra biex jonoraw l-impenji tal-Komunità għat-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet tal-gassijiet serra sal-2020
Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and floraDirettiva dwar il-Ħabitats
EC directive on biocides Directive regulating the placing of biocidal products on the marketdirettiva tal-KE dwar il-bijoċidi
EC directive on packaging EC Directive proposed on 15 July 1992 aiming at harmonizing national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste; the directive covers all packaging placed on the marketdirettiva tal-KE dwar l-imballaġġ
EC directive on waste disposal EC Directive whose main object concerns waste prevention, recycling and transformation into alternative energy sourcesdirettiva tal-KE dwar ir-rimi tal-iskart
EC directive on water protection Directive concerning the use and management of water resources for a rational economical and social development and the protection of the related environmental featuresdirettiva tal-KE dwar il-protezzjoni tal-ilma
EC regulation on eco-management and auditregolament tal-KE dwar il-kontroll u l-ġestjoni ambjentali
EC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicityregolament tal-KE dwar prodotti kimiċi eżistenti
effect on healtheffett fuq is-saħħa
effect on man No definition neededeffett fuq il-bniedem
effect on the environment Resultant of natural or manmade perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environmenteffett fuq l-ambjent
environmental legislation on agriculture A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any aspect of farm and livestock production that poses a threat to ecological integrity and human health, especially the use of pesticides, fertilizers and landleġislazzjoni agro-ambjentali
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementGrupp ta' Regolaturi Ewropew dwar is-Sikurezza Nukleari
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementGrupp ta' Livell Għoli Ewropew dwar is-Sikurezza Nukleari u l-Ġestjoni tal-Iskart Nukleari
European Programme on Climatology and Natural HazardsProgramm Ewropew dwar il-Klimatoloġija u r-Riskji Naturali
Framework for Action on AdaptationQafas ta' Azzjoni għall-Adattament
Greenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate ChangeDjalogu tal-Groenlandja
Greenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate ChangeDjalogu Ministerjali tal-Groenlandja dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
High-level Political Forum on Sustainable DevelopmentForum Politiku ta' Livell Għoli dwar l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeGrupp Intergovernattiv ta' Esperti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesIPBES
International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural DisastersKonferenza Internazzjonali dwar Sistemi ta' Twissija Bikrija għat-Tnaqqis ta' Diżastri Naturali
intervention on land Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving ground areas or the earth's surfaceinterventi fuq artijiet
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeProtokoll ta' Kjoto għall-Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
leave on social groundslîv għal skopijiet soċjali
legislation on pollution Rules concerning the limits of pollutant emissionsleġislazzjoni dwar it-tniġġis
Major Economies Forum on Energy and ClimateForum tal-Ekonomiji Ewlenin
Major Economies Forum on Energy Security and Climate ChangeForum tal-Ekonomiji Ewlenin
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in EuropeKonferenza Ministerjali dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Foresti fl-Ewropa
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone LayerProtokoll ta' Montreal dwar sustanzi li jnaqqsu s-saff tal-ożonu
Nagoya Protocol on ABSProtokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-Unjoni
Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological DiversityProtokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-Unjoni
Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentNetwerk Diplomatiku Ekoloġiku
Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentNetwerk ta' Diplomatiċi u Esperti fid-Diplomazija Ewropea dwar l-Ambjent u l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli
on-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications networkservizz on-line
on-site wastewater treatment A process in which used or spent water is treated at the point of origin or where it was produced, by using a septic tank or some other system to remove or reduce the impact of constituent wastes on human health and the environmenttrattament fuq il-post ta' ilma mormi
Open Partial Agreement on Major Hazards EUR-OPAFtehim Parzjali Miftuħ dwar Perikli Maġġuri EUR-OPA
Open Partial Agreement on Major Hazards EUR-OPAFtehim parzjali miftuħ dwar il-prevenzjoni ta', il-protezzjoni minn, u l-organizzazzjoni ta' għajnuna f'diżastri naturali u teknoloġiċi maġġuri
Open Partial Agreement on Major Hazards EUR-OPAFtehim dwar Perikli Maġġuri EUR-OPA
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersFtehim parzjali miftuħ dwar il-prevenzjoni ta', il-protezzjoni minn, u l-organizzazzjoni ta' għajnuna f'diżastri naturali u teknoloġiċi maġġuri
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersFtehim dwar Perikli Maġġuri EUR-OPA
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersFtehim Parzjali Miftuħ dwar Perikli Maġġuri EUR-OPA
