
Terms containing management | all forms | exact matches only
account.accountability of managementresponsabbiltà tal-maniġment
account.accountability of managementakkontabilità tal-maniġment
fin.active fund managementġestjoni attiva tal-fond
econ.Activity Based Managementimmaniġġjar ibbażat fuq l-attività
gen.administrative managementġestjoni amministrattiva
fish.farm.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksIl-Ftehim tan-NU dwar l-Istokkijiet tal-Ħut
fish.farm.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksIl-Ftehim dwar l-Implimentazzjoni tad-Dispożizzjonijiet tal-Konvenzjoni tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar il-Liġi tal-Baħar tal- 10 ta' Diċembru 1982 relatati mal-Konservazzjoni u l-Ġestjoni ta' Stokkijiet ta' Ħut Transżonali u Stokkijiet ta' Ħut li Jpassi Ħafna
fish.farm., UNAgreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High SeasFtehim ta' Osservanza FAO
fish.farm., UNAgreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High SeasFtehim li jippromwovi l-Konformità mal-Miżuri Internazzjonali ta' Konservazzjoni u Ġestjoni mill-Bastimenti tas-Sajd fl-Ibħra Miftuħa
environ.agricultural management The administration or handling of soil, crops and livestockġestjoni agrikola
polit., agric.agricultural management information systemsistema ta' informazzjoni dwar is-swieq agrikoli
polit., agric.agricultural management information systemsistema ta' informazzjoni dwar il-ġestjoni agrikola
invest.AIF management servicessevizzi ta' mmaniġġjar AIF
environ.air quality management Regulate and plan and work toward the accomplishment of completion of stated goals, objectives and mission pertaining to air qualityġestjoni tal-kwalità tal-arja
transp., avia.air traffic flow managementamministrazzjoni tal-fluss tat-traffiku ta' l-ajru
transp., avia.air traffic managementġestjoni tat-traffiku tal-ajru
fin.analysis of the financial managementanaliżi tal-ġestjoni finanzjarja
polit., agric.arable stubble managementĠestjoni tal-qasbija fir-raba' tal-ħrit
fin., invest.asset managementimmaniġġar ta' assi
gen.asset management companykumpanija maniġerjali tal-assi
gen.asset management corporationkumpanija maniġerjali tal-assi
fin.asset management vehicleveikolu tal-immaniġġjar tal-assi
fin.asset management vehiclebank tal-assi ħżiena
comp., MSBilling and Account ManagementImmaniġġjar ta' Ħlasijiet u Kontijiet (A service that allows a customer to view and manage account and billing information for Microsoft services online)
waste.man.biowaste managementmmaniġjar tal-bijoskart
energ.ind., mech.eng.boil off management systemsistema tal-evaporazzjoni
energ.ind., mech.eng.boil off management systemsistema ta' ġestjoni tal-evaporazzjoni
gen.border managementġestjoni tal-fruntieri
polit.Brussels Buildings Management and Maintenance UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Proprjetà Immobbli u tal-Manutenzjoni fi Brussell
fin.budgetary management over the past financial yearġestjoni baġitarja matul is-sena finanzjarja li għaddiet
tech., law, el.capacity management modulemodulu tal-immaniġġjar tal-kapaċità
law, ITCase Management SystemSistema ta' Ġestjoni ta' Każijiet
fin., account.cash managementimmaniġġar ta' flus
environ.chain management The administration, organization and planning for the flow of materials or merchandise through various stages of production and distribution, involving a network of vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and other trading partnersġestjoni tal-katina produttiva
construct.Civilian Capability Management ToolGħodda għall-Maniġġar tal-Kapaċitajiet Ċivili
construct., engl.Civilian Capability Management ToolGoalkeeper
gen.civilian crisis managementmaniġġar ċivili ta' kriżijiet
environ.coastal management Measures by way of planning, prior approval of works, prohibition of some activities, physical structures, and restoration efforts to protect the coastline against the ravages of nature and haphazard and unplanned developmentsġestjoni taż-żoni kostali
fin.Code of Conduct for the Members of the Management Committee of the EIBKodiċi ta' Kondotta għall-Membri tal-Bord ta' Tmexxija tal-BEI
fin.collateral managementmmaniġġjar tal-kollateral
fin.collective managementmmaniġġjar kollettiv
IT, patents.collective management of rightsmmaniġġjar kollettiv tad-drittijiet tal-awtur
patents.collective management organisationsoċjetà kollettriċi
patents.collective management organisationorganizzazzjoni ta' mmaniġġjar kollettiv
patents.collective management organisationcollecting society
IT, patents.collective rights managementmmaniġġjar kollettiv tad-drittijiet tal-awtur
fish.farm.Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific OceanKummissjoni għas-Sajd fil-Punent tal-Paċifiku u l-Paċifiku Ċentrali
fin.Commission's management representationsrappreżentazzjonijiet tal-maniġment tal-Kummissjoni
gen.Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis ManagementKumitat għall-Aspetti Ċivili tal-Maniġġar ta' Kriżijiet
wood., polit.Committee on Reforestation and Forest ManagementKumitat dwar ir-Riafforestazzjoni u l-Ġestjoni tal-Foresti
cust.common risk management frameworkqafas komuni ta' mmaniġġjar tar-riskju
cust.common risk management framework for customs controlqafas komuni ta' mmaniġġjar tar-riskju
environ.Community Eco-Management and Audit SchemeSkema ta' Mmaniġġjar u Awditjar Ekoloġiċi
environ.Community eco-management and audit schemeSkema Komunitarja għall-immaniġġjar ta' l-ambjent u verifika
obs., environ.Community Eco-Management and Audit SchemeL-Iskema għall-Immaniġġjar tal-Ambjent u Verifika
account.component managementmaniġment tal-komponent
gen.conflict managementġestjoni tal-konflitt
energ.ind.congestion managementġestjoni tal-konġestjoni
comp., MScontact managementimmaniġġjar tal-kuntatt (The process of managing business and/or social contacts in order to follow up, track conversations, etc)
el., empl.content managementġestjoni tal-kontenut
fish.farm.Convention on the conservation and management of fishery resources in the South-East Atlantic OceanKonvenzjoni tal-Ħarsien u l-Amministrazzjoni ta' Riżorsi tas-Sajd fix-Xlokk tal-Oċean Atlantiku
fish.farm.Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific OceanKonvenzjoni dwar il-Konservazzjoni u l-Immaniġġjar ta' Stokkijiet ta' Ħut Migratorju fl-Oċean Paċifiku Ċentrali u tal-Punent
lawcorporate management declarationdikjarazzjoni dwar it-tmexxija korporattiva
health., pharma.corporate risk-managementġestjoni korporattiva tar-riskju
fin.credit managementġestjoni tal-ħlasijiet mid-debituri
transp., avia.Crew Resource ManagementĠestjoni tar-Riżorsi tal-Ekwipaġġ
gen.crisis managementmaniġġar ta' kriżijiet
environ.crisis management The technique, practice or science of handling or controlling situations of acute difficulty, danger or instability; or the total of measures taken to provide a solution for political, economic, environmental or other similar dangers and conflictsmaniġġar ta' kriżijiet
fin.crisis managementimmaniġjar tal-kriżi finanzjarja
gen.crisis managementġestjoni ta' kriżijiet
gen.Crisis Management and Planning DirectorateDirettorat għall-Maniġġar ta' Kriżijiet u l-Ippjanar
gen.Crisis Management ConceptKunċett ta' Maniġġar ta' Kriżi
gen.crisis management operationoperazzjoni ta' maniġġar ta' kriżijiet
health., pharma.Crisis Management Plan for Centrally Authorised ProductsPjan ta' Ġestjoni tal-Kriżi għall-Prodotti Mediċinali Awtorizzati skont il-Proċedura Ċentralizzata
environ., earth.sc.cropland managementġestjoni tar-raba'
bank.cross-border crisis managementmmaniġġjar ta' kriżijiet transfruntieri
polit.Customer Relationship Management ServiceServizz tal-Ġestjoni tar-Relazzjonijiet mal-Klijenti
ITdata base managementġestjoni ta' bażijiet ta' dejta
econ., commer.debt managementmaniġġjar tad-dejn
fin.debt management strategystrateġija tal-immaniġġjar tad-dejn
environ.delegated management The process of assigning or transferring authority, decision making or a specific administrative function from one entity to anotherġestjoni delegata
polit.Demand Management ServiceServizz tal-Ġestjoni tad-Domanda
tech., law, el.demand side response transmission constraint managementmmaniġġjar tal-kostrizzjoni tat-trażmissjoni għar-respons tad-domanda
tech., law, el.demand side response transmission constraint managementDSR TCM
comp., MSDeployment Image Servicing and ManagementServizzi u Maniġġar tal-Implimentazzjoni tal-Immaġni (A framework that provides a single point for IT professionals and OEMs to service and maintain Windows images offline through a scriptable command line utility and an easily extensible infrastructure)
social.sc., lab.law.dialogue between management and labourdjalogu soċjali
polit.Directorate for Administrative ManagementDirettorat għall-Ġestjoni Amministrattiva
polit.Directorate for Management of Support and Social ServicesDirettorat għall-Ġestjoni tas-Servizzi ta' Sostenn u Soċjali
social.sc., environ.disaster managementġestjoni tad-diżastri
comp., MSdocument management systemsistema ta' mmaniġġjar tad-dokumenti (An application service for storing and handling an organization's documents)
environ.dual waste management To reduce the quantity of packaging waste, and thereby of overall MSW, Germany introduced a far-reaching legislation to reduce waste, based on the producer's responsibility principle. Industry was given the option to set up a third party organization which would carry out the collection and sorting of sales packaging for care of manufacturers and retailers. Thus, Some 600 companies created "Duales System Deutschland" in 1990 ("Dual" because it meant creating a second collection system in parallel to the existing waste collection system of the local authorities). Duales System Deutschland (DSD), now has overall responsibility for the separate collection and recycling of packaging. At present, the Dual System is the only nationwide system for the collection and sorting of sales packaging. Packaging participating in this collection system is marked with the Green Dottqassim differenzjat tal-iskart
environ.EC regulation on eco-management and auditregolament tal-KE dwar il-kontroll u l-ġestjoni ambjentali
environ.eco-management and audit schemeSkema ta' Mmaniġġjar u Awditjar Ekoloġiċi
obs., environ.eco-management and audit schemeL-Iskema għall-Immaniġġjar tal-Ambjent u Verifika
polit.Eco-management and audit scheme Unit EMASUnità tal-Iskema ta' Mmaniġġjar u Awditjar Ekoloġiċi EMAS
environ.economic management instrument A tool or method used by any organization in the management of developmental processes used in the production of, or in the regulation of, material resourcesstrument ta' ġestjoni ekonomika
fin.EIB Management CommitteeKumitat ta' Tmexxija
health., phys.sc.emergency management systemsistema ta' ġestjoni tal-emerġenzi
environ.energy management The administration or handling of power derived from sources such as fossil fuel, electricity and solar radiationġestjoni tal-enerġija
energ.ind.energy management systemsistema ta' ġestjoni tal-enerġija
environ., energ.ind.Environment and sustainable management of natural resourcesProgramm Tematiku Għall-Ambjent u l-Ġestjoni Sostenibbli tar-Riżorżi Naturali
environ.environmental managementimmaniġġjar ambjentali
environ.environmental management Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment, and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generationsġestjoni ambjentali
environ.environmental management and audit schemeSkema ta' Mmaniġġjar u Awditjar Ekoloġiċi
obs., environ.environmental management and audit schemeL-Iskema għall-Immaniġġjar tal-Ambjent u Verifika
environ.environmental management systemsistema ta' mmaniġġjar ambjentali
environ.environmentally friendly management Adoption of integrated and preventative management practices aiming at reducing the impacts of industrial and trade activities on the environment; these practices include, among others, life-cycle analysis in the product development cycle, the introduction of clean process technology and measures of waste minimisationġestjoni li tirrispetta l-ambjent
environ., waste.man.environmentally sound managementmmaniġjar ambjentalment korrett
gen.EU civilian crisis management operationOperazzjoni ta' ġestjoni ta' kriżijiet mill-UE
health., pharma.EU Risk Management Planpjan tal-UE għall-ġestjoni tar-riskju
health., pharma.EU Risk Management StrategyStrateġija tal-UE għall-Ġestjoni tar-Riskju
ITEuratom Safeguards Management Information Systemsistema ta' informazzjoni għall-ġestjoni tal-kontrolli tas-sigurtà tal-EURATOM
environ.Euromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disastersSistema Ewromediterranja ta' mitigazzjoni, prevenzjoni u ġestjoni ta' diżastri naturali u diżastri kkawżati mill-bniedem
immigr.European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Unionaġenzija Ewropea għall-Ġestjoni tal- Koperazzjoni Operazzjonali mal-Fruntieri Esterni tal-Istati Membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea
gen.European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European UnionAġenzija Ewropea għall-Ġestjoni ta' Koperazzjoni Operazzjonali fil-Fruntieri Esterni tal-Istati Membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea
immigr., ITEuropean Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and JusticeAġenzija tal-UE għal Sistemi tal-IT Fuq Skala Kbira
immigr., ITEuropean Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and JusticeAġenzija Ewropea għat-Tmexxija Operattiva tas-Sistemi tal-IT Fuq Skala Kbira fl-Ispazju ta' Libertà, Sigurtà u Ġustizzja
obs.European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and JusticeAġenzija tal-IT
transp., avia.European Air Traffic Management NetworkNetwerk Ewropew għall-Ġestjoni tat-Traffiku tal-Ajru
environ.European Disaster Management Training NetworkNetwerk Ewropew tat-Taħriġ għar-Rispons għad-Diżastri
environ., nucl.pow.European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementGrupp ta' Regolaturi Ewropew dwar is-Sikurezza Nukleari
environ., nucl.pow.European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementGrupp ta' Livell Għoli Ewropew dwar is-Sikurezza Nukleari u l-Ġestjoni tal-Iskart Nukleari
transp., mil., grnd.forc.European Rail Traffic Management SystemSistema Ewropea tal-Ġestjoni tat-Traffiku Ferrovjarju
UNEU/UN Steering Committee on crisis managementKumitat ta' Tmexxija UE/NU dwar il-maniġġar ta' kriżijiet
fin.exposure managementmmaniġġjar tal-iskoperturi
fin.external assistance management reportrapport dwar il-ġestjoni tal-assistenza esterna
IT, tech., lawfile transfer and access managementġestjoni tat-trasferiment tal-fajls u tal-aċċess għalihom
fin.financial crisis managementimmaniġjar tal-kriżi finanzjarja
environ.financial management The management of acquisitions and the use of long- and short-term capital by a businessġestjoni finanzjarja
fin.financial management of the Fundġestjoni finanzjarja tal-fond
fin.financial management reportRapport tal-Ġestjoni Finanzjarja
polit.Financial Resources Management and Controls UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tar-Riżorsi Finanzjarji u Kontrolli
polit.Financial Resources Management UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tar-Riżorsi Finanzjarji
fin., econ.financial risk managementġestjoni tar-riskju finanzjarju
fish.farm.fisheries managementġestjoni tas-sajd
environ.fisheries management The administration and handling of aspects of the fishing industry, including the catching, processing and selling of fishġestjoni tas-sajd
environ., econ.forest managementġestjoni tal-foresti
environ.forest management Planning of forest utilization for wood production, conservation purposes, fauna and flora protection, recreation and water supplyġestjoni tal-foresti
immigr.Framework Programme on Solidarity and the Management of Migration Flowsprogramm ġenerali Solidarjetà u Ġestjoni tal-Flussi ta' Migrazzjoni
fin.fund management activityattività ta' mmaniġjar ta' fondi
invest.fund management serviceservizz ta' mmaniġġjar ta' portafolji
immigr.General Programme "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows"programm ġenerali Solidarjetà u Ġestjoni tal-Flussi ta' Migrazzjoni
immigr.global mobility management strategystrateġija globali ta' ġestjoni tal-mobilità
environ.good management The competent, skillful and successful process of planning, leading and working toward the accomplishment or completion of goals, objectives and mission of an organization or institutionġestjoni tajba
environ., earth.sc.grazing land managementġestjoni tal-imriegħi
agric.group managementmaniġment tal-grupp
corp.gov.high managementmaniġment superjuri
polit.Hosting & Service Request ManagementĠestjoni tat-Talbiet ta' Hosting u ta' Servizz
fin., empl.human resource managementmmaniġjar tar-riżorsi umani
environ.human settlement managementġestjoni tal-insedjament uman
health., pharma.ICH guideline on risk managementLinji gwida tal-ICH dwar il-ġestjoni tar-riskju
ITidentifier managementġestjoni tal-identifikaturi
priv.int.law.identity managementil-ġestjoni tal-identitajiet
fin.index tracking fund managementġestjoni passiva tal-fond
fin.index tracking fund managementġestjoni indiċizzata
fin.indexed investment managementġestjoni indiċizzata
fin.indexed investment managementġestjoni passiva tal-fond
fin.indexed managementġestjoni indiċizzata
fin.indexed managementġestjoni passiva tal-fond
environ.indicator of environmental managementindikatur tal-ġestjoni ambjentali
fin., econ.indirect centralised managementġestjoni ċentralizzata indiretta
polit.Individual Infrastructure ManagementĠestjoni tal-Infrastruttura Individwali
fin.individual portfolio managementimmaniġġjar ta' portafolji individwali
immigr.Information and Coordination Network for Member States’ Migration Management Servicesnetwerk ta’ Informazzjoni u Koordinazzjoni għas- Servizzi dwar Ġestjoni ta’ Migrazzjoni fl-Istati Membri (ICONet)
health., IT, anim.husb.information management system for official controlssistema ta' ġestjoni tal-informazzjoni għall-kontrolli uffiċjali
polit.Information Offices Buildings Management and Maintenance UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Proprjetà Immobbli u tal-Manutenzjoni tal-Uffiċċji tal-Informazzjoni
polit., agric.Information System for Agricultural Market Management and MonitoringSistema ta' Informazzjoni għall-Ġestjoni u l-Monitoraġġ tas-Suq Agrikolu
polit.Infrastructure Management UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Infrastrutturi
gen.integrated border managementġestjoni integrata tal-fruntieri
immigr.integrated border management strategystrateġija integrata għall-ġestjoni tal-fruntieri
transp., nautic., environ.integrated coastal managementĠestjoni Integrata taż-Żona Kostali
transp., nautic., environ.Integrated Coastal Zone ManagementĠestjoni Integrata taż-Żona Kostali
environ.integrated management Unified, combined and coordinated management of environmental problems which correlates relevant organisations, groups, individuals and disciplines by bringing the parts together for a complete approachġestjoni integrata
gen.integrated management system for external borderssistema integrata ta' amministrazzjoni għall-fruntieri esterni
gen.integrated management system for external borderssistema integrata ta' ġestjoni għall-fruntieri esterni
environ.integrated strategy for the management of coastal watersstrateġija integrata għall-immaniġġjar tal-ilmijiet kostali
fin.Interinstitutional Agreement of 2 December 2013 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial managementFtehim Interistituzzjonali tat-2 ta' Diċembru 2013 bejn il-Parlament Ewropew, il-Kunsill u l-Kummissjoni dwar dixxiplina baġitarja, dwar kooperazzjoni f'materji ta' baġit u dwar ġestjoni finanzjarja tajba
gen.Interinstitutional Agreement of 2 December 2013 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial managementftehim interistituzzjonali
fin.internal risk-management modelmudell tal-immaniġġjar tar-riskji interni
invest.investment management serviceservizz ta' mmaniġġjar ta' portafolji
fin., busin., labor.org.Investment Management Standing CommitteeStanding Committee on Investment Management Services Kumitat Permanenti dwar is-Servizzi tal-Immaniġġjar tal-Investiment
fin., busin., labor.org.Investment Management Standing CommitteeInvestment Management Standing Committee Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Immaniġġjar tal-Investiment
law, fin.Irregularities Management SystemSistema ta' Ġestjoni tal-Irregolaritajiet
law, fin.Irregularity Management SystemSistema ta' Ġestjoni tal-Irregolaritajiet
polit.IT Access & Asset Management & LSUAċċess għat-Teknoloġija tal-Informatika, il-Ġestjoni tat-Tagħmir u LSU
transp., avia.Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system SESARImpriża Konġunta għall-iżvilupp tas-sistema Ewropea ta' ġenerazzjoni ġdida għall-ġestjoni tat-traffiku tal-ajru SESAR
transp., avia.Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system SESARImpriża Konġunta SESAR
account.key management personnelpersunal prinċipali tal-maniġment
comp., MSKey Management ServiceServizz ta' Mmaniġġjar tal-Imfietaħ (An optional Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server component that is installed on a designated server in an administrative group. It provides centralized administration and archival of private keys, and maintains every user s private encryption key in an encrypted database. The keys are used for encrypting e-mail messages and signing messages with digital signatures)
gen.key management staffpersunal maniġerjali ewlieni
ed., R&D.knowledge managementġestjoni tal-konoxxenza
ed., R&D.knowledge managementġestjoni tal-għarfien
environ.land management and planning Operations for preparing and controlling the implementation of plans for organizing human activities on landġestjoni u ppjanar tal-artijiet
environ.land-management intervention area Any expanse of land which requires a person or agency with authority to interpose or interfere in how it is used or administratedżona ta' intervent fil-ġestjoni tal-artijiet
environ.landscape management Measures aiming at preserving landscape or controlling its transformations caused by anthropic activities or natural eventsġestjoni tal-pajsaġġ
econ., fin.leveraged management buyoutakkwiżizzjoni maġġoritarja ingranata mill-maniġment
environ.life-cycle management Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful productsġestjoni tar-riċiklaġġ
energ.ind.load managementġestjoni tad-domanda tal-elettriku
gen.load managementġestjoni tad-domanda
commer., polit., agric.Long-term programme for the use of telematics for Community information systems concerned with imports/exports and the management and financial control of agricultural market organizations- C ooperation in automation of d ata and documentation for imports/ exports and agricultureProgramm fuq perjodu twil ta' żmien għall-użu telematiku tas-sistemi ta' informazzjoni Komunitarji dwar l-importazzjonijiet/esportazzjonijiet u dwar il-ġestjoni u l-kontroll finanzjarju tal-organizzazzjonijiet tas-suq agrikolu
fin., empl.lower managementmaniġment fi grad baxx
polit.Luxembourg Buildings Management and Maintenance UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Proprjetà Immobbli u tal-Manutenzjoni fil-Lussemburgu
environ.management accounting The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organizationġestjoni tal-kontabilità
account.management approachapproċċ maniġerjali
fish.farm., polit.management areażona ta' ġestjoni
fin., account.management authorityawtorità maniġerjali
account.management biaspreġudizzju tal-maniġment
chem.Management BoardBord tat- Tmexxija
fin., econ.management boardbord tad-diretturi
gen.Management BoardBord ta' Amministrazzjoni tal-Europol
gen.Management Board of EuropolBord ta' Amministrazzjoni tal-Europol
econ., fin., corp.gov.management bodykorp maniġerjali
econ., fin., corp.gov.management bodykorp ta' governanza
econ., fin., corp.gov.management bodykorp fassal tal-politika
fin.management body in its supervisory functionkorp maniġerjali fil-funzjoni superviżorja tiegħu
econ., fin.management buy-outakkwiżizzjoni maġġoritarja mill-maniġment
account.management commentarykummentarju tal-maniġment
fin.Management CommitteeKumitat ta' Tmexxija
econ.management committee EUkumitat ta' ġestjoni (UE)
lawmanagement committeekumitat ta' ġestjoni
polit., agric.Management Committee for BananasKumitat ta' Ġestjoni tal-Banana
polit., agric.Management Committee for CerealsKumitat ta' Ġestjoni għaċ-Ċereali
fin.Management Committee for Community InitiativesKumitat ta' Ġestjoni għall-Inizjattivi Komunitarji
polit., fish.farm.Management Committee for Fisheries and AquacultureKumitat ta' Ġestjoni tas-Sajd u l-Akkwakultura
polit., agric.Management Committee for HopsKumitat ta' Ġestjoni tal-Ħops
polit., agric.Management Committee for SeedsKumitat ta' Ġestjoni taż-Żrieragħ
polit., agric.Management Committee for SugarKumitat ta' Ġestjoni taz-Zokkor
polit., agric.Management Committee for the Common Organisation of Agricultural MarketsKumitat għall-Organizzazzjoni Komuni tas-Swieq Agrikoli
fin.Management Committee of the EIBKumitat ta' Tmexxija
fin.management company passportpassaport tal-kumpanija maniġerjali
comp., MSmanagement consoleconsole tal-immaniġġar (A network-enabled host running Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management software. This software requests information from SNMP agents)
law, econ.Management consulting serviceservizzi ta' konsulenza maniġerjali
environ.management contract A legal agreement between two or more parties of employers and workers that outlines the administrative or supervisory work that is expected in exchange for certain payments and working conditionskuntratt ta' ġestjoni
fin.management declarationdikjarazzjoni tar-responsabbiltajiet ta' ġestjoni
econ.management informationinformazzjoni ta' ġestjoni
fin.management letterittra għall-maniġment
fin., invest.management of assetsimmaniġġar ta' assi
waste.man.management of biowastemmaniġjar tal-bijoskart
fin., account.management of cash positionimmaniġġar ta' flus
fin., account.management of cash resourcesimmaniġġar ta' flus
proced.law.management of children's propertyamministrazzjoni tal-beni tal-minuri
fin.management of fundsġestjoni ta' fondi
fin.management of fundsġestjoni ta' flejjes u assi oħra
immigr.management of joint operationsġestjoni tal-operazzjonijiet konġunti
immigr.management of migration flowsġestjoni tal-flussi tal-migrazzjoni
fin.management of monies and other assetsġestjoni ta' flejjes u assi oħra
fin.management of monies and other assetsġestjoni ta' fondi
environ., agric., energ.ind.management of natural resourcesġestjoni tar-riżorsi naturali
environ.management of natural resources Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefitsġestjoni tar-riżorsi naturali
econ., commun., ITmanagement of the Internetġestjoni tal-Internet
fin.management operationoperazzjoni ta' ġestjoni
environ.management plan A program of action designed to reach a given set of objectivespjan ta' ġestjoni
fin., environ.management planpjan ta' ġestjoni
lawmanagement procedureproċedura ta' ġestjoni
account.management's point estimatestima ta' punt tal-maniġment
environ.management technique systematic approach or method of performance for the accomplishment of administrative goals or tasksteknika ta' ġestjoni
fin., empl.middle managementmaniġment intermedju
gen.military crisis managementmaniġġar militari ta' kriżijiet
commun., IT, dat.proc.mobile management entityentità ta' ġestjoni tal-mobbiltà
commun., IT, dat.proc.mobility management entityentità ta' ġestjoni tal-mobbiltà
environ.mountain managementġestjoni tal-muntanji
environ.multiple use management area 1. Coordinated management for the most judicious and harmonious use of the land on a long term basis under the concept of combining two or more uses and/or purposes with attention to sustainability and nonimpairment of the natural resources and land area. 2. Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber productionżona ġestita għal użu multiplu
environ.municipal water management Municipal water management deals with aspects of water supply and water technology concerning planning, processing, building and producing. It also concerns the problems of waste water collection, sewage disposal, waste water treatment in rural areas, water economising measures, water body quality managementġestjoni tal-ilma muniċipali
environ., agric., energ.ind.natural resource managementġestjoni tar-riżorsi naturali
immigr.operational managementmmaniġġjar operazzjonali
fin.passive fund managementġestjoni indiċizzata
fin.passive fund managementġestjoni passiva tal-fond
environ.patrimonial management A type of leadership and management style attempting to gain the loyalty and support of subordinates by excessively providing for their needs and interestsġestjoni patrimonjali
environ., agric.phytosanitary risk management planpjan ta' ġestjoni tar-riskju fitosanitarju
polit.Planning and Strategic Management UnitUnità tal-Ippjanar u l-Ġestjoni Strateġika
invest.portfolio management serviceservizz ta' mmaniġġjar ta' portafolji
gen.post-conflict managementġestjoni ta' sitwazzjonijiet ta' wara l-kunflitti
immigr.Preparatory Actions 2007: Migration Management – Solidarity in ActionAzzjonijiet Preparatorji 2007 għall-Ġestjoni tal-Migrazzjoni - Solidarjetà fl-Azzjoni
fin.principle of sound financial managementprinċipju tal-amministrazzjoni finanzjarja tajba
fin.principle of sound financial managementprinċipju tal-ġestjoni finanzjarja tajba
polit.Procurement and Contract Management UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Akkwist u l-Kuntratti
health., pharma.Product Information ManagementĠestjoni tal-Informazzjoni dwar il-Prodott
insur.professional management of claimsmmaniġġjar professjonali
polit.Project ManagementĠestjoni tal-Proġetti
polit.Purchases, management of goods and inventory UnitUnità tal-Akkwisti, il-Ġestjoni tal-Beni u l-Inventarju
law, commun., tech.quality managementmmaniġġjar tal-kwalità
tech.quality management systemsistema ta' mmaniġjar tal-kwalità
polit.Quality Management UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Kwalità
health., pharma.quality risk-management approachmetodu ta' kwalità fil-qasam tal-ġestjoni tar-riskju
nucl.phys.radioactive waste managementmmaniġġjar ta' skart radjuattiv
environ.radioactive waste managementmaniġġjar ta' skart radjuattiv
environ.radioactive waste management The total supervision of the production, handling, processing, storage and transport of materials that contain radioactive nuclides and for which use, reuse or recovery are impracticalġestjoni tal-iskart radjuattiv
nucl.pow.radioactive waste management facilityfaċilità għall-immaniġġjar ta' skart radjuattiv
environ.recycling management and waste law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish and regulate provisions for the minimization of waste generation through recovery and reprocessing of re-usable productsliġi dwar il-ġestjoni tar-riċiklaġġ u dwar l-iskart
fish.farm., polit.regional fisheries management organizationorganizzazzjoni reġjonali tal-ġestjoni tas-sajd
comp., MSRequest ManagementImmaniġġjar tat-Talbiet (A SharePoint feature that helps make smart routing decisions, based on routing rules that relate the nature of requests to the dynamic topology of its farm)
environ.resources management A conscious process of decision-making whereby natural and cultural resources are allocated over time and space to optimize the attainment of stated objectives of a society, within the framework of its technology, political and social institutions, and legal and administrative arrangements. An important objective is the conservation of resources, implying a close and integrated relationship between the ecological basis and the socio-economic systemġestjoni tar-riżorsi
IT, transp.revenue management systemsistema ta' ġestjoni tad-dħul
gen.risk managementimmaniġġjar tar-riskju
fin.risk managementmaniġjar tar-riskji
environ.risk management The process of evaluating and selecting alternative regulatory and non-regulatory responses to prepare for the probability of an accidental occurrence and its expected magnitude of damage, including the consideration of legal, economic and behavioral factorsġestjoni tar-riskju
gen.risk managementġestjoni tar-riskju
fin.Risk Management and Modelling GroupGrupp tal-Immaniġjar u l-Immudellar tar-Riskji
insur.risk-management functionfunzjoni tal-immaniġġjar tar-riskji
fin.risk management implementation guidegwida ta' implimentazzjoni tal-immaniġjar tar-riskju
chem.risk management measuremiżura tat-tnaqqis tar-riskji
chem.risk management measuremiżura ta' mmaniġġjar tar-riskji
health., pharma.risk-management planpjanijiet ta' ġestjoni tar-riskji
fin.risk management processproċess ta' mmaniġġjar tar-riskju
health., pharma.risk management systemsistema ta' ġestjoni tar-riskju
fin.risk management systemsistema ta' mmaniġġar tar-riskju
health., pharma.risk management system evaluationvalutazzjoni tas-sistema ta' ġestjoni tar-riskju
polit.Risk Management UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tar-Riskju
environ.river basin management planpjan ta' mmaniġġjar tal-baċin tax-xmara
environ.river management The administration or handling of a waterway or a stream of flowing waterġestjoni tax-xmajjar
environ.rural management and planning The activity or process of overseeing and preparing for the future physical arrangement and condition of any agricultural or pastoral area, which may involve protecting and developing natural and human resources that affect an area's economic vitalityġestjoni u ppjanar rurali
corp.gov.senior managementmaniġment superjuri
mun.plan., transp.separation between infrastructure management and transport operationsseparazzjoni bejn il-ġestjoni tal-infrastruttura u l-operazzjonijiet tat-trasport
fin.shared managementġestjoni kondiviża
gen.shared managementġestjoni konġunta
transp., nautic., environ.Ship Energy Efficiency Management PlanPjan dwar il-Ġestjoni tal-Effiċjenza Enerġetika tal-Bastimenti
fin.sound and prudent managementmmaniġjar sod u prudenti
fin., account.sound financial managementtmexxija finanzjarja tajba
fin., account.sound financial managementġestjoni finanzjarja tajba
fish.farm., polit.South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management OrganisationOrganizzazzjoni Reġjonali għall-Ġestjoni tas-Sajd fin-Nofsinhar tal-Paċifiku
gen.Specific Programme "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security related risks"Programm Speċifiku "'Prevenzjoni, Stat ta' Tħejjija u Maniġġar tal-Konsegwenzi tat-Terroriżmu u riskji oħra relatati mas-Sigurtà'"
commun.spectrum managementġestjoni tal-ispettru
nucl.phys.spent fuel managementġestjoni ta' fjuwil użat
nucl.phys.spent fuel management facilityfaċilità għall-immaniġġjar ta' fjuwil użat
polit.Staff Management and Careers UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Persunal u tal-Karrieri
cultur., ed.stage managementġestjoni tal-palk
fin., busin., labor.org.Standing Committee on Investment Management ServicesStanding Committee on Investment Management Services Kumitat Permanenti dwar is-Servizzi tal-Immaniġġjar tal-Investiment
fin., busin., labor.org.Standing Committee on Investment Management ServicesInvestment Management Standing Committee Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Immaniġġjar tal-Investiment
agric.statutory management requirementsrekwiżiti statutorji tal-immaniġġjar
account.stewardship of managementintendenza tal-maniġment
environ.stock management The handling or controlling of accumulated materials or stored goodsġestjoni tal-materjali maħżuna
polit.Strasbourg Buildings Management and Maintenance UnitUnità tal-Ġestjoni tal-Proprjetà Immobbli u tal-Manutenzjoni fi Strasburgu
chem.Strategic Approach to International Chemical ManagementApproċċ Strateġiku għall-Immaniġġar Internazzjonali ta' Sustanzi Kimiċi
chem., UNStrategic Approach to International Chemicals ManagementApproċċ Strateġiku għall-Ġestjoni Internazzjonali tas-Sustanzi Kimiċi
account.supervisory non-management directorsdiretturi superviżorji mhux maniġerjali
environ.surface water management The administration or handling of water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, seas, etc.)sfruttament tal-ilma tal-wiċċ
environ., forestr.sustainable forest managementġestjoni sostenibbli tal-foresti
environ.sustainable water managementmmaniġġjar sostenibbli tal-ilma
pharma.symptom managementmmaniġġjar tas-sintomi
pharma.symptom managementmmaniġġjar sintomatiku
pharma.symptomatic managementmmaniġġjar sintomatiku
pharma.symptomatic managementmmaniġġjar tas-sintomi
environ., energ.ind.thematic programme for the environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energyProgramm Tematiku Għall-Ambjent u l-Ġestjoni Sostenibbli tar-Riżorżi Naturali
corp.gov.top managementmaniġment superjuri
corp.gov.top-level managementmaniġment superjuri
fin., empl.total quality managementmmaniġjar totali tal-kwalità
environ.touristic activity management The administration, promotion, organization and planning for the business or industry of providing information, transportation, entertainment, accommodations and other services to travelers or visitorsġestjoni tal-attivitajiet turistiċi
transp., environ.traffic managementġestjoni tat-traffiku
transp.traffic managementmmaniġġjar tat-traffiku
fin., account.treasury managementimmaniġġar ta' flus
environ.type of management The different, specific methods of business administrationtip ta' ġestjoni
fin., insur.UCITS management companykumpanija maniġerjali tal-UCITS
corp.gov.upper managementmaniġment superjuri
environ.urban management The administration, organization and planning performed for cities or towns, particularly the process of converting farmland or undeveloped land into offices, businesses, housing and other forms of developmentġestjoni urbana
nat.sc., transp.Vessel Traffic Management and Information SystemsSistemi ta' Ġestjoni u Informazzjoni tat-Traffiku Marittimu
waste.man.waste managementimmaniġġjar tal-iskart
environ.waste management The total supervision of waste production, handling, processing, storage, and transport from its point of generation to its final acceptable disposalġestjoni tal-iskart
environ.water management Measures taken to ensure an adequate supply of water and a responsible utilization of water resourcesġestjoni tal-ilma
environ.water quality management Water quality management concerns four major elements: the use (recreation, drinking water, fish and wildlife propagation, industrial or agricultural) to be made of the water; criteria to protect those uses; implementation plans (for needed industrial-municipal waste treatment improvements) and enforcement plans, and an anti-degradation statement to protect existing high quality watersġestjoni tal-kwalità tal-ilma
environ.water quantity management The administration or handling of the amount of available potable waterġestjoni tal-kwantità tal-ilma
environ.water resources management Measures and activities concerning the supply of water, the improvement of efficiency in its use, the reduction of losses and waste, water-saving practices to reduce costs and to slow the depletion of the water supply to ensure future water availabilityġestjoni ta' riżorsi tal-ilma
environ.watershed management Use, regulation and treatment of water and land resources of a watershed to accomplish stated objectivesġestjoni tal-punt fejn ix-xmajjar jibdlu d-direzzjoni-
comp., MSWork Management ServiceServizz ta' Mmaniġġjar tax-Xogħol (A SharePoint shared service that aggregates tasks that systems such as SharePoint, Project Server, and Exchange assign to users)
comp., MSWork Management Task SyncSinkronizzazzjoni tal-Attivitajiet ta' Mmaniġġjar tax-Xogħol (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)
social.sc., empl.workers' self-managementawtoġestjoni tal-ħaddiema