post-Kyoto agreement on climate changeftehim dwar il-bidla fil-klima wara l-iskadenza ta' Kjoto
post-Kyoto agreement on climate changeftehim dwar it-tibdil fil-klima għal wara Kjoto
post-Kyoto agreement on climate changeftehim dwar il-bidla fil-klima għal wara Kjoto
Protocol on Access and Benefit-SharingProtokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-Unjoni
Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants POPsProtokoll għall-Konvenzjoni tal-1979 dwar it-Tniġġis Transkonfini tal-Arja Fuq Distanza Twila rigward Materjal Organiku Persistenti li Jniġġes
Protocol on Strategic Environmental AssessmentProtokoll dwar il-Valutazzjoni Ambjentali Strateġika tal-Konvenzjoni dwar il-Valutazzjoni tal-Impatt Ambjentali f'Kuntest Transkonfinali
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextProtokoll dwar il-Valutazzjoni Ambjentali Strateġika tal-Konvenzjoni dwar il-Valutazzjoni tal-Impatt Ambjentali f'Kuntest Transkonfinali
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Heavy MetalsProtokoll għall-Konvenzjoni tal-1979 dwar Tniġġis tal-Arja Transkonfini fuq Distanza Twila li Tikkonċerna l-Metalli Tqal
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtokoll għall-Konvenzjoni tal-1979 dwar it-Tniġġis Transkonfini tal-Arja Fuq Distanza Twila rigward Materjal Organiku Persistenti li Jniġġes
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level OzoneProtokoll għall-Konvenzjoni tal-1979 dwar it-Tniġġis Transkonfini tal-Arja Fuq Distanza Twila sabiex titnaqqas l-aċidifikazzjoni, l-ewtrofikazzjoni u l-ożonu troposferiku
regulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threateningregolament dwar il-limiti massimi permessibbli
Regulatory Committee on the Ecodesign of Energy-related ProductsKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that regionrapport dwar l-istat tal-ambjent
restriction on competition Article 85 of the EEC Treaty prohibits all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market. All such arrangements are automatically null and void under Article 85, unless exempted by the Commission pursuant to Article 85. The text of Article 85 is as follows: "1. The following shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market: all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market, and in particular those which: (a) directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions; (b) limit or control production, markets, technical development, or investment; (c) share markets or sources of supply; (d) apply dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage; (e) make the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such contractsrestrizzjoni fuq il-kompetizzjoni
restriction on use A limitation on the utilization of land or some other property, often inscribed in a deed or lease documentrestrizzjoni fuq l-użu
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeKonvenzjoni ta' Rotterdam
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeKonvenzjoni ta' Rotterdam dwar il-Proċedura ta' Kunsens Infurmat minn Qabel għal Ċerti Kimiċi u Pestiċidi Perikolużi fil-Kummerċ Internazzjonali
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeKonvenzjoni PIC
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic PollutantsKonvenzjoni ta' Stokkolma dwar Materjal Organiku Persistenti li Jniġġes
tax on capital A government imposed levy on the wealth or assets gained by an individual, firm, or corporation for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefittaxxa fuq il-kapital
tax on consumption A sum of money demanded from businesses by a government, usually based on a percentage of total sales of select goods and services, and generally passed on to consumers with each individual purchasetaxxa fuq il-konsum
tax on incometaxxa fuq l-introjtu
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKonferenza ta' Durban
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKonferenza tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima f'Durban, l-Afrika t'Isfel, COP 17/CMP 7
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeIs-17-il Konferenza tal-Partijiet għall-Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructuresimpatt tal-kummerċ fuq l-ambjent
traffic on water The movement of boats and other vessels over any water route or areatraffiku fuq l-ilma
UN Conference on Environment and DevelopmentSummit dwar id-Dinja
United Nations Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentKummissjoni tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7Is-17-il Konferenza tal-Partijiet għall-Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7Konferenza ta' Durban
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7Konferenza tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima f'Durban, l-Afrika t'Isfel, COP 17/CMP 7
United Nations Forum on ForestsForum tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar il-Foresti
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKonvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
Working Group on Strategies and ReviewGrupp ta' Ħidma dwar Strateġiji u Evalwazzjoni
World Commission on DamsKummissjoni Dinjija dwar id-Digi
World Conference on Disaster ReductionKonferenza Dinjija dwar it-Tnaqqis tad-Diżastri
World Summit on Sustainable DevelopmentSummit Dinji dwar l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